154 research outputs found

    Options for an 11 GEV RF Beam Separator for the Jefferson Lab CEBAF Upgrade

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    The CEBAF accelerator at Jefferson Lab has had, since first demonstration in 1996, the ability to deliver a 5-pass electron beam to experimental halls (A, B, and C) simultaneously. This capability is provided by a set of three, room temperature 499 MHz rf separators in the 5th pass beamline. The separator cavity is a two-rod, two-cell TEM mode type resonator, which has high shunt impedance. The 12 GeV baseline design does not preserve the capability of separating the 5th pass, 11 GeV beam for the 3 existing halls. Several options for restoring this capability, including extension of the present room temperature system or a new superconducting design in combination with magnetic systems, are under investigation and are presented

    Radiosondaggi atmosferici nellā€™area etnea

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    Negotiated Development Denial Meets People\u27s Court: Del Monte Dunes Brings New Wildcards to Exactions Law

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    The United States Supreme Court Answered YES to the $1.45 million over exaction question for 1999. In City of Monterey v. Del Monte Dunes at Monterey Ltd., a unanimous court extended the scope of compensatory takings review beyond land dedication conditions into the realm of regulatory denial. Justice Kennedy\u27s opinion vitalized the legitimate state interests test from Agins v. City of Tiburon to sustain an inverse condemnation conclusion and damage award to the frustrated developer. A majority of the court also concurred that the trial court may delegate this takings conclusion to the jury under federal civil rights law. The activation of Agins\u27 substantive takings test in such challenges and the prospect of continued lay application of constitutional law to development restrictions add uncertain dimensions to exactions litigation at the millennium. In Del Monte Dunes, the Court also distinguished the instant development denial of an inverse condemnation claim from the land dedication conditions at issue in Dolan v. City of Tigard. This distinction enabled the unanimous Court to uphold the trial verdict based on Agins and avoid elements of the Ninth Circuit\u27s reasoning invoking the Dolan rough proportionality test. Other recent federal and state decisions also decline to extend Dolan\u27s applicability beyond individual land dedication development conditions to other forms of economic exactions. This year\u27s exactions and impact fee report focuses on Del Monte Dunes, namely its effects on negotiated development, trial practice, and on regulatory takings doctrine as defined by judges and juries in civil rights litigation

    Chemotherapy accelerates immune-senescence and functional impairments of VĪ“2pos T cells in elderly patients affected by liver metastatic colorectal cancer.

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    Human (gamma delta) Ī³Ī“ T cells are unconventional innate-like lymphocytes displaying a broad array of anti-tumor activities with promising perspectives in cancer immunotherapy. In this context, VĪ“2pos T cells represent the preferential target of several immunotherapy protocols against solid tumors. However, the impact of both aging and chemotherapy (CHT) on VĪ“2pos T cells is still unknown. The present study evaluates with multi-parametric flow cytometry the frequencies, terminal differentiation, senescence and effector-functions of peripheral blood and tumor infiltrating VĪ“2pos T cells purified from liver metastases (CLM) of patients affected by colorectal cancer (CRC) compared to those of sex- and age-matched healthy donors. The peripheral blood of CLM patients underwent CHT is characterized by decreased amounts of VĪ“2pos T cells showing a relative increase of terminally-differentiated CD27neg/CD45RApos (TEMRA) cells. The enrichment of this latter subset is associated with an increased expression of the senescent marker CD57. The acquisition of CD57 on TEMRA VĪ“2pos T cells is also coupled with impairments in cytotoxicity and production of TNF-Ī± and IFN-Ī³. These features resemble the acquisition of an immune-senescent profile by VĪ“2pos T cells from CLM patients that received CHT, a phenomenon that is also associated with the loss of the co-stimulatory marker CD28 and with the induced expression of CD16. The group of CLM patients underwent CHT and older than 60ā€‰years old showed higher frequencies of CD57pos and TEMRA VĪ“2pos T cells. Similar results were found for tumor infiltrating VĪ“2pos T cell subset purified from CLM specimens of patients treated with CHT. The toxicity of CHT regimens also affects the homeostasis of VĪ“2pos T cells by inducing higher frequencies of circulating CD57pos TEMRA subset in CLM underwent CHT and younger than 60ā€‰years old. Taken together, our data demonstrate that the enrichment of senescent VĪ“2pos T cells in CLM patients is not only induced by patients' aging but also by the toxicity of CHT that further accelerates the accumulation of CD57pos TEMRA cells highly dysfunctional in their anti-tumor activities. These results are important to both predict the clinical outcome of CLM and to optimize those protocols of cell cancer immunotherapy employing unconventional VĪ“2pos T cells

    Monitoring and forecasting Etna volcanic plumes

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    In this paper we describe the results of a project ongoing at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV). The objective is to develop and implement a system for monitoring and forecasting volcanic plumes of Etna. Monitoring is based at present by multispectral infrared measurements from the Spin Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager on board the Meteosat Second Generation geosynchronous satellite, visual and thermal cameras, and three radar disdrometers able to detect ash dispersal and fallout. Forecasting is performed by using automatic procedures for: i) downloading weather forecast data from meteorological mesoscale models; ii) running models of tephra dispersal, iii) plotting hazard maps of volcanic ash dispersal and deposition for certain scenarios and, iv) publishing the results on a web-site dedicated to the Italian Civil Protection. Simulations are based on eruptive scenarios obtained by analysing field data collected after the end of recent Etna eruptions. Forecasting is, hence, supported by plume observations carried out by the monitoring system. The system was tested on some explosive events occurred during 2006 and 2007 successfully. The potentiality use of monitoring and forecasting Etna volcanic plumes, in a way to prevent threats to aviation from volcanic ash, is finally discussed

    Negotiated Development Denial Meets People\u27s Court: Del Monte Dunes Brings New Wildcards to Exactions Law

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    The United States Supreme Court Answered YES to the $1.45 million over exaction question for 1999. In City of Monterey v. Del Monte Dunes at Monterey Ltd., a unanimous court extended the scope of compensatory takings review beyond land dedication conditions into the realm of regulatory denial. Justice Kennedy\u27s opinion vitalized the legitimate state interests test from Agins v. City of Tiburon to sustain an inverse condemnation conclusion and damage award to the frustrated developer. A majority of the court also concurred that the trial court may delegate this takings conclusion to the jury under federal civil rights law. The activation of Agins\u27 substantive takings test in such challenges and the prospect of continued lay application of constitutional law to development restrictions add uncertain dimensions to exactions litigation at the millennium. In Del Monte Dunes, the Court also distinguished the instant development denial of an inverse condemnation claim from the land dedication conditions at issue in Dolan v. City of Tigard. This distinction enabled the unanimous Court to uphold the trial verdict based on Agins and avoid elements of the Ninth Circuit\u27s reasoning invoking the Dolan rough proportionality test. Other recent federal and state decisions also decline to extend Dolan\u27s applicability beyond individual land dedication development conditions to other forms of economic exactions. This year\u27s exactions and impact fee report focuses on Del Monte Dunes, namely its effects on negotiated development, trial practice, and on regulatory takings doctrine as defined by judges and juries in civil rights litigation

    A Statistical Approach to Evaluate the Tephra Deposit and Ash Concentration from Puff Model Forecasts

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    In this paper we present a new statistical approach able to provide tephra deposit load and ash concentration using PUFF, a lagrangian model widely used to forecast volcanic ash dispersal during volcanic crisis. We perform a parametric study in order to analyze the influence of each input parameter on model outputs. For this test, we simulate two eruptive scenarios like to the 2001 (Scenario 1) and 1998 (Scenario 2) Etna eruptions using high resolution weather data and a domain of 170 x 170 km. Results show that for both scenarios, we are able to calculate the tephra deposit load and ash concentration but the use of millions of particles is required. Specifically, up to 33 and 220 millions of particles were necessary to accurately predict the tephra deposit and ash concentration in air, respectively. This is approximately two orders of magnitude larger than values typically considered running PUFF. The parametric study shows that the horizontal diffusion coefficient, the time step of the simulations, the topography and the standard deviation of the particle distribution greatly affect the model outputs. We also validate the model by best fit procedures. Results show a good comparison between field data of the 2001 Etna eruption and PUFF simulations, being inside 5 and 1/5 times the observed data, comparable with results of Eulerian models. This work will allow to reliably outlining the areas of contaminated airspace using PUFF or any other lagrangian model in order to define the No Fly Zone and ensure the safety to aviation operations as required after the Eyjafjallajƶkull eruption

    Eruption column height estimation of the 2011-2013 Etna lava fountains

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    In this paper, we use calibrated images collected by the video-surveillance system of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Osservatorio Etneo, to retrieve the height of the eruption column during the recent Etna explosive activity. The analysis is carried out on nineteen lava fountains from the New South East Crater dataset. The novel procedure described in this work is achieved in three main steps: at first we calibrated the camera, then we selected the images which recorded the maximum phase of the eruptive activity, and finally we applied an appropriate correction to account for the plume projection on the camera line of sight due to the wind. The results show that the column altitudes range between 6 and 9 km (upper limit of the camera system). The comparison with the plume height values estimated from the analysis of several SEVIRI and MODIS satellite images, show a good agreement. Finally, for nine events we also evaluated the thickness of the volcanic plumes in the umbrella region which ranges between 2 and 3 km
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