21 research outputs found

    Spatial distribution of transcript changes in the maize primary root elongation zone at low water potential

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    Background: Previous work showed that the maize primary root adapts to low Ψw (-1.6 MPa) by maintaining longitudinal expansion in the apical 3 mm (region 1), whereas in the adjacent 4 mm (region 2) longitudinal expansion reaches a maximum in well-watered roots but is progressively inhibited at low Ψw. To identify mechanisms that determine these responses to low Ψw, transcript expression was profiled in these regions of water-stressed and well-watered roots. In addition, comparison between region 2 of water-stressed roots and the zone of growth deceleration in well-watered roots (region 3) distinguished stress-responsive genes in region 2 from those involved in cell maturation. Results: Responses of gene expression to water stress in regions 1 and 2 were largely distinct. The largest functional categories of differentially expressed transcripts were reactive oxygen species and carbon metabolism in region 1, and membrane transport in region 2. Transcripts controlling sucrose hydrolysis distinguished well-watered and water-stressed states (invertase vs. sucrose synthase), and changes in expression of transcripts for starch synthesis indicated further alteration in carbon metabolism under water deficit. A role for inositols in the stress response was suggested, as was control of proline metabolism. Increased expression of transcripts for wall-loosening proteins in region 1, and for elements of ABA and ethylene signaling were also indicated in the response to water deficit. Conclusion: The analysis indicates that fundamentally different signaling and metabolic response mechanisms are involved in the response to water stress in different regions of the maize primary root elongation zone

    Spatial Distribution of Turgor and Root Growth at Low Water Potentials

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    Diurnal Growth of Tall Fescue Leaf Blades

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    Anthropogenic and soil environmental drivers of arbuscular mycorrhizal community composition differ between grassland ecosystems

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    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF)- plant interactions are sensitive to myriad underlying factors including soil chemistry and land use disturbances. Here we address how two south-central USA grassland ecosystems (Ozark glades vs. tallgrass prairies) have been impacted by legacy effects from land use disturbances (e.g., fire suppression in glades and tillage, fertilizer, row cropping, and grazing in prairies) and geological substrate (acidic versus calcareous bedrock). We surveyed AMF on roots of two native generalist host species (Ruellia humilis and Schizachyrium scoparium) as well as plants selected randomly from the plant community. Glades on calcareous bedrock had a higher pH than those on acidic bedrock, and AMF communities on all three root sample types varied between acidic and calcareous bedrock locations. In prairies, both bedrock types had a similar soil pH, and AMF communities on all three root sample types varied across remnant and disturbed prairies. Shifts in AMF composition across land use history included shifts in dominant AMF genera, and some unique rare AMF taxa were restricted to only calcareous glades or remnant prairies. Our findings suggest that reseeding prairie plant communities on cultivated lands does not restore AMF communities. Restoration needs to address the soil environment and community.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author