2,007 research outputs found

    Giant Microwave Absorption in Metallic Grains: Relaxation Mechanism

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    We show that the low frequency microwave absorption of an ensemble of small metallic grains at low temperatures is dominated by a mesoscopic relaxation mechanism. Giant positive magnetoresistance and very strong temperature dependence of the microwave conductivity is predicted.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX3+mutlticol+epsf, one EPS figur

    Scratching the Bose surface

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    This is a `News and Views' article discussing recent proposals for ground states of many boson systems which are neither superfluids nor Mott insulators.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    The Weakly Coupled Pfaffian as a Type I Quantum Hall Liquid

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    The Pfaffian phase of electrons in the proximity of a half-filled Landau level is understood to be a p+ip superconductor of composite fermions. We consider the properties of this paired quantum Hall phase when the pairing scale is small, i.e. in the weak-coupling, BCS, limit, where the coherence length is much larger than the charge screening length. We find that, as in a Type I superconductor, the vortices attract so that, upon varying the magnetic field from its magic value at \nu=5/2, the system exhibits Coulomb frustrated phase separation. We propose that the weakly and strongly coupled Pfaffian states exemplify a general dichotomy between Type I and Type II quantum Hall fluids.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    The Discrete Frenet Frame, Inflection Point Solitons And Curve Visualization with Applications to Folded Proteins

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    We develop a transfer matrix formalism to visualize the framing of discrete piecewise linear curves in three dimensional space. Our approach is based on the concept of an intrinsically discrete curve, which enables us to more effectively describe curves that in the limit where the length of line segments vanishes approach fractal structures in lieu of continuous curves. We verify that in the case of differentiable curves the continuum limit of our discrete equation does reproduce the generalized Frenet equation. As an application we consider folded proteins, their Hausdorff dimension is known to be fractal. We explain how to employ the orientation of CβC_\beta carbons of amino acids along a protein backbone to introduce a preferred framing along the backbone. By analyzing the experimentally resolved fold geometries in the Protein Data Bank we observe that this CβC_\beta framing relates intimately to the discrete Frenet framing. We also explain how inflection points can be located in the loops, and clarify their distinctive r\^ole in determining the loop structure of foldel proteins.Comment: 14 pages 12 figure

    A New World Average Value for the Neutron Lifetime

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    The analysis of the data on measurements of the neutron lifetime is presented. A new most accurate result of the measurement of neutron lifetime [Phys. Lett. B 605 (2005) 72] 878.5 +/- 0.8 s differs from the world average value [Phys. Lett. B 667 (2008) 1] 885.7 +/- 0.8 s by 6.5 standard deviations. In this connection the analysis and Monte Carlo simulation of experiments [Phys. Lett. B 483 (2000) 15] and [Phys. Rev. Lett. 63 (1989) 593] is carried out. Systematic errors of about -6 s are found in each of the experiments. The summary table for the neutron lifetime measurements after corrections and additions is given. A new world average value for the neutron lifetime 879.9 +/- 0.9 s is presented.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figures; Fig.13 update

    Covariant coarse-graining of inhomogeneous dust flow in General Relativity

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    A new definition of coarse-grained quantities describing the dust flow in General Relativity is proposed. It assigns the coarse--grained expansion, shear and vorticity to finite-size comoving domains of fluid in a covariant, coordinate-independent manner. The coarse--grained quantities are all quasi-local functionals, depending only on the geometry of the boundary of the considered domain. They can be thought of as relativistic generalizations of simple volume averages of local quantities in a flat space. The procedure is based on the isometric embedding theorem for S^2 surfaces and thus requires the boundary of the domain in question to have spherical topology and positive scalar curvature. We prove that in the limit of infinitesimally small volume the proposed quantities reproduce the local expansion, shear and vorticity. In case of irrotational flow we derive the time evolution for the coarse-grained quantities and show that its structure is very similar to the evolution equation for their local counterparts. Additional terms appearing in it may serve as a measure of the backreacton of small-scale inhomogeneities of the flow on the large-scale motion of the fluid inside the domain and therefore the result may be interesting in the context of the cosmological backreaction problem. We also consider the application of the proposed coarse-graining procedure to a number of known exact solutions of Einstein equations with dust and show that it yields reasonable results.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures. Version accepted in Classical and Quantum Gravity

    Stereotypical risks and threats in the youth’s opinion (diachronic comparative aspect)

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    The paper reveals the structure of associative fields of words-stimuli "danger", "risk", "threat", fixed in 1988-90 (the materials of "Russian Association Dictionary") and in 2015 (the results of authors’ associative experiment). The obtained results demonstrate the structural stability of these fields diachronically on the one hand and explicit redistribution of "association vectors" within them on the other on

    Magnetic fluctuations in 2D metals close to the Stoner instability

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    We consider the effect of potential disorder on magnetic properties of a two-dimensional metallic system (with conductance g1g\gg 1) when interaction in the triplet channel is so strong that the system is close to the threshold of the Stoner instability. We show, that under these conditions there is an exponentially small probability for the system to form local spin droplets which are local regions with non zero spin density. Using a non-local version of the optimal fluctuation method we find analytically the probability distribution and the typical spin of a local spin droplet (LSD). In particular, we show that both the probability to form a LSD and its typical spin are independent of the size of the droplet (within the exponential accuracy). The LSDs manifest themselves in temperature dependence of observable quantities. We show, that below certain cross-over temperature the paramagnetic susceptibility acquires the Curie-like temperature dependence, while the dephasing time (extracted from magneto-resistance measurements) saturates.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Kinky Behavior in Josephson Junctions

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    We analyze nonperturbatively the behavior of a Josephson junction in which two BCS superconductors are coupled through an Anderson impurity. We recover earlier perturbative results which found that a δ=π\delta=\pi phase difference is preferred when the impurity is singly occupied and the on-site Coulomb interaction is large. We find a novel intermediate phase in which one of δ=0\delta=0 and δ=π\delta=\pi is stable while the other is metastable, with the energy E(δ)E(\delta) having a kink somewhere in between. As a consequence of the kink, the IVI-V characteristics of the junction are modified at low voltages.Comment: 7 pages, 7 encapsulated PostScript figures; figure 3 correcte


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    The interaction of an edge dislocation made of half the superconducting plane with a magnetic interlayer vortex is considered within the framework of the Lawrence-Doniach model with negative as well as positive Josephson interlayer coupling. In the first case the binding energy of the vortex and the dislocation has been calculated by employing a variational procedure. The current distribution around the bound vortex turns out to be asymmetric. In the second case the dislocation carries a spontaneous magnetic half-vortex, whose binding energy with the dislocation turns out to be infinite. The half-vortex energy has been calculated by the same variational procedure. Implications of the possible presence of such half-vortices for the properties of high temperature superconductors are discussed.Comment: 14 Latex pages, 1 figure available upon request