52 research outputs found

    Retraction: Five papers from Open Access Maced J Med Sci. Vol. 7 No. 18 (2019): Sep 30 (Global Dermatology)

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    Editor-in-Chief has retracted the following articles from the special issue Vol. 7 No. 18 (2019): Sep 30 (Global Dermatology): (1) DNA Waves and Their Applications in Biology - Massimo Fioranelli et al. - Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences (2019) - DOI: 10.3889/oamjms.2019.767; (2) Recovery of Brain in Chick Embryos by Growing Second Heart and Brain - Massimo Fioranelli et al. - Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences (2019) - DOI: 10.3889/oamjms.2019.777; (3) A Mathematical Model for the Signal of Death and Emergence of Mind Out of Brain in Izhikevich Neuron Model - Massimo Fioranelli et al. - Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences (2019) - DOI: 10.3889/oamjms.2019.774; (4) A Black Hole at the Center of Earth Plays the Role of the Biggest System of Telecommunication for Connecting DNAs, Dark DNAs and Molecules of Water on 4+N- Dimensional Manifold - Massimo Fioranelli et al. - Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences (2019) - DOI: 10.3889/oamjms.2019.776 (5) New System Delivering Microwaves Energy for Inducing Subcutaneous Fat Reduction: In - Vivo Histological and Ultrastructural Evidence - Nicola Zerbinati et al., Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences (2019) - DOI: 10.3889/oamjms.2019.778 An internal investigation has raised sufficient evidence that they are not directly connected with the special issue Global Dermatology and contain inconsistent results. As such, we retract these articles from the literature and by guidelines and best editorial practices from the Committee on Publication Ethics. We apologize to our audience about this unfortunate situation

    Retraction: Coco D, Leanza S. Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (LC): Toward Zero Error. Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2020 May 28; 8(F):52-57. https://doi.org/10.3889/oamjms.2020.3791

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    Editor-in-Chief has retracted the article Coco D, Leanza S. Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (LC): Toward Zero Error. Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2020 May 28; 8(F):52-57. We received a copy of the letter from Dr Vishal Gupta, MS, MCh, FACS and Dr Gaurav Jain sent to Dr Coco. They draw our attention to the fact that this article has taken most of its material from their review article. We contacted corresponding author and he agreed to retract the published paper. As such, we retract the article from the literature and by guidelines and best editorial practices from the Committee on Publication Ethics. We apologize to our audience about this unfortunate situation

    Сегашен научен придонес на македонските биомедицински списанија (2016) во базата Google Scholar анализирани со програмот Publish or Perish

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    AIM: The aims of this paper are: to analyze Macedonian biomedical journals in the Google Scholar database with the software Publish or Perish, to present their current scientific impact, to rank the journals, and to advice the authors about the possibilities where to publish their papers. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Biomedical journals in the Republic of Macedonia included in Macedonian Association of Medical Editors (MAME) are analyzed. The results are obtained with the software Publish or Perish which analyze publicly available scholarly papers in the Google Scholar database (May 11, 2016). RESULTS: From 38 journals only 25 has indexed one or more papers in the Google Scholar database. The rest of 13 journals are without any paper indexed in this base and are not included in this investigation. The biggest number of citations in the Google Scholar database have the journals Prilozi - MANU, 0351-3254 (1622); Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 1857-5773 (838) and Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 1857-5552 (705). CONCLUSIONS: Macedonian biomedical journals have limited scientific influence, although the last years several journals are significantly improved and are included in the more important international scientific databases. Further coordinated efforts through MZMU are necessary in order to increase the scientific contribution of Macedonian biomedical journals.ЦЕЛИ: Да се анализираат македонските биомедицински списанија во базата Google Scholar со програмот Publish or Perish, да се прикаже нивниот сегашен научен придонес, да се направи рангирање на списанијата и да им се дадат препораки за можностите на авторите каде да објавуваат. МАТЕРИЈАЛ И МЕТОДИ: Анализирани се биомедицинските списанија во Република Македонија вклучени во Македонското здружение за медицински уредници (МЗМУ). Податоците се добиени со употреба на програмот Publish or Perish кој ги анализира јавно достапните академски трудови во базата Google Scholar (11. Мај, 2016 година). РЕЗУЛТАТИ: Од 38 списанија, само 25 имаат индексирано по еден или повеќе трудови во базата Google Scholar. Останатите 13 списанија немаат трудови во оваа база и не се вклучени во ова испитување. Најголем број цитирања во базата Google Scholar имаат списанијата Prilozi - MANU, 0351-3254 (1622); Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 1857-5773 (838) и Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 1857-5552 (705). ЗАКЛУЧОЦИ: Македонските биомедицински списанија имаат ограничено научно влијание, иако последниве години неколку списанија значително напредуваат и се присутни во повеќе значајни меѓународни бази за научни податоци. Неопходни се натамошни координирани напори преку МЗМУ за зголемување на научниот придонес на Македонските биомедицински списанија

    Immunological and Immunogenetic Changes in Children with Autistic Disorder in Republic of Macedonia

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    AIM: The aim of the study was to present our results about immunological and immunogenetic investigations in children with autistic disorder in Republic of Macedonia.METHODS: Infantile autism was diagnosed by DSM-IV and ICD-10 criteria. Plasma samples were collected from 35 autistic subjects, and their 21 siblings (biological brothers and sisters) who served as healthy controls. Plasma samples were separated by centrifugation and stored at –20°C until the determination. Plasma immunoglobulin classes (IgM, IgA, IgG) and subclasses (IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, IgG4) were determined using a nephelometer Analyzer. Specific IgA and IgG antibodies against some food allergens, as well as total IgE have been determined with automated immunofluorescent device with solid phase - UniCAP 100 (AmershamBiosciences). HLA DNA typing of class I genes was performed using a Reverse Line Strip method (RLS), and the Sequencing Based Typing method (SBT) was used for typing of class II genes.RESULTS: Children with autism had significantly higher plasma concentrations of IgG4 (p<0.001) compared to their siblings (healthy brothers or sisters). IgE specific antibodies, as well as plasma concentration of total IgE were statistically significant higher in plasma of participants with autism. Multiple comparisons for the IgA variable have shown statistically significant differences between children with autistic disorder from the fathers and mothers (p < 0.001), and healthy brothers and sisters from the fathers and mothers (p < 0.001). Our results showed significantly increased frequencies of HLA-C*03 (OR = 2.74*; c2= 4.68; p = 0.03), and HLA-DRB1*01 (OR = 3.10*; c2= 6.26; p = 0.012) alleles in autistic patients when compared to the controls.CONCLUSION: Children with autism have increased plasma concentration of immunoglobulines. Our results demonstrate an association of HLA-C*03 and HLA-DRB1*01 alleles with Macedonian autistic patients. Comparison between healthy children and children with autistic disorder from the same family should be tested for immunoglobulin classes and subclasses in order to avoid differences between generations

    The Role of Nurse in Macedonian Bank for Human DNA

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    ОСÐОВÐ: Банка за хумана ДÐК (хДÐÐМКД) претÑтавува Ñкладирање на примерок на ДÐК од поединецот, како и нејзино безбедно и долгорочно чување Ñо цел да Ñе обезбеди примерок на генетÑки материјал за медицинÑки и научни иÑтражувања. МакедонÑката банка за хумана ДÐК датира од 2000 година и во неа Ñе дефинирани неколку проектни полиња. МедицинÑката ÑеÑтра како дел од Ñтручниот тим извршува многу активноÑти Ñо кои учеÑтвува во иÑтражувачката дејноÑÑ‚ на хДÐÐМКД.ЦЕЛ: Целта е да Ñе презентира улогата на мединцинÑката ÑеÑтра во хДÐÐМКД во Ñите Ñегменти во кои таа зема учеÑтво почнувајќи од земањето на пиÑмена ÑоглаÑноÑÑ‚, земање на примероци, ДÐК екÑтракција и Ñкладирање на иÑтата.ÐœÐТЕРИЈÐЛ И МЕТОДИ: Примероците на ДÐК Ñе земени од доброволни дарители по претходно потпишана ÑоглаÑноÑÑ‚, доброволно и без притиÑок. Поединците Ñе информирани во Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð¾Ñ Ð½Ð° видот на иÑтражувањата што ќе Ñе вршат, аранжманите за приÑтап и Ñподелување на Ñкладираните примероци и времетраењето на чување на примероците. ДÐК е изолирана од периферна крв Ñо фенол-хлороформ метод за екÑтракција. Квалитетот и квантитетот на изолираната геномÑка ДÐК е определен Ñо 260/280 УВ Ñпектрофотометар Ñо GENEQUANT pro RNA/DNA калкулатор. ИнтактноÑта на изолираната ДÐК е одредена Ñо електорфореза на ДÐК на агарозен гел по што иÑтата Ñе аликвотира во нормализирана концентрација и Ñе Ñкладира во замрзнувач Heraus Sepatech на -80оЦ.РЕЗУЛТÐТИ: Во хДÐÐМКД Ñе дефинирани три проектни облаÑти: антропологија, неÑродни пациенти и Ñродни пациенти. ЛабораториÑкиот код за ДÐК примероците што Ñе чуваат во МакедонÑката банка за хумана ДÐК е MKDSPI. Вкупниот број на примероци кои Ñе Ñкладирани во МакедонÑката банка за хумана ДÐК до крајот на 2010 година е 5252 примероци – 1575 во антропологијата, 2186 неÑродни пациенти и 1491 Ñродни пациенти.ЗÐКЛУЧОК: МедицинÑката ÑеÑтра има целокупно учеÑтво во Ñобирање на Ñите важни информации за генетÑките иÑтражувања како земање на Ñемејна иÑторија, медицинÑки информации и доброволна ÑоглаÑноÑÑ‚ од Ñтрана на дарителите. При тоа мора да ги применува етичките приципи за одржување на приватноÑта и доверливоÑта на генетÑки информации. Преку правилно земање и Ñоодветно одбележување на примероците крв таа обезбедува точноÑÑ‚ на резултатите добиени од генетÑките иÑтражувања. ПретÑтавува неопходен дел од тимот на хДÐÐМКД заради што треба да има големо иÑкуÑтво и знаење од облаÑта на генетиката и медицинÑката етика.BACKGROUND: Human DNA Bank (hDNAMKD) provides deposition of a DNA sample of an individual, and its safe and long term storage in order to provide genetic material for medical and scientific research. The Macedonian Human DNA Bank dates back to year 2000 and it covers several project areas. The nurse as a part of the professional team performs many professional activities, by which, she participates in the research activity of hDNAMKD. AIM: Our aim is to present the role of the nurse in hDNAMKD, starting from obtaining informed consent, taking samples, extraction and finally, storage of DNA. MATERIAL AND METHODS: DNA samples are taken from voluntary donors, by a previously signed agreement, freely and without pressure. The individuals are informed about the type of the research that will be done, arrangements for access and sharing of the stored samples and duration of storage period. DNA is isolated from the peripheral blood by phenol-chloroform extraction method. The quality and the quantity of the isolated genomic DNA is determined by measuring the 260/280 ratio, using GENEQUANT pro RNA/DNA calculator. The intactness of DNA is established with electrophoresis of DNA on an agarose gel after which it is aliquoted in normalized concentration and stored in a freezer Heraus Sepatech at -80оC.RESULTS: Three project areas are defined in hDNAMKD: anthropology, unrelated patients and related patients. The lab code for the DNA samples that are stored in the Macedonian Bank for human DNA is MKDSPI. The total number of samples that are stored in the Macedonian bank for human DNA by the end of year 2010 is 5252 samples; 1575 in anthropology, 2186 unrelated patients and 1491 related patients.CONCLUSION: The nurse participates in collection of all relevant information for the genetic research, like enquiring family history, medical information and informed consent from the donors. At the same time she must obey the ethical principles for maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of genetic information. The nurse represents an essential part of the hDNAMKD team, for which she has to have a lot of experience and knowledge in the field of genetics and medical ethics

    Scientific publishing in the Republic of Macedonia analysed with artificial intelligence

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to present current scientific publishing activity of the Republic of Macedonia analysed with artificial intelligence. Methods: This analysis was performed with the artificial intelligence platform www.wizdom.ai during March 18, 2024. Results: In the Republic of Macedonia, in 2023 were published 770 publications with closed, 432 with bronze, 200 with hybrid, 805 with gold, and 61 with green access. In the same year, a total number of 27,418 citations were recorded, with the biggest number of collaborations with United States. Total number of researchers that have published articles in 2023 was 2,550, with local co-authors of 2,268, and with international co-authors of 1,027. Conclusion: The power of artificial intelligence for analysis of scientific publishing is very sensitive and can be used with precautions because of the limited electronic availability of scientific data, as well as of the different inclusion and exclusion criteria for analysis

    How to Verify Plagiarism of the Paper Written in Macedonian and Translated in Foreign Language?

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    AIM: The aim of this study was to show how to verify plagiarism of the paper written in Macedonian and translated in foreign language.MATERIAL AND METHODS: Original article “Ethics in Medical Research Involving Human Subjectsâ€, written in Macedonian, was submitted as an assay-2 for the subject Ethics and published by Ilina Stefanovska, PhD candidate from the Iustinianus Primus Faculty of Law, Ss Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje (UKIM), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in Fabruary, 2013. Suspected article for plagiarism was published by Prof. Dr. Gordana Panova from the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University Goce Delchev, Shtip, Republic of Macedonia in English with the identical title and identical content in International scientific on-line journal "SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGIES", Publisher "Union of Scientists - Stara Zagora".RESULTS: Original document (written in Macedonian) was translated with Google Translator; suspected article (published in English pdf file) was converted into Word document, and compared both documents with several programs for plagiarism detection. It was found that both documents are identical in 71%, 78% and 82%, respectively, depending on the computer program used for plagiarism detection. It was obvious that original paper was entirely plagiarised by Prof. Dr. Gordana Panova, including six references from the original paper.CONCLUSION: Plagiarism of the original papers written in Macedonian and translated in other languages can be verified after computerised translation in other languages. Later on, original and translated documents can be compared with available software for plagiarism detection

    Current Scientific Impact of Ss Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in the Scopus Database (1960-2014)

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to analyze current scientific impact of Ss Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in the Scopus Database (1960-2014).Material and Methods: Affiliation search of the Scopus database was performed on November 23, 2014 in order to identify published papers from the Ss Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje (UC&M), Republic of Macedonia. A total number of 3960 articles (3055 articles from UC&M, 861 articles from Faculty of Medicine, UC&M, and 144 articles from Faculty of Pharmacy, UC&M) were selected for analysis (1960-2014). SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) and h-index were calculated from the Scopus database.Results: The number of published papers was sharply increased with maximum of 379 papers in 2012 year. The largest number of papers has been published in Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, Journal of Molecular Structure, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Acta Pharmecutica, and Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. The biggest SJR and SNIP has journal Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. First three places of the top ten authors belong to Dimirovski GM, Gavrilovska L, and Gusev M. Top three places based on Scopus h-index (total number of published papers) belong to Kocarev L, Stafilov T, and Polenakovic M. The majority of papers originate from UC&M, but significant numbers of papers are affiliated to Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy, and Institute of Chemistry as a members of UC&M, as well as Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Articles are the most dominant type of documents followed by conference papers, and review articles. Medicine is the most represented subject. Conclusion: Officials of the Ss Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje should undertake more effective and proactive policies for journal publishers and their Editorial Boards in order to include more journals from UC&M in the Scopus database

    Letter: Changes in Blood Lactates during Ergometric Testing on Professional Football Players during One Half Season Competitions (Maced Med Electr J. 2015 Oct 02; 2015;50012. http://dx.doi.org/10.3889/mmej.2015.50012)

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    ПоднеÑени Ñе забелешки од ИнÑтитутот за физиологија при МедицинÑкиот факултет во Скопје за автентичноÑта, плагијаризмот и другите етички отÑтапувања во трудот од Драгица БлизнаковÑка Станчев (Макед Мед Електр С. 2015 Окт 02; 2015; 50012:8. http://dx.doi.org/10.3889/mmej.2015.50012) за кои, Ñпоред нив, треба да Ñе повлече трудот од ÑпиÑанието. По внимателна анализа на Ñите податоци поврзани Ñо објавувањето на овој труд, како и меѓународните правила и Ñтандарди, потребна е корекција на објавениот труд Ñо отÑтранување на оригиналната Ñтатија и диÑкретна замена Ñо корегираната верзија Ñпоред политиката на МакедонÑко електронÑко ÑпиÑание и меѓународните препораки за вакви Ñлучаи, како и Ñо внеÑување нова дата за објавување.We received a letter with the notes from the Institute of Physiology at the Faculty of Medicine in Skopje about the originality, plagiarism and other ethical deviations in the paper of Dragica Bliznakovska Stanchev (Maced Med Electr J. 2015 Oct 02; 2015;50012. http://dx.doi.org/10.3889/mmej.2015.50012) for which, according them, the paper should be retracted from the journal. After carefule analysis of all details connected with the publishing of this paper, as well as international rules and standards, it is necessary to correct the published paper with the removal of the original paper and discrete replacement with the corrected version according the policy of Macedonian Medical Electronic Journal and international guidelines for such cases, as well as inclusion of new publishing date

    Analysis of Abstracts from the Medical Theses Written in Macedonian Language and Proposal of Standards for Abstract Preparation

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    oai:ojs.pkp.sfu.ca:article/1AIM: The aim of this study was to analyse abstracts from the medical theses written in Macedonian language and propose standards for abstract preparation.MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total number of 97 English abstracts from the medical PhD theses and 122 Medical MSc theses defended at the Faculty of Medicine, Ss Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in the period of 2007-2012 were analysed. Author definition, institution definition, language definition, deposition in the Central Medical Library, presence or absence of English abstracts, number of structured abstract, key words, and mentor declaration were analysed.RESULTS: In the 97 Macedonian medical PhD theses (defended 2007-2012) author, institution or language were not defined. All PhD theses were deposited in the Central Medical Library. In 18.6% PhD theses, there was no English abstract, in 74.2% the abstracts were not structured, 36.1% of them were without key words, and 8.2% were without statement of the mentor. Similar findings were noticed in the 122 Macedonian medical MSc theses (defended 2007-2012) which did not have author, institution or language defined. Four percentages of MSc theses were not deposited in the Central Medical Library, 32.8% MSc theses were submitted for defence without an English abstract, 65.6% MSc theses had no structured abstracts and 45.9% of them had no key words. Significant number of MSc theses (21.3%) was submitted for defence without statement of the mentor and one medical MSc was retracted.CONCLUSION: Standards for preparation English and Macedonian abstracts for medical PhD and MSc theses are proposed in order to increase their quality and international availability