67 research outputs found

    Endo-sinus bone gain following osteotome-mediated sinus floor elevation with Bio-Oss Collagen compared with no grafting material: a one-year single-blind randomized controlled trial

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    The objective of this study was to assess endo-sinus bone gain (ESBG) following osteotome-mediated sinus floor elevation with Bio-Oss Collagen (test) compared with no grafting material (control) using two- and three-dimensional radiographic methods, as part of a randomized controlled trial (ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT04618900). Forty healthy patients who met the necessary eligibility criteria were allocated by block randomization to either the test group (20 patients) or control group (20 patients). Cone beam computed tomography scans were obtained at enrolment (T0), immediately after surgery (T1), at delivery of the prosthetic rehabilitation (T2), and 1 year after functional implant loading (T3). Mean differences were expressed with the 95% confidence interval; significance was set at P &lt; 0.05. ESBG was significantly increased with Bio-Oss Collagen compared with no grafting material at T1, T2, and T3 (P &lt; 0.001). A gradual decrease in ESBG was observed over time with both treatment modalities (P &lt; 0.001), which diminished the difference between the test and control groups at T2 and T3. ESBG was observed to be positively correlated with implant protrusion length and negatively correlated with the residual bone height. In osteotome-mediated sinus floor elevation, the application of Bio-Oss Collagen underneath the elevated Schneiderian membrane improved ESBG significantly when compared with no grafting material. However, the increased ESBG seems not to have positively improved the treatment outcomes in terms of the implant stability quotient or the survival of the implants or suprastructures.</p

    Morphology, biology and pesticide tolerance of Chelotogenes ornatus (Acai: Cheyletidae).

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    This paper reports on the morphology, biology and pesticide tolerance of Cheletogenes ornatus, the most common predator of Pinnaspis aspidistrae in the region of Juazeiro- Bahia- Brazil. Some differences between C. ornatus from Brazil and redescriptions in the literature are mentioned in this paper. At 28 +ou- 5oC the duration of the life cycle was 40.6 and 31 days for female gametes and male gametes respectively. Females had 2 nymphal stages while the only male obtained in the laboratory had a single nymphal stage. C. ornatus reproduced by thelytokous parthenogenesis, and male gametes were seldom produced. The peak was ca. 0.8 crawler of P. aspidistrae/gemale gamete/day. The least harmful chemicals to adult females of C. ornatus were methyl parathion, malathion, cyhexatin, zineb and sulfur. Those chemicals caused less than 10% mortality of female gametes at he recommended rates on citrus. COncurrently, the first 2 chemicals caused over 70% mortality of crawlers of P. aspidistrae in the laboratory at the recommended rates

    Surfing the spectrum - what is on the horizon?

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    Diagnostic imaging techniques have evolved with technological advancements - but how far? The objective of this article was to explore the electromagnetic spectrum to find imaging techniques which may deliver diagnostic information of equal, or improved, standing to conventional radiographs and to explore any developments within radiography which may yield improved diagnostic data. A comprehensive literature search was performed using Medline, Web of Knowledge, Science Direct and PubMed Databases. Boolean Operators were used and key-terms included (not exclusively): terahertz, X-ray, ultraviolet, visible, infra-red, magnetic resonance, dental, diagnostic, caries and periodontal. Radiographic techniques are primarily used for diagnostic imaging in dentistry, and continued developments in X-ray imaging include: phase contrast, darkfield and spectral imaging. Other modalities have potential application, for example, terahertz, laser doppler and optical techniques, but require further development. In particular, infra-red imaging has regenerated interest with caries detection in vitro, due to improved quality and accessibility of cameras. Non-ionising imaging techniques, for example, infra-red, are becoming more commensurate with traditional radiographic techniques for caries detection. Nevertheless, X-rays continue to be the leading diagnostic image for dentists, with improved diagnostic potential for lower radiation dose becoming a reality

    Endo-sinus bone gain following sinus membrane elevation without graft compared with sinus floor augmentation and a composite graft: a one-year single-blind randomized controlled trial

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    The objective of this study was to assess endo-sinus bone gain (ESBG) and bone density (BD) following maxillary sinus membrane elevation without graft (test) compared with maxillary sinus floor augmentation and 1:1 ratio of autogenous bone from the buccal antrostomy and deproteinized porcine bone mineral (control) using two- and three-dimensional radiographic methods. Forty healthy patients were randomly allocated to the test and control groups. Cone beam computed tomography scans were obtained at enrolment (T0), immediately after surgery (T1), at delivery of the prosthetic rehabilitation (T2), and 1 year after functional implant loading (T3). Mean differences were expressed with the 95% confidence interval. Significance was set at ≤ 0.05. ESBG and BD were significantly higher in the control group than test group at T1, T2, and T3 (P &lt; 0.001). A significant decrease in ESBG and increase in BD was observed from T1 to T3 with both treatments (P &lt; 0.001). There was a non-significant positive correlation of ESBG with implant protrusion length and non-significant negative correlation with residual bone height. In conclusion, test was associated with significantly lower ESBG and BD compared with control. However, the lower ESBG and BD did not appear to negatively affect the implant stability quotient or implant treatment outcome after 1 year of functional implant loading.</p