65 research outputs found

    Long-Lasting Alterations in Membrane Properties, K+ Currents, and Glutamatergic Synaptic Currents of Nucleus Accumbens Medium Spiny Neurons in a Rat Model of Alcohol Dependence

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    Chronic alcohol exposure causes marked changes in reinforcement mechanisms and motivational state that are thought to contribute to the development of cravings and relapse during protracted withdrawal. The nucleus accumbens (NAcc) is a key structure of the mesolimbic dopaminergic reward system. Although the NAcc plays an important role in mediating alcohol-seeking behaviors, little is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying alcohol-induced neuroadaptive changes in NAcc function. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of chronic intermittent ethanol (CIE) treatment, a rat model of alcohol withdrawal and dependence, on intrinsic electrical membrane properties and glutamatergic synaptic transmission of medium spiny neurons (MSNs) in the NAcc core during protracted withdrawal. We show that CIE treatment followed by prolonged withdrawal increased the inward rectification of MSNs observed at hyperpolarized potentials. In addition, MSNs from CIE-treated animals displayed a lower input resistance, faster action potentials (APs), and larger fast afterhyperpolarizations (fAHPs) than MSNs from vehicle-treated animals, all suggestive of increases in K+-channel conductances. Significant increases in the Cs+-sensitive inwardly rectifying K+-current accounted for the increased input resistance, while increases in the A-type K+-current accounted for the faster APs and increased fAHPs in MSNs from CIE rats. We also show that the amplitude and the conductance of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor (AMPAR)-mediated mEPSCs were enhanced in CIE-treated animals due to an increase in a small fraction of functional postsynaptic GluA2-lacking AMPARs. These long-lasting modifications of excitability and excitatory synaptic receptor function of MSNs in the NAcc core could play a critical role in the neuroadaptive changes underlying alcohol withdrawal and dependence

    Microglia-associated granule cell death in the normal adult dentate gyrus

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    Microglial cells are constantly monitoring the central nervous system for sick or dying cells and pathogens. Previous studies showed that the microglial cells in the dentate gyrus have a heterogeneous morphology with multipolar cells in the hilus and fusiform cells apposed to the granule cell layer both at the hilar and at the molecular layer borders. Although previous studies showed that the microglia in the dentate gyrus were not activated, the data in the present study show dying granule cells apposed by Iba1-immunolabeled microglial cell bodies and their processes both at hilar and at molecular layer borders of the granule cell layer. Initially, these Iba1-labeled microglial cells surround individual, intact granule cell bodies. When small openings in the plasma membrane of granule cells are observed, microglial cells are apposed to these openings. When larger openings in the plasma membrane occur at this site of apposition, the granule cells display watery perikaryal cytoplasm, watery nucleoplasm and damaged organelles. Such morphological features are characteristic of neuronal edema. The data also show that following this localized disintegration of the granule cell’s plasma membrane, the Iba1-labeled microglial cell body is found within the electron-lucent perikaryal cytoplasm of the granule cell, where it is adjacent to the granule cell’s nucleus which is deformed. We propose that granule cells are dying by a novel microglia-associated mechanism that involves lysis of their plasma membranes followed by neuronal edema and nuclear phagocytosis. Based on the morphological evidence, this type of cell death differs from either apoptosis or necrosis

    Altered ATP release and metabolism in dorsal root ganglia of neuropathic rats

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) has a ubiquitous role in metabolism and a major role in pain responses after tissue injury. We investigated the changes in basal and KCl-evoked ATP release from rat dorsal root ganglia (DRG) after peripheral neuropathy induction by unilateral sciatic nerve entrapment (SNE).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>After SNE, rats develop long-lasting decreases in ipsilateral hindpaw withdrawal thresholds to mechanical and thermal stimulation. At 15–21 days after neuropathy induction, excised ipsilateral L4-L5 DRG display significantly elevated basal extracellular ATP levels compared to contralateral or control (naive) DRG. However, KCl-evoked ATP release is no longer observed in ipsilateral DRG. We hypothesized that the differential SNE effects on basal and evoked ATP release could result from the conversion of extracellular ATP to adenosine with subsequent activation of adenosine A1 receptors (A1Rs) on DRG neurons. Adding the selective A1R agonist, 2-chloro-N<sup>6</sup>-cyclopentyladenosine (100 nM) significantly decreased basal and evoked ATP release in DRG from naïve rats, indicating functional A1R activation. In DRG ipsilateral to SNE, adding a selective A1R antagonist, 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine (30 nM), further increased basal ATP levels and relieved the blockade of KCl-evoked ATP release suggesting that increased A1R activation attenuates evoked ATP release in neurons ipsilateral to SNE. To determine if altered ATP release was a consequence of altered DRG metabolism we compared O<sub>2 </sub>consumption between control and neuropathic DRG. DRG ipsilateral to SNE consumed O<sub>2 </sub>at a higher rate than control or contralateral DRG.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These data suggest that peripheral nerve entrapment increases DRG metabolism and ATP release, which in turn is modulated by increased A1R activation.</p

    Gene expression signatures affected by alcohol-induced DNA methylomic deregulation in human embryonic stem cells

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    AbstractStem cells, especially human embryonic stem cells (hESCs), are useful models to study molecular mechanisms of human disorders that originate during gestation. Alcohol (ethanol, EtOH) consumption during pregnancy causes a variety of prenatal and postnatal disorders collectively referred to as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs). To better understand the molecular events leading to FASDs, we performed a genome-wide analysis of EtOH's effects on the maintenance and differentiation of hESCs in culture. Gene Co-expression Network Analysis showed significant alterations in gene profiles of EtOH-treated differentiated or undifferentiated hESCs, particularly those associated with molecular pathways for metabolic processes, oxidative stress, and neuronal properties of stem cells. A genome-wide DNA methylome analysis revealed widespread EtOH-induced alterations with significant hypermethylation of many regions of chromosomes. Undifferentiated hESCs were more vulnerable to EtOH's effect than their differentiated counterparts, with methylation on the promoter regions of chromosomes 2, 16 and 18 in undifferentiated hESCs most affected by EtOH exposure. Combined transcriptomic and DNA methylomic analysis produced a list of differentiation-related genes dysregulated by EtOH-induced DNA methylation changes, which likely play a role in EtOH-induced decreases in hESC pluripotency. DNA sequence motif analysis of genes epigenetically altered by EtOH identified major motifs representing potential binding sites for transcription factors. These findings should help in deciphering the precise mechanisms of alcohol-induced teratogenesis

    Increased peripheral nerve excitability and local NaV1.8 mRNA up-regulation in painful neuropathy

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    BackgroundNeuropathic pain caused by peripheral nerve injury is a chronic disorder that represents a significant clinical challenge because the pathological mechanisms have not been fully elucidated. Several studies have suggested the involvement of various sodium channels, including tetrodotoxin-resistant NaV1.8, in affected dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. We have hypothesized that altered local expression of NaV1.8 in the peripheral axons of DRG neurons could facilitate nociceptive signal generation and propagation after neuropathic injury.ResultsAfter unilateral sciatic nerve entrapment injury in rats, compound action potential amplitudes were increased in both myelinated and unmyelinated fibers of the ipsilateral sciatic nerve. Tetrodotoxin resistance of both fiber populations and sciatic nerve NaV1.8 immunoreactivity were also increased. Further analysis of NaV1.8 distribution revealed that immunoreactivity and mRNA levels were decreased and unaffected, respectively, in the ipsilateral L4 and L5 DRG; however sciatic nerve NaV1.8 mRNA showed nearly an 11-fold ipsilateral increase. Nav1.8 mRNA observed in the sciatic nerve was likely of axonal origin since it was not detected in non-neuronal cells cultured from nerve tissue. Absence of changes in NaV1.8 mRNA polyadenylation suggests that increased mRNA stability was not responsible for the selective peripheral mRNA increase. Furthermore, mRNA levels of NaV1.3, NaV1.5, NaV1.6, NaV1.7, and NaV1.9 were not significantly different between ipsilateral and contralateral nerves. We therefore propose that selective NaV1.8 mRNA axonal transport and local up-regulation could contribute to the hyperexcitability of peripheral nerves in some neuropathic pain states.ConclusionCuff entrapment injury resulted in significantly elevated axonal excitability and increased NaV1.8 immunoreactivity in rat sciatic nerves. The concomitant axonal accumulation of NaV1.8 mRNA may play a role in the pathogenesis of this model of neuropathic pain

    Electrical and chemical responsiveness of trigeminal root ganglion neurons of the guinea pig in vitro

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    Intracellular recording techniques were used to investigate the electrical and chemical membrane properties of neuronal somata in guinea pig trigeminal root ganglion (TRG) slices. All impaled neurons (150) remained quiescent prior to square wave current pulse injection through the intracellular recording electrode. The majority of neurons (≈ 100) exhibited voltage-and time-dependent rectification in response to hyperpolarizing current pulses. Two groups of neurons were distinguished on the basis of action potential characteristics. In one group, action potentials had a plateau (hump) in the repolarization phase. Action potentials evoked from the second group of neurons did not have this characteristic. Average amplitude and duration of spikes and afterhyperpolarizations was larger in the first group of neurons. Bath application of S-glutamate (10⁻²M) caused small (1-2 mV) depolarizations in 2 of 6 neurons tested. These depolarizations were not associated with changes in membrane conductance. 5-hydroxytryptamine (10⁻³ M) produced a small conductance increase and depolarization in 1 of 6 neurons tested. Similar application of 7-aminobutyric acid (GABA; 10⁻⁴-10⁻² M) produced decreases in membrane resistance (up to 63%) associated with membrane depolarization (2-14 mV) in 30 of 36 neurons tested. Reduction of spike amplitude was observed during GABA-mediated depolarization. These investigations suggest that membrane properties of guinea pig TRG neurons are similar to those reported for other mammalian sensory ganglion neurons.Medicine, Faculty ofGraduat