22 research outputs found

    Numerical Simulation of Slip-Stick Elastic Contact

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    Improved Pressure Distribution in Elliptic Elastic Contacts between High-Order Surfaces

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    The improvement of mechanical contacts or microcontacts seeks a nearly uniform current density over most of contact area. When microtopography is homogeneous, this aim is achieved if nominal shape of contacting surfaces yields a nearly uniform central pressure which decreases monotonously to zero in contour points. These authors derived recently this shape for circular contacts by employing high-order surfaces. This paper extends this result to elliptical contacts. Some results are used to this end, derived for elliptical elastic contacts between high-order surfaces. As homogeneous high order surfaces lead to a highly nonuniform pressure distribution, central pressure is flattened by making the first derivatives of pressure vanish in contact center. Then, the contacts between fourth, sixth, and eighth, order surfaces are analyzed and recurrence relations for pressure distribution and contact parameters are proposed

    Seroprevalence of viral hepatitis B, C and E in TB patients from the Republic of Moldova

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    Introduction. For the first time, in the Republic of Moldova, there was established the seroprevalence of viral hepatitis B, C and E markers in patients with tuberculosis depending on gender, age and geographical areas. Material and methods. 200 blood samples were collected from patients with tuberculosis and tested by the immuno-fermentative method for presence of viral hepatitis B, C and E markers. Results. Following the investigations, it was established that the seroprevalence of the anti-HEV Ig marker in patients with tuberculosis is 12.0±2.3%. The seroprevalence of viral hepatitis B marker HBsAg in patients with tuberculosis was 13.5±2.4%, and that of viral hepatitis C anti-HCV – 9.0±2.0%. The study of investigations results for the presence of nominated markers depending on the geographical areas showed a significant statistically difference in the seroprevalence of the anti-HEV IgG marker in TB patients in the Central area of the country compared to the Southern area(p<0.05). Conclusions. Patients with tuberculosis have a higher risk of developing viral hepatitis B, C and E, mainly affecting people aged 40-49 and > 60 years, including males

    Numerical Analysis of Elastic Contact between Coated Bodies

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    Substrate protection by means of a hard coating is an efficient way of extending the service life of various mechanical, electrical, or biomedical elements. The assessment of stresses induced in a layered body under contact load may advance the understanding of the mechanisms underlying coating performance and improve the design of coated systems. The iterative derivation of contact area and contact tractions requires repeated displacement evaluation; therefore the robustness of a contact solver relies on the efficiency of the algorithm for displacement calculation. The fast Fourier transform coupled with the discrete convolution theorem has been widely used in the contact modelling of homogenous bodies, as an efficient computational tool for the rapid evaluation of convolution products that appear in displacements and stresses calculation. The extension of this technique to layered solids is tantalizing given that the closed-form analytical functions describing the response of layered solids to load are only available in the frequency domain. Whereas the false problem periodization can be treated as in the case of homogenous solids, the aliasing phenomenon and the handling of the frequency response function in origin require adapted techniques. The proposed algorithm for displacement calculation is coupled with a state-of-the-art contact solver based on the conjugate gradient method. The predictions of the newly advanced computer program are validated against existing results derived by a different method. Multiple contact cases are simulated aiming to assess the influence of coating thickness and of its elastic properties on the contact parameters and the strass state. The performed simulations prove that the advanced algorithm is an efficient tool for the contact analysis of coated bodies, which can be used to further understand the mechanical behavior of the coated system and to optimize its design

    Viscoelastic Contact Simulation under Harmonic Cyclic Load

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    Characterization of viscoelastic materials from a mechanical point of view is often performed via dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), consisting in the arousal of a steady-state undulated response in a uniaxial bar specimen, allowing for the experimental measurement of the so-called complex modulus, assessing both the elastic energy storage and the internal energy dissipation in the viscoelastic material. The existing theoretical investigations of the complex modulus’ influence on the contact behavior feature severe limitations due to the employed contact solution inferring a nondecreasing contact radius during the loading program. In case of a harmonic cyclic load, this assumption is verified only if the oscillation indentation depth is negligible compared to that due to the step load. This limitation is released in the present numerical model, which is capable of contact simulation under arbitrary loading profiles, irregular contact geometry, and complicated rheological models of linear viscoelastic materials, featuring more than one relaxation time. The classical method of deriving viscoelastic solutions for the problems of stress analysis, based on the elastic-viscoelastic correspondence principle, is applied here to derive the displacement response of the viscoelastic material under an arbitrary distribution of surface tractions. The latter solution is further used to construct a sequence of contact problems with boundary conditions that match the ones of the original viscoelastic contact problem at specific time intervals, assuring accurate reproduction of the contact process history. The developed computer code is validated against classical contact solutions for universal rheological models and then employed in the simulation of a harmonic cyclic indentation of a polymethyl methacrylate half-space by a rigid sphere. The contact process stabilization after the first cycles is demonstrated and the energy loss per cycle is calculated under an extended spectrum of harmonic load frequencies, highlighting the frequency for which the internal energy dissipation reaches its maximum

    Numerical Analysis of Elastic Contact between Coated Bodies

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