7 research outputs found

    Telenovelas: Ethnic and Gender Representations in Spanish Media in the U.S.

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    Telenovelas: Assessing Intersectionality in Spanish Media

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    Gender Role Change, Relationship Satisfaction, and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration among Latino Men

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    Intimate partner violence (IPV) is defined as physical, sexual, or psychological violence or aggression by a current or previous partner or spouse. Articles on IPV among Latinxs often speculate that Latinx gender role attitudes, such as marianismo, caballerismo , or machismo, cause IPV among Latinxs. Traditional machismo is the belief that men should be controlling and dominant. Caballerismo is the idea that men should protect their families. Marianismo is the belief that women should be submissive, virtuous and chaste, and self-sacrificing for their families. However, most research on IPV has failed to actually measure Latinx gender role attitudes (Sabina, 2016; Klevens, 2007). The overall objective of this study was to examine a culturally informed model of a mechanism that accounts for the association between gender role attitudes and risk of Latino men perpetrating IPV. The central hypothesis of the current study was that men who report that their ideal female partner should embody more Marianismo and who report that their current female partner does not embody these characteristics (idealpartner discrepancy) would be more likely to report IPV male perpetration. Additionally, this study hypothesized that men who report high discrepancies between their endorsement of Machismo and perceive that their female partner endorsement of Machismo is different from theirs (gender role discrepancy) would be more likely to report IPV male perpetration. Furthermore, high ideal-perceived partner discrepancy for Marianismo and higher gender role discrepancy for Machismo would be related to low relationship satisfaction, and lower levels of relationship satisfaction would be related to higher rates of IPV perpetration; therefore, it was hypothesized that relationship satisfaction would function as a mediator between gender role discrepancies and IPV perpetration. Exploratory analyses were proposed for gender role discrepancy of Caballerismo and IPV perpetration and relationship satisfaction. Results showed that Latino men with higher ideal-current partner discrepancy for the Marianismo scales of Virtuous and Chaste and Subordinate to Others reported higher IPV perpetration, and this association was mediated by relationship satisfaction. Relationship satisfaction did not mediate the association between perceived discrepancy of Machismo and IPV perpetration. However, relationship satisfaction mediated the association between perceived discrepancy of Caballerismo and IPV perpetration

    Family Oriented Values, Emerging Adulthood, And Tobacco Use Among Hispanic Emerging Adults

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    Theory and research on emerging adulthood (ages 18 to 25) have increased in the past two decades. However, few studies have assessed how different cultural values and experiences influence the experiences of ethnic minority emerging adults. The first objective of the current study was to expand the field of emerging adulthood research by exploring how familism, the belief that family is central to a person’s life, related to their experience of emerging adulthood. Specifically, the study assessed how familism related to Arnett’s proposed experiences of emerging adulthood (identity exploration, self focused, other-focused, feeling in between, the age of instability/negativity, and age full of possibilities for experimentation). Additionally, studies have found that some of the Arnett’s proposed experiences of emerging adulthood were linked to substance use during this developmental period. Therefore, the second purpose of the study was to assess whether and how the experiences of emerging adulthood related to cigarette smoking, hookah use, and e-cigarette use. Participants (N=952) completed surveys for Project RED, a longitudinal study of substance use among Hispanics in Southern California. Hispanic emerging adults who had higher levels of familism experienced emerging adulthood less as a time of instability and negativity than participants who had lower levels of familism. Additionally, participants who perceived that emerging adulthood was a time full of possibilities for experimentation had lower rates of pastmonth smoking. Lastly, participants who experienced emerging adulthood as a time to focus on themselves reported more past-month smoking. Results were discussed regarding current theories

    A Systematic Literature Review of Sexual Harassment Studies with Text Mining

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    Sexual harassment has been the topic of thousands of research articles in the 20th and 21st centuries. Several review papers have been developed to synthesize the literature about sexual harassment. While traditional literature review studies provide valuable insights, these studies have some limitations including analyzing a limited number of papers, being time-consuming and labor-intensive, focusing on a few topics, and lacking temporal trend analysis. To address these limitations, this paper employs both computational and qualitative approaches to identify major research topics, explore temporal trends of sexual harassment topics over the past few decades, and point to future possible directions in sexual harassment studies. We collected 5320 research papers published between 1977 and 2020, identified and analyzed sexual harassment topics, and explored the temporal trend of topics. Our findings indicate that sexual harassment in the workplace was the most popular research theme, and sexual harassment was investigated in a wide range of spaces ranging from school to military settings. Our analysis shows that 62.5% of the topics having a significant trend had an increasing (hot) temporal trend that is expected to be studied more in the coming years. This study offers a bird’s eye view to better understand sexual harassment literature with text mining, qualitative, and temporal trend analysis methods. This research could be beneficial to researchers, educators, publishers, and policymakers by providing a broad overview of the sexual harassment field

    Telenovelas’ Viewing and Gender Role Attitudes among a Sample of Young Latinas in the United States

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    Although previous studies have shown connections between consumption of Spanish media and endorsement of more traditional gender role attitudes among Latinos in the U.S. (Ward & Rivadeneyra, 2005,) no studies have examined this connection between telenovelas, Spanish soap operas, and young Latinas’ gender role attitudes. Surveying 152 Latinas it was found that Latinas who watched more telenovelas reported higher levels of benevolent sexism and traditional dating attitudes. Participants who reported higher levels of perceived realism of the content of telenovelas had higher levels of hostile sexism, benevolent sexism and traditional dating attitudes. Hierarchical regression showed that while viewing amount was correlated with gender role beliefs, different factors related to viewer involvement with the content explained better the connection between telenovelas’ watching and traditional gender role attitudes among Latinas. Learning motivations predicted hostile sexism and traditional attitudes about dating, and entertainment motivations and active viewing predicted benevolent sexism. Results showed that watching telenovelas’ for entertainment purposes moderated the relationship between amount of viewing time and benevolent sexism. The predictors in the study explained more variability in benevolent sexism than the other gender role belief measures