12 research outputs found

    Neues Normungsverfahren „InSAR – Radarinterferometrie für die Bodenbewegungserfassung“

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    In letzten Jahren ist das Interesse an der Radarinterferometrie für die Bodenbewegungserfassung stark gewachsen und kommerzielle und behördliche Dienste ste-hen zur Verfügung. Das Ziel des neuen DIN-Normungsverfahrens ist es, vereinheitlichte Be-griffe, validierte Verfahren und Standards bei den Vermessungsprodukten und der Qualitäts-sicherung zu etablieren und damit fachkundig und rechtssicher für die betriebliche und be-hördliche Praxis einsetzbar zu machen. Dieser Beitrag beschreibt den Kontext der Initiative, den Stand der bisherigen Validierungen und Standardisierungen und Beispiele von aktuellen Bodenbewegungsdiensten und Corner-Reflektoren

    Multisensor monitoring of ground movements over large areas to conduct the change from the active underground hard coal mining ages to the post-mining era

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    [EN] End of 2018 about 300 years of underground deep hard coal mining in Germany came to an end. Under regard to the ordinances of the mining authorities, RAG Aktiengesellschaft (RAG) further on remains responsible for the effects of the former underground mining in the post-mining era (Hager and Wollnik, 2016). The current and future geometric monitoring based on official federal reference networks concerns the tasks to record the fading mining induced subsidence movements and to detect the beginning uplifts to the earth surface resulting from to the controlled, ordinated flooding of the underground mine building. The geometric monitoring of the earth surface had up to now steadily been adapted to the state of the art by the integration of research and development projects (R&D) into day-to-day business, like for GIS, “4D”-databases, terrestrial GNSS surveying, high-end photogrammetry and InSAR remote sensing techniques, following national (DIN) and international standards (CEN, ISO). With the participation of Saarland’s federal ordnance survey, LVGL[1], the reformation of the traditional, current surveillance networks to a modern Multisensor - Referencestation Network (MSST Network) has been realized in spring 2022 by a GNSS- and InSAR-based ground movement cadastre (SaarBoBeKa). A close cooperation with the companies Allsat[2] and Geotec[3] led to the development of an innovative time-variant network adjustment method for long time series of GNSS monitoring stations. [1] LVGL: Landesamt für Vermessung, Geoinformation und Landentwicklung des Saarlands, Deutschland [2] Allsat: ALLSAT GmbH – Die GNSS Spezialisten. Sokelantstr. 5, 30165 Hannover, Deutschland. [3] Geotec: GEOTEC – Geodaetische Technologien GmbH, Heinrich-Heine-Weg 69, 30880 Laatzen, Deutschland. Spreckels, V. (2023). Multisensor monitoring of ground movements over large areas to conduct the change from the active underground hard coal mining ages to the post-mining era. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 637-644. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/19230363764

    Status of the new German DIN standards project “InSAR– Radarinterferometry for the detection of ground movements”

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    [EN] The German DIN institute for standards works on the new standards project DIN 18740-9 “InSAR – radar interferometry for the detection of ground movements”. Due to the increasing availability of radar satellite data and applications the need for clear and comparable terms and definitions, validated methods and processing as well as ground reference data has been committed to DIN. First meetings with representatives and experts from universities, research and development, public authorities, associations and industries have taken place and it had been commonly agreed to set up this new standard project. A close alignment with international developments of CEN and ISO is intended. The current work of the standards committee DIN NA 005 “DIN-Normenausschuss Bauwesen (NABau)” - NA 005-03 FB “Fachbereich Geodäsie, Geoinformation” - NA 005-03-02 AA “Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung” will be presented.Spreckels, V. (2023). Status of the new German DIN standards project “InSAR– Radarinterferometry for the detection of ground movements”. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 653-658. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/19204465365

    Set-up and application of multisensor-referencestations (MSST) for levelling, GNSS and InSAR in the former mining regions Saarland and Ruhrgebiet within Germany

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    [EN] In 2017 the Mining Authorities Oberbergamt des Saarlands (OBA), the State Office for Survey, Geoinformation and Land Consolidation Saarland (LVGL) of the German federal state Saarland and the former mining company RAG Aktiengesellschaft (RAG) planned and set up a project to realize a modern network of so called multisensor-reference stations (MSST) for the monitoring of ground movements in post-mining and tectonically active regions. The MSST will serve as reference for the combined GNSS, Levelling and InSAR-based “Bodenbewegungskataster Saarland (SaarBoBeKa)”, the ground movement cadaster of LVGL. A MSST consists of a solid heavy double corner reflector (D-CR) suitable for X-, C- and L-Band ascending and descending orbit data, a calibrated permanent registering GNSS chokering antenna and levelling points, all founded in a heavy reinforced concrete block. Additional components are weather-sensors and data transmission units. The MSST will be included into the German SAPOS GNSS framework and height measurements to official levelling points are attached to the German Height Reference System DHHN2016. LVGL operates a network of five MSST, RAG added six MSST distributed over the mining affected area. All LVGL stations are prepared to serve as stations of the German SAPOS GNSS framework and for this have to be supplied by the power network and the data transfer has to be done by LAN or LTE. All of RAG’s MSST are powered by solar-cells and a small wind energy converter. The data transfer is performed by mobile communication to the GLOMON portal of ALLSAT. In GLOMON the RAG measurements are calculated by the program WapNet and sent to LVGL to be integrated in SaarBoBeKa. For the mining district of the Ruhr Area in the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) RAG is currently planning to construct and operate 10 MSST in 2022. The status of the MSST projects are presented.Spreckels, V.; Engel, T. (2023). Set-up and application of multisensor-referencestations (MSST) for levelling, GNSS and InSAR in the former mining regions Saarland and Ruhrgebiet within Germany. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 645-651. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/19226864565

    Camera Based 3D Mine-Shaft Inspection System

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    This paper describes the development of an Optical 3D Shaft Inspection System needed for the survey and monitoring of Water Handling Shafts in the German Ruhrgebiet. The development is part of the RAG R&D project “ABSMon”. The end of the German hard coal mining at the end of 2018 has been determined with the Steinkohlefinanzierungsgesetz (SteinkohleFinG) from 2007-12-20. About three hundred years before now the near surface hard coal mining began in the southern Ruhr Area and in our days advanced to the northern Ruhr Area with mining depth of around -1.500 meters. The mine workings are kept dry by mine water pumping. When the active mining activities will have finished a controlled Water Handling will raise and keep the mine water to levels predetermined by the Mining Authorities. A monitoring with a mobile wireline shaft survey system is needed to run the Water Handling Shafts for an enduring Water Management. At the moment only laser scanner systems are available, but also optical systems are needed to enable the near real-time inspection with 3D presentation and 3D examination during the measurement campaign. An approach is presented that uses a camera to generate high resolution and textured 3D models of mining shafts and tunnels for inspection purposes

    Geomonplus: Application for Storage, Allocation, Exchange, and Visualization of Historical and Actual 4d-Postion-Data within Mining Areas

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    [EN] Over decades RAG has collected spatial data from different sensors for the purpose of monitoring and analyzing ground movement caused by underground hard coal mining activities. With monitoring scopes from small objects, like delicate industrial installations surveyed by geometric leveling, to wide area observation by radar satellites, data was stored in several systems. Since there is still ground movement caused by the controlled flooding of former underground mine buildings, RAG will continue surveying the surface and collecting deformation data. To handle and analyse this deformation data and to create a value-adding application RAG cooperated with the company Atos to design Geomonplus. The following main requirements were identified at the start: To store data from different databases with different structures as well as current and future geodetic data sources, the data model needs to have a generic structure. The chosen platform needs to be future-oriented and should be established within RAG. The application also should be integrated into RAG’s spatial data infrastructure. The ground movement information needs to find its way into an internal web service to reduce expert’s workload and to share insights and expertise. This paper presents the main functions of the newly developed solution for experts as an extension for Esri ArcGIS Pro as well as web service tools for non-experts. Furthermore, some time series examples of leveling data in combination with satellite-based PSI and GNSS evaluations are illustrated. Finally, an outlook on plans to add more time series data such as ground water levels, mine water levels or weather data into the internal web service, is outlined.Bechert, S.; Schlienkamp, A.; Spreckels, V. (2023). Geomonplus: Application for Storage, Allocation, Exchange, and Visualization of Historical and Actual 4d-Postion-Data within Mining Areas. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 597-604. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/19224559760

    Monitoring of mining induced surface deformation

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    Photogrammetry and remote sensing: New German standards (DIN) setting quality requirements of products generated by digital cameras, PAN-sharpening and classification

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    10 years after the first introduction of a digital airborne mapping camera in the ISPRS conference 2000 in Amsterdam, several digital cameras are now available. They are well established in the market and have replaced the analogue camera. A general improvement in image quality accompanied the digital camera development. The signal-to-noise ratio and the dynamic range are significantly better than with the analogue cameras. In addition, digital cameras can be spectrally and radiometrically calibrated. The use of these cameras required a rethinking in many places though. New data products were introduced. In the recent years, some activities took place that should lead to a better understanding of the cameras and the data produced by these cameras. Several projects, like the projects of the German Society for Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation (DGPF) or EuroSDR (European Spatial Data Research), were conducted to test and compare the performance of the different cameras. In this paper the current DIN (Deutsches Institut fuer Normung - German Institute for Standardization) standards will be presented. These include the standard for digital cameras, the standard for ortho rectification, the standard for classification, and the standard for pan-sharpening. In addition, standards for the derivation of elevation models, the use of Radar / SAR, and image quality are in preparation. The OGC has indicated its interest in participating that development. The OGC has already published specifications in the field of photogrammetry and remote sensing. One goal of joint future work could be to merge these formerly independent developments and the joint development of a suite of implementation specifications for photogrammetry and remote sensing

    A Design of Scintillator Tiles Read Out by Surface-Mounted SiPMs for a Future Hadron Calorimeter

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    Precision calorimetry using highly granular sampling calorimeters is being developed based on the particle flow concept within the CALICE collaboration. One design option of a hadron calorimeter is based on silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) to detect photons generated in plastic scintillator tiles. Driven by the need of automated mass assembly of around ten million channels stringently required by the high granularity, we developed a design of scintillator tiles directly coupled with surface-mounted SiPMs. A cavity is created in the center of the bottom surface of each tile to provide enough room for the whole SiPM package and to improve collection of the light produced by incident particles penetrating the tile at different positions. The cavity design has been optimized using a GEANT4-based full simulation model to achieve a high response to a Minimum Ionizing Particles (MIP) and also good spatial uniformity. The single-MIP response for scintillator tiles with an optimized cavity design has been measured using cosmic rays, which shows that a SiPM with a sensitive area of only 1Ă—1 mm2\mathbf{1\times1~mm^2} (Hamamatsu MPPC S12571-025P) reaches a mean response of more than 23 photon equivalents with a dynamic range of many tens of MIPs. A recent uniformity measurement for the same tile design is performed by scanning the tile area using focused electrons from a 90Sr\mathbf{^{90}Sr} source, which shows that around 97% (80%) of the tile area is within 90% (95%) response uniformity. This optimized design is well beyond the requirements for a precision hadron calorimeter.Precision calorimetry using highly granular sampling calorimeters is being developed based on the particle flow concept within the CALICE collaboration. One design option of a hadron calorimeter is based on silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) to detect photons generated in plastic scintillator tiles. Driven by the need of automated mass assembly of around ten million channels stringently required by the high granularity, we developed a design of scintillator tiles directly coupled with surface-mounted SiPMs. A cavity is created in the center of the bottom surface of each tile to provide enough room for the whole SiPM package and to improve collection of the light produced by incident particles penetrating the tile at different positions. The cavity design has been optimized using a GEANT4-based full simulation model to achieve a high response to a Minimum Ionizing Particles (MIP) and also good spatial uniformity. The single-MIP response for scintillator tiles with an optimized cavity design has been measured using cosmic rays, which shows that a SiPM with a sensitive area of only 1 × 1 mm2 (Hamamatsu MPPC S12571-025P) reaches a mean response of more than 23 photon equivalents with a dynamic range of many tens of MIPs. A recent uniformity measurement for the same tile design is performed by scanning the tile area using focused electrons from a 90Sr source, which shows that around 97% (80%) of the tile area is within 90% (95%) response uniformity. This optimized design is well beyond the requirements for a precision hadron calorimeter