2 research outputs found

    Tactically Extensible and Modular Communications - X-Band TEMCOM-X

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    This paper will discuss a proposed CubeSat size (3U) telemetry system concept being developed at Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) in cooperation with the U.S. Department of the Army and Dynetics Corporation. This telemetry system incorporates efficient, high-bandwidth communications by developing flight-ready, low-cost, Protoflight software defined radio (SDR) and Electronically Steerable Patch Array (ESPA) antenna subsystems for use on platforms as small as CubeSats and unmanned aircraft systems (UASs). The current telemetry system is slightly larger in dimension of footprint than required to fit within a 0.5U CubeSat volume. Extensible and modular communications for CubeSat technologies will partially mitigate current capability gaps between traditional strategic space platforms and lower-cost small satellite solutions. Higher bandwidth capacity will enable high-volume, low error-rate data transfer to and from tactical forces or sensors operating in austere locations (e.g., direct imagery download, unattended ground sensor data exfiltration, interlink communications), while also providing additional bandwidth and error correction margin to accommodate more complex encryption algorithms and higher user volume

    Noise adaptation and correlated maneuver gating of an extended Kalman filter

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    Extended Kalman filtering is used to provide estimates of the position and velocity of a target based upon observations of the target's bearing and range. Non-stationary noise is shown to degrade the performance of the filter and cause filter divergence. By estimating the noise power from the variance of the filter's residual we adapt the filter to compensate for varying noise power. This thesis also introduces the method of correlated maneuver gating to adapt the Kalman filter to target dynamics. By spatially and temporally correlating the Mahalanobis Distance of the residual, the Kalman filter's performance is increased while tracking tangentially accelerating targets. Monte Carlo simulations are run for three different sets of target dynamics: stationary, moving linearly, and accelerating tangentially. Results for the simulation show significant performance advantages of using correlated maneuver gating in conjunction with noise adaptation. These results should generalize to other applications of the extended Kalman filter whose state and observation spaces enjoy a one-to-one mappinghttp://archive.org/details/noisedaptationnd1094534862Civilian, Defense Mapping AgencyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited