662 research outputs found

    The Glass Transition in Driven Granular Fluids: A Mode-Coupling Approach

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    We consider the stationary state of a fluid comprised of inelastic hard spheres or disks under the influence of a random, momentum-conserving external force. Starting from the microscopic description of the dynamics, we derive a nonlinear equation of motion for the coherent scattering function in two and three space dimensions. A glass transition is observed for all coefficients of restitution, epsilon, at a critical packing fraction, phi_c(epsilon), below random close packing. The divergence of timescales at the glass-transition implies a dependence on compression rate upon further increase of the density - similar to the cooling rate dependence of a thermal glass. The critical dynamics for coherent motion as well as tagged particle dynamics is analyzed and shown to be non-universal with exponents depending on space dimension and degree of dissipation.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    Bond formation and slow heterogeneous dynamics in adhesive spheres with long--ranged repulsion: Quantitative test of Mode Coupling Theory

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    A colloidal system of spheres interacting with both a deep and narrow attractive potential and a shallow long-ranged barrier exhibits a prepeak in the static structure factor. This peak can be related to an additional mesoscopic length scale of clusters and/or voids in the system. Simulation studies of this system have revealed that it vitrifies upon increasing the attraction into a gel-like solid at intermediate densities. The dynamics at the mesoscopic length scale corresponding to the prepeak represents the slowest mode in the system. Using mode coupling theory with all input directly taken from simulations, we reveal the mechanism for glassy arrest in the system at 40% packing fraction. The effects of the low-q peak and of polydispersity are considered in detail. We demonstrate that the local formation of physical bonds is the process whose slowing down causes arrest. It remains largely unaffected by the large-scale heterogeneities, and sets the clock for the slow cluster mode. Results from mode-coupling theory without adjustable parameters agree semi-quantitatively with the local density correlators but overestimate the lifetime of the mesoscopic structure (voids).Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Nearly-logarithmic decay in the colloidal hard-sphere system

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    Nearly-logarithmic decay is identified in the data for the mean-squared displacement of the colloidal hard-sphere system at the liquid-glass transition [v. Megen et. al, Phys. Rev. E 58, 6073(1998)]. The solutions of mode-coupling theory for the microscopic equations of motion fit the experimental data well. Based on these equations, the nearly-logarithmic decay is explained as the equivalent of a beta-peak phenomenon, a manifestation of the critical relaxation when the coupling between of the probe variable and the density fluctuations is strong. In an asymptotic expansion, a Cole-Cole formula including corrections is derived from the microscopic equations of motion, which describes the experimental data for three decades in time.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The Cole-Cole Law for Critical Dynamics in Glass-Forming Liquids

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    Within the mode-coupling theory (MCT) for glassy dynamics, the asymptotic low-frequency expansions for the dynamical susceptibilities at critical points are compared to the expansions for the dynamic moduli; this shows that the convergence properties of the two expansions can be quite different. In some parameter regions, the leading-order expansion formula for the modulus describes the solutions of the MCT equations of motion outside the transient regime successfully; at the same time, the leading- and next-to-leading order expansion formulas for the susceptibility fail. In these cases, one can derive a Cole-Cole law for the susceptibilities; and this law accounts for the dynamics for frequencies below the band of microscopic excitations and above the high-frequency part of the alpha-peak. It is shown that this scenario explains the optical-Kerr-effect data measured for salol and benzophenone (BZP). For BZP it is inferred that the depolarized light-scattering spectra exhibit a wing for the alpha-peak within the Gigahertz band. This wing results from the crossover of the von Schweidler-law part of the alpha-peak to the high-frequency part of the Cole-Cole peak; and this crossover can be described quantitatively by the leading-order formulas of MCT for the modulus.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Critical Decay at Higher-Order Glass-Transition Singularities

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    Within the mode-coupling theory for the evolution of structural relaxation in glass-forming systems, it is shown that the correlation functions for density fluctuations for states at A_3- and A_4-glass-transition singularities can be presented as an asymptotic series in increasing inverse powers of the logarithm of the time t: ϕ(t)figi(x)\phi(t)-f\propto \sum_i g_i(x), where gn(x)=pn(lnx)/xng_n(x)=p_n(\ln x)/x^n with p_n denoting some polynomial and x=ln (t/t_0). The results are demonstrated for schematic models describing the system by solely one or two correlators and also for a colloid model with a square-well-interaction potential.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures, Proceedings of "Structural Arrest Transitions in Colloidal Systems with Short-Range Attractions", Messina, Italy, December 2003 (submitted

    The Effects of Name Agreement on Dual-Task Picture Naming

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    The understanding of the relationship between attention and normal language processing can provide insight into the underpinnings of language disorders. Dual-task experiments can be used to understand the allocation of attention during different stages of word production. The central bottleneck model posits that while the central (response selection) stage of any cognitive task is being carried out, the same stage of any other task cannot be simultaneously carried out. The central bottleneck model permits the testing of specific hypotheses about the attentional requirements of particular elements of competing tasks. One purpose of the current study was to determine if the process of lemma selection can be said to require central attention. A secondary aim of this study was to determine whether name agreement is a variable that can be used to index lemma selection. A preliminary study was conducted to construct a set of pictures with high and low name agreement that were balanced on important confounding variables. The main experiment was a dual-task experiment involving tone identification and picture naming. Name agreement effects were examined in the dual-task experiment. The effects were investigated in relation to the central bottleneck model, word production models, and the semantic picture-word interference effect. Low name agreement due to multiple correct names was employed. Tone identification was the primary task, while picture naming was the secondary task. Average picture naming reaction times were significantly longer for low than for high name agreement condition across levels of stimulus onset asynchrony. The results are consistent with a locus of the name agreement effect at the central, response selection stage of the central bottleneck model

    Pressure and Motion of Dry Sand -- Translation of Hagen's Paper from 1852

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    In a remarkable paper from 1852, Gotthilf Heinrich Ludwig Hagen measured and explained two fundamental aspects of granular matter: The first effect is the saturation of pressure with depth in a static granular system confined by silo walls -- generally known as the Janssen effect. The second part of his paper describes the dynamics observed during the flow out of the container -- today often called the Beverloo law -- and forms the foundation of the hourglass theory. The following is a translation of the original German paper from 1852.Comment: 4 pages, accepted for publication in Granular Matter, original article (German) can be found under http://www.phy.duke.edu/~msperl/Janssen

    The Jamming Transition in Granular Systems

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    Recent simulations have predicted that near jamming for collections of spherical particles, there will be a discontinuous increase in the mean contact number, Z, at a critical volume fraction, phi_c. Above phi_c, Z and the pressure, P are predicted to increase as power laws in phi-phi_c. In experiments using photoelastic disks we corroborate a rapid increase in Z at phi_c and power-law behavior above phi_c for Z and P. Specifically we find power-law increase as a function of phi-phi_c for Z-Z_c with an exponent beta around 0.5, and for P with an exponent psi around 1.1. These exponents are in good agreement with simulations. We also find reasonable agreement with a recent mean-field theory for frictionless particles.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 2 pages supplement; minor changes and clarifications, 2 addtl. refs., accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let