6 research outputs found

    Functional microstructure of CaV-mediated calcium signaling in the axon initial segment

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    The axon initial segment (AIS) is a specialized neuronal compartment in which synaptic input is converted into action potential (AP) output. This process is supported by a diverse complement of sodium, potassium, and calcium channels (CaV). Different classes of sodium and potassium channels are scaffolded at specific sites within the AIS, conferring unique functions, but how calcium channels are functionally distributed within the AIS is unclear. Here, we use conventional two-photon laser scanning and diffraction-limited, high-speed spot two-photon imaging to resolve AP-evoked calcium dynamics in the AIS with high spatiotemporal resolution. In mouse layer 5 prefrontal pyramidal neurons, calcium influx was mediated by a mix of CaV2 and CaV3 channels that differentially localized to discrete regions. CaV3 functionally localized to produce nanodomain hotspots of calcium influx that coupled to ryanodine-sensitive stores, whereas CaV2 localized to non-hotspot regions. Thus, different pools of CaVs appear to play distinct roles in AIS function.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The axon initial segment (AIS) is the site where synaptic input is transformed into action potential (AP) output. It achieves this function through a diverse complement of sodium, potassium, and calcium channels (CaV). While the localization and function of sodium channels and potassium channels at the AIS is well described, less is known about the functional distribution of CaVs. We used high-speed two-photon imaging to understand activity-dependent calcium dynamics in the AIS of mouse neocortical pyramidal neurons. Surprisingly, we found that calcium influx occurred in two distinct domains: CaV3 generates hotspot regions of calcium influx coupled to calcium stores, whereas CaV2 channels underlie diffuse calcium influx between hotspots. Therefore, different CaV classes localize to distinct AIS subdomains, possibly regulating distinct cellular processes

    Paradoxical hyperexcitability from NaV1.2 sodium channel loss in neocortical pyramidal cells.

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    Loss-of-function variants in the gene SCN2A, which encodes the sodium channel NaV1.2, are strongly associated with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability. An estimated 20%-30% of children with these variants also suffer from epilepsy, with altered neuronal activity originating in neocortex, a region where NaV1.2 channels are expressed predominantly in excitatory pyramidal cells. This is paradoxical, as sodium channel loss in excitatory cells would be expected to dampen neocortical activity rather than promote seizure. Here, we examined pyramidal neurons lacking NaV1.2 channels and found that they were intrinsically hyperexcitable, firing high-frequency bursts of action potentials (APs) despite decrements in AP size and speed. Compartmental modeling and dynamic-clamp recordings revealed that NaV1.2 loss prevented potassium channels from properly repolarizing neurons between APs, increasing overall excitability by allowing neurons to reach threshold for subsequent APs more rapidly. This cell-intrinsic mechanism may, therefore, account for why SCN2A loss-of-function can paradoxically promote seizure

    Therapeutic deep brain stimulation disrupts movement-related subthalamic nucleus activity in parkinsonian mice

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    Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation (STN DBS) relieves many motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD), but its underlying therapeutic mechanisms remain unclear. Since its advent, three major theories have been proposed: (1) DBS inhibits the STN and basal ganglia output; (2) DBS antidromically activates motor cortex; and (3) DBS disrupts firing dynamics within the STN. Previously, stimulation-related electrical artifacts limited mechanistic investigations using electrophysiology. We used electrical artifact-free GCaMP fiber photometry to investigate activity in basal ganglia nuclei during STN DBS in parkinsonian mice. To test whether the observed changes in activity were sufficient to relieve motor symptoms, we then combined electrophysiological recording with targeted optical DBS protocols. Our findings suggest that STN DBS exerts its therapeutic effect through the disruption of movement-related STN activity, rather than inhibition or antidromic activation. These results provide insight into optimizing PD treatments and establish an approach for investigating DBS in other neuropsychiatric conditions

    Soma-Targeted Imaging of Neural Circuits by Ribosome Tethering

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    Neuroscience relies on techniques for imaging the structure and dynamics of neural circuits, but the cell bodies of individual neurons are often obscured by overlapping fluorescence from axons and dendrites in surrounding neuropil. Here, we describe two strategies for using the ribosome to restrict the expression of fluorescent proteins to the neuronal soma. We show first that a ribosome-tethered nanobody can be used to trap GFP in the cell body, thereby enabling direct visualization of previously undetectable GFP fluorescence. We then design a ribosome-tethered GCaMP for imaging calcium dynamics. We show that this reporter faithfully tracks somatic calcium dynamics in the mouse brain while eliminating cross-talk between neurons caused by contaminating neuropil. In worms, this reporter enables whole-brain imaging with faster kinetics and brighter fluorescence than commonly used nuclear GCaMPs. These two approaches provide a general way to enhance the specificity of imaging in neurobiology