3,259 research outputs found

    Temperature Relaxation in Hot Dense Hydrogen

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    Temperature equilibration of hydrogen is studied for conditions relevant to inertial confinement fusion. New molecular-dynamics simulations and results from quantum many-body theory are compared with Landau-Spitzer (LS) predictions for temperatures T from 50 eV to 5000 eV, and densities with Wigner-Seitz radii r_s = 1.0 and 0.5. The relaxation is slower than the LS result, even for temperatures in the keV range, but converges to agreement in the high-T limit.Comment: 4 pages PRL style, two figure

    A Borel-Cantelli lemma for intermittent interval maps

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    We consider intermittent maps T of the interval, with an absolutely continuous invariant probability measure \mu. Kim showed that there exists a sequence of intervals A_n such that \sum \mu(A_n)=\infty, but \{A_n\} does not satisfy the dynamical Borel-Cantelli lemma, i.e., for almost every x, the set \{n : T^n(x)\in A_n\} is finite. If \sum \Leb(A_n)=\infty, we prove that \{A_n\} satisfies the Borel-Cantelli lemma. Our results apply in particular to some maps T whose correlations are not summable.Comment: 7 page

    Heating mechanisms in radio frequency driven ultracold plasmas

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    Several mechanisms by which an external electromagnetic field influences the temperature of a plasma are studied analytically and specialized to the system of an ultracold plasma (UCP) driven by a uniform radio frequency (RF) field. Heating through collisional absorption is reviewed and applied to UCPs. Furthermore, it is shown that the RF field modifies the three body recombination process by ionizing electrons from intermediate high-lying Rydberg states and upshifting the continuum threshold, resulting in a suppression of three body recombination. Heating through collisionless absorption associated with the finite plasma size is calculated in detail, revealing a temperature threshold below which collisionless absorption is ineffective.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Rare-Event Sampling: Occupation-Based Performance Measures for Parallel Tempering and Infinite Swapping Monte Carlo Methods

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    In the present paper we identify a rigorous property of a number of tempering-based Monte Carlo sampling methods, including parallel tempering as well as partial and infinite swapping. Based on this property we develop a variety of performance measures for such rare-event sampling methods that are broadly applicable, informative, and straightforward to implement. We illustrate the use of these performance measures with a series of applications involving the equilibrium properties of simple Lennard-Jones clusters, applications for which the performance levels of partial and infinite swapping approaches are found to be higher than those of conventional parallel tempering.Comment: 18 figure

    Collisional cross sections and momentum distributions in astrophysical plasmas: dynamics and statistical mechanics link

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    We show that, in stellar core plasmas, the one-body momentum distribution function is strongly dependent, at least in the high velocity regime, on the microscopic dynamics of ion elastic collisions and therefore on the effective collisional cross sections, if a random force field is present. We take into account two cross sections describing ion-dipole and ion-ion screened interactions. Furthermore we introduce a third unusual cross section, to link statistical distributions and a quantum effect originated by the energy-momentum uncertainty owing to many-body collisions, and propose a possible physical interpretation in terms of a tidal-like force. We show that each collisional cross section gives rise to a slight peculiar correction on the Maxwellian momentum distribution function in a well defined velocity interval. We also find a possible link between microscopical dynamics of ions and statistical mechanics interpreting our results in the framework of non-extensive statistical mechanics.Comment: 8 page

    Distance-redshift from an optical metric that includes absorption

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    We show that it is possible to equate the intensity reduction of a light wave caused by weak absorption with a geometrical reduction in intensity caused by a "transverse" conformal transformation of the spacetime metric in which the wave travels. We are consequently able to modify Gordon's optical metric to account for electromagnetic properties of ponderable material whose properties include both refraction and absorption. Unlike refraction alone however, including absorption requires a modification of the optical metric that depends on the eikonal of the wave itself. We derive the distance-redshift relation from the modified optical metric for Friedman-Lema\^itre-Robertson-Walker spacetimes whose cosmic fluid has associated refraction and absorption coefficients. We then fit the current supernovae data and provide an alternate explanation (other than dark energy) of the apparent acceleration of the universe.Comment: 2 figure

    Star cluster dynamics

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    Dynamical evolution plays a key role in shaping the current properties of star clusters and star cluster systems. A detailed understanding of the effects of evolutionary processes is essential to be able to disentangle the properties which result from dynamical evolution from those imprinted at the time of cluster formation. In this review, we focus our attention on globular clusters and review the main physical ingredients driving their early and long-term evolution, describe the possible evolutionary routes and show how cluster structure and stellar content are affected by dynamical evolution.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures. To appear as invited review article in a special issue of the Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. A: Ch. 7 "Star clusters as tracers of galactic star-formation histories" (ed. R. de Grijs). Fully peer reviewed. LaTeX, requires rspublic.cls style fil

    High-Precision Entropy Values for Spanning Trees in Lattices

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    Shrock and Wu have given numerical values for the exponential growth rate of the number of spanning trees in Euclidean lattices. We give a new technique for numerical evaluation that gives much more precise values, together with rigorous bounds on the accuracy. In particular, the new values resolve one of their questions.Comment: 7 pages. Revision mentions alternative approach. Title changed slightly. 2nd revision corrects first displayed equatio

    Parametric instabilities in magnetized multicomponent plasmas

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    This paper investigates the excitation of various natural modes in a magnetized bi-ion or dusty plasma. The excitation is provided by parametrically pumping the magnetic field. Here two ion-like species are allowed to be fully mobile. This generalizes our previous work where the second heavy species was taken to be stationary. Their collection of charge from the background neutral plasma modifies the dispersion properties of the pump and excited waves. The introduction of an extra mobile species adds extra modes to both these types of waves. We firstly investigate the pump wave in detail, in the case where the background magnetic field is perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the pump wave. Then we derive the dispersion equation relating the pump to the excited wave for modes propagating parallel to the background magnetic field. It is found that there are a total of twelve resonant interactions allowed, whose various growth rates are calculated and discussed.Comment: Published in May 2004; this is a late submission to the archive. 14 pages, 8 figure
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