5 research outputs found

    Светски хорски олимписки игри - настап на Драган Спасов, студент по народни инструменти во Рига, Летонија

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    Музички настап на Драган Спасов (студент по народни инструменти во класата на проф. м-р Марјан Јанкоски на УГД-Штип) заедно со женскиот хор „Света Злата Мегленска“ (Скопје) на светскиот натпревар за хорска музика (Хорска олимпијада) во Рига - Летонија, во периодот 9-19 јули 2014 година. Студентот настапи како солист на народни инструменти кавал и гајда во категориите: световна музика и фолклор изведуваќи ги делата „Ливада“ од композиторот Запро Запров и „Македонско оро“ од композиторот Тодор Скaловски. Студентот со својата инзвонредна изведба на народните инструменти придонесе за освојување на два златни медали во категориите световна музика и фолклор

    Селектор и промотор на концертна дејност

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    Музички настап на Драган Спасов (студент од втора година, оддел за ТММП со народни инструменти во класата на проф. м-р Марјан Јанкоски на УГД-Штип) на меѓународната хорска манифестација, „Осмите празници на женските и девически хорове проф. Лилија Iуклева“ во Трговиште, Р. Бугарија во периодот 7-9 јуни 2013. Студентот настапи како солист во композицијата „Ливада“ од македонскиот композитор и диригент Запро Запров

    Representation of different techniques for determination of the working length in endodontic treatment

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    Introduction: The working length is the distance between occlusal reference point and the place where the channel should be expanded, cleaned and filled. Determination of the working length during endodontic treatment is a key procedure for successful endodontic treatment. Aim of the research: We set the goal of making an assessment of commonly used techniques for determining the working length in dental offices in Stip. Material and method: For the realization of our goal a questionnaire was prepared that included all the techniques for determining the working length. The dentists in their dental practice were asked to notice all the advantages and disadvantages, and how satisfy are they while using them. The research was conducted randomly in 15 dental offices in Stip. Results: Obtained results showed that the most commonly used method is X-ray method of determining the working length, with a high level of security in its implementation. A small part use tactile sensitivity method and Apex locator as the most modern and safest method of determining the working length. Conclusion: Modern techniques for determining the working length in a large percentage increase success of endodontic treatment. It is really important and necessary to have an initial X-ray, apex locator or combination of several methods for accurately working length. Keywords: apex locator, x-ray, working length

    Assessment of risk factors for periodontal diseases among high school students in Stip

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    Background: the initiation and progression of periodontal disease depends on several factors such as age, gender, socioeconomic status, maintenance of regular oral hygiene. taking into consideration the previously mentioned facts concerning the presence of risk factors and determinants, the main goal was established- to examine the existence and to make analysis of the risk factors and determinants for periodontal disease among the high school students in the area of Municipality of stip. MATERIAL AND METHOD: an examination was conducted in the period from 15 June to 15 september 2017 in three high schools. a total of 230 subjects were examined. at the beginning, each student filled out an anonymous questionnaire. From them, 63 were clinical examinations to determine the objective existence of risk factors. RESULTS: the percentage of people who use additional supplement for maintaining oral hygiene, such as interdentally brushes, dental floss or mouthwash, is small. the percentage of people visiting the dentist for regular checkups is also low. In contrast, the percentage of respondents who consume alcohol or tobacco is high. a high percentage of subjects with initial and moderate gingival inflammation have been found, despite the low percentage of clinical loss of attachment, indicating the possibility of reversibility of changes with improving of oral hygiene. CONCLUSION: there is high presence of risk factors in the examined population. It is necessary to create an educational program for reducing the subjects with different risk factors for different types of periodontal affection

    Treatment of Childhood Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Bulgaria

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    Background: During the last four decades the prognosis of childhood acute myeloid leukemia (AML) has been substantially improved due to an increase in complete remission (CR) rates, event-free survival (EFS) and reduced early mortality. The relapsed AML still remains a therapeutic challenge