2,076 research outputs found

    What makes internet therapy work?

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    Abstract Internet therapy is a novel treatment approach that is used to deliver cognitive behaviour therapy. Treatment components are mainly delivered in the form of texts presented via webpages, and support is provided via e-mail. A growing number of controlled trials suggest that Internet therapy works well when (a) a proper diagnosis is made before the treatment starts, (b) a comprehensive treatment is provided, (c) the treatment is user friendly and not overly technically advanced, and (d) support and a clear deadline are provided for the duration of the treatment. Several issues remain for exploration in future research, such as mediating and moderating mechanisms and the role of tailoring the intervention. Keywords: Internet therapy; guided self-help; web design; deadline effect Introductio

    Oxonium ammonio­(cyclo­prop­yl)methyl­enebis(hydrogenphospho­nate) monohydrate

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    The title compound, H3O+·C4H10NO6P2 −·H2O, was obtained from the reaction of cyclo­propane­carbonitrile with PCl3, followed by dropwise addition of water. The asymmetric unit comprises an oxonium cation, a zwitterionic monoanion containing a positively charged ammonium group and two negatively charged phospho­nic acid residues and a water mol­ecule of crystallization. The hydroxonium cation and water mol­ecule are hydrogen bonded to the anion and further N—H⋯O and O—H⋯O bonds create a three-dimensional network


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    In the title compound, C16H15NO3S, the plane of the phenyl ring forms a dihedral angle of 80.37 (8)° with the indole ring system. The crystal packing is stabilized by weak O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds which link the mol­ecules into infinite chains along the a axis of the crystal

    The effect of fantasy on learning and recall of declarative knowledge in AR game-based learning

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    With increasing research attention on the application of Augmented Reality (AR) and Game elements in education, fantasy elements as imaginary, fictional game features have been shown to improve learners’ motivation and are critical to engaging and immersive experiences in AR game-based learning. With its affordance of enriching real-life education with virtual effects, AR game-based learning has shown its potential to improve recall performance in previous research. However, educators and researchers have concerns regarding the effect of employing fantasy game elements in AR game-based learning, suggesting learning with such elements will add cognitive load for children leading to a lower recall. To explore the effect of AR and fantasy in game-based learning for recalling declarative knowledge, we conducted an experiment involving 98 children participants and 26 adult participants from the Netherlands and China, using our own designed AR game- ChemiKami AR. We used a mixed ANOVA to identify the effect of fantasy and AR on knowledge recall. This study showed that using AR fantasy in game-based learning can improve recall of declarative knowledge and increase learning effectiveness in classroom learning contexts for children. We offer insights and guidelines for designing AR and fantasy experiences that enhance declarative knowledge recall for target groups with different ages, learning capacities, and cultural backgrounds.</p

    1-Acetyl-2-r,6-c-bis­(4-chloro­phen­yl)-3-methyl-1,2,5,6-tetra­hydro­pyridin-4-yl acetate

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    In the title compound, C22H21Cl2NO3, the pyridine ring adopts a half-chair conformation and the 4-chloro­phenyl groups occupy axial positions. The 4-chloro­phenyl groups are almost perpendicular to the plane of the tetra­hydro­pyridine ring forming dihedral angles 84.62 (6) and 85.55 (5)°; the dihedral angle between the two 4-chloro­phenyl rings is 12.16 (4)°. The crystal structure is stabilized by inter­molecular C—H⋯O inter­actions

    Особенности процессов перекисного окисления липидов и антиоксидантной защиты у больных с сочетанной протозойно-урогенитальной микст-инфекцией при озонотерапии

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    Изучены состояние и динамика перекисного окисления липидов (ПОЛ) и общей антиоксидантной защиты (ОАОЗ) у 124 пациентов, из которых 99 (79,8 %) страдали сочетанной хронической протозойно−урогенитально−вирусной инфекцией. Определены резервные возможности ОАОЗ при проведении озонотерапии с установленной индивидуальной дозой озона. При включении в комплексное лечение оригинальных методов озонотерапии достигнуты достоверное улучшение и нормализация всех показателей ПОЛ и ОАОЗ, что обеспечивает санацию организма больных от возбудителей инфекции и восстановление физико−химических свойств его клеточных мембран.Досліджено стан і динаміку перекисного окислення ліпідів (ПОЛ) і загального антиоксидантного захисту (ЗАОЗ) у 124 пацієнтів, з яких 99 (79,8 %) хворіли на сполучену хронічну протозойно−урогенітально−вірусну інфекцію. Визначено резервні можливості ЗАОЗ під час проведення озонотерапії з установленою індивідуальною дозою озону. При включенні в комплексне лікування оригінальних методів озонотерапії було досягнуто достовірне поліпшення й нормалізацію всіх показників ПОЛ та ЗАОЗ, що забезпечує санацію організму хворих від збудників штфекції і відновлення фізико−хімічних властивостей його клітинних мембран.The state and dynamics of lipid peroxidation (LP) and general antioxidant protection (GAOP) were investigated in 123 patients, of them 99 (79,8 %) had combined chronic protozoal urogenital viral infection. The reserve capabilities of GAOP were determined at ozone therapy with individually adjusted ozone dose. The use of the original methods of ozone therapy significantly improved and normalized all LP and GAOP parameters, which promoted treatment of the organism from the infection agents and restoration of physicochemical properties of the cellular membranes

    Ethyl 2-[(phenyl­sulfan­yl)meth­yl]-1-(phenyl­sulfon­yl)-1H-indole-3-carboxyl­ate

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    In the title compound, C24H21NO4S2, the phenyl rings form dihedral angles of 85.77 (9) and 85.22 (9)° and the ester group forms an angle of 12.61 (10)° with the indane ring. The mol­ecular structure is stabilized by weak intra­molecular C—H⋯O inter­actions


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    In the title compound, C16H13BrClNO2S, the indole mean plane forms a dihedral angle of 73.59 (19)° with the phenyl ring. The mol­ecular structure is stabilized by weak intra­molecular C—H⋯O inter­actions. The Br atom is disordered over two positions with site occupancy factors of 0.7 and 0.3

    Dy8SnS13.61O0.39 from single-crystal data

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    Crystals of the title dysprosium tin sulfide oxide, Dy8SnS13S1−xOx [x = 0.39 (4)], were obtained unintentionally from the Dy–Sn–S system. A statistical mixture of sulfur and oxygen was assumed for one position in the structure. S and O atoms surround each of the eight symmetrically non-equivalent dysprosium atoms. The Sn atoms are located in tetra­hedral surroundings of sulfur atoms. Trigonal prisms and tetra­hedra are connected to each other by their edges. All atoms are situated in mirror planes


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    The title compound, C17H12S, which crystallises with two molecules in the asymmetric unit, features four fused rings forming an essentially planar mol­ecule, with maximum deviations from the mean plane of 0.078 (2) and 0.080 (2) Å for C atoms of the thio­phene and phenanthrene groups in both the mol­ecules. The crystal packing features weak C—H⋯π inter­actions