5 research outputs found

    Measuring the Faraday effect in olive oil using permanent magnets and Malus' law

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    We present a simple permanent magnet set-up that can be used to measure the Faraday effect in gases, liquids and solids. By fitting the transmission curve as a function of polarizer angle (Malus' law) we average over short-term fluctuations in the laser power and can extract phase shifts as small as ± 50 μrads. We have focused on measuring the Faraday effect in olive oil and find a Verdet coefficient of V = 192 ± 1 deg T-1 m-1 at approximately 20 °C for a wavelength of 659.2 nm. We show that the Verdet coefficient can be fit with a Drude-like dispersion law A / (λ2 - λ0 2) with coefficients A = 7.9 ± 0.2 × 107 deg T-1 m-1 nm2 and λ0 = 142 ± 13 nm

    Measurement of the Near Field Distribution of a Microwave Horn Using a Resonant Atomic Probe

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    We measure the near field distribution of a microwave horn with a resonant atomic probe. The microwave field emitted by a standard microwave horn is investigated utilizing Rydberg electromagnetically inducted transparency (EIT), an all-optical Rydberg detection, in a room temperature caesium vapor cell. The ground 6S1/2 , excited 6P3/2 , and Rydberg 56D5/2 states constitute a three-level system, used as an atomic probe to detect microwave electric fields by analyzing microwave dressed Autler–Townes (AT) splitting. We present a measurement of the electric field distribution of the microwave horn operating at 3.99 GHz in the near field, coupling the transition 56D5/2→57P3/2 . The microwave dressed AT spectrum reveals information on both the strength and polarization of the field emitted from the microwave horn simultaneously. The measurements are compared with field measurements obtained using a dipole metal probe, and with simulations of the electromagnetic simulated software (EMSS). The atomic probe measurement is in better agreement with the simulations than the metal probe. The deviation from the simulation of measurements taken with the atomic probe is smaller than the metal probe, improving by 1.6 dB. The symmetry of the amplitude distribution of the measured field is studied by comparing the measurements taken on either side of the field maxima

    Single-photon stored-light Ramsey interferometry using Rydberg polaritons

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    We demonstrate a single-photon stored-light interferometer, where a photon is stored in a laser-cooled atomic ensemble in the form of a Rydberg polariton with a spatial extent of 10×1×1µm3. The photon is subject to a Ramsey sequence, i.e., “split” into a superposition of two paths. After a delay of up to 450 ns, the two paths are recombined to give an output dependent on their relative phase. The superposition time of 450 ns is equivalent to a free-space propagation distance of 135 m. We show that the interferometer fringes are sensitive to external fields and suggest that stored-light interferometry could be useful for localized sensing applications

    Zeeman-tunable modulation transfer spectroscopy

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    Active frequency stabilization of a laser to an atomic or molecular resonance underpins many modern-day AMO physics experiments. With a flat background and high signal-to-noise ratio, modulation transfer spectroscopy (MTS) offers an accurate and stable method for laser locking. However, despite its benefits, the four-wave mixing process that is inherent to the MTS technique entails that the strongest modulation transfer signals are only observed for closed transitions, excluding MTS from numerous applications. Here we report for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, the observation of a magnetically tunable MTS error signal. Using a simple two-magnet arrangement, we show that the error signal for the Rb87 ????=2→????′=3 cooling transition can be Zeeman-shifted over a range of >15  GHzto any arbitrary point on the rubidium D2 spectrum. Modulation transfer signals for locking to the Rb87 ????=1→????′=2 repumping transition, as well as 1 GHz red-detuned to the cooling transition, are presented to demonstrate the versatility of this technique, which can readily be extended to the locking of Raman and lattice lasers

    Collectively encoded Rydberg qubit

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    We demonstrate a collectively-encoded qubit based on a single Rydberg excitation stored in an ensemble of N entangled atoms. Qubit rotations are performed by applying microwave fields that drive excitations between Rydberg states. Coherent read-out is performed by mapping the excitation into a single photon. Ramsey interferometry is used to probe the coherence of the qubit, and to test the robustness to external perturbations. We show that qubit coherence is preserved even as we lose atoms from the polariton mode, preserving Ramsey fringe visibility. We show that dephasing due to electric field noise scales as the fourth power of field amplitude. These results show that robust quantum information processing can be achieved via collective encoding using Rydberg polaritons, and hence this system could provide an attractive alternative coding strategy for quantum computation and networking