16,518 research outputs found

    Review of: Pierre Clastres, Chronicle of the Guayaki Indians (Paul Auster, Translator)

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    Review of the book: Pierre Clastres, Chronicle of the Guayaki Indians (Paul Auster, trans., Zone Books 2001). Translator\u27s Note and Forward. ISBN 0-942299-78-7 [352 pp. $15.00. Paperback, 5 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142-1493]

    Surviving and sustaining teaching excellence: A narrative of ‘entrapment’

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    This paper discusses the key concepts of ‘surviving’ and ‘sustaining’ in the context of teaching excellence in contemporary universities, and reports the findings emerging from a work-in-progress study of Award Winning Teachers. It provides evidence that teachers recognized for their passion, commitment and expertise in teaching, work well beyond their paid hours to achieve excellence. Most become ‘entrapped’ in a culture of over-work that can have a negative impact on their lives and well-being. Factors that influence ‘teaching sustainability’ are presented, to support university teachers, administrators and managers in thinking about ways to improve the teaching and learning environment for teachers as well as for students

    Research Progress Report, No. 17

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    Legumes are notable for their ability to convert atmospheric dinitrogen into forms of nitrogen which are usable by plants. This is done in association with bacteria (called Rhizobium) which inhabit nodules of the plant roots. This process is called nitrogen-fixation. Legumes are important as forage and food crops due to their high protein content. Some are also useful for soil conservation purposes. There was no information on nitrogen fixation by legume crops in Alaska. This research was initiated to determine how much nitrogen different types of legumes can fix in interior Alaska

    Can They Work Well on a Team? Assessing Students\u27 Collaborative Skills

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    [Excerpt] Among the many critiques of legal education are criticisms that law students do not graduate with effective emotional intelligence skills-in particular, they have not learned to work well with others. Working with others is an important legal skill; and as law practice increasingly relies on collaboration among lawyers, legal staff, clients, and other individuals, so have legal employers raised the demand for effective collaborative skills among law students and recent graduates. This essay will focus on ways to engage students in collaborating and assessing that collaboration effectively. Students\u27 interpersonal collaborative skills can be effectively taught and assessed in large doctrinal classes by including effective collaboration as a course learning objective, enlisting students to establish assessment criteria, providing students with multiple opportunities to collaborate, enabling students to get feedback on their skills in working with others, and using students\u27 experiences to gather data about their classmates\u27 skills

    Teaching and Assessing Soft Skills

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    [excerpt from article] It is our job as legal educators to put our law graduates in the best position to succeed as new lawyers.1 And to succeed, law graduates must possess certain qualities or character traits that will enable them to thrive within legal organizations.2 Despite many calls for reform in legal education to include more practice-related skills, including professionalism, many law professors teaching doctrinal courses are reluctant to incorporate teaching professional competencies and behaviors.3 They are unwilling to do so even though they have long decried students’ lack of professional skills.4 Professors complain that students show up late for classes and are unwilling to work hard. They criticize students for failing to persevere when faced with challenges or critiques, respond to professors’ emails, engage in teaching exercises, listen to their classmates, closely read assignments, or follow directions. Professors note that students’ attention spans are too short and they are addicted to their phones. It follows that the same student behaviors we see in the classroom transfer to practice. If these behaviors impair our students’ performance as attorneys, we should take steps to remedy the problem by teaching and assessing the qualities and character traits necessary to succeed throughout the law school curriculum, including in the first-year and other doctrinal classes

    Using Individual and Group Multiple-Choice Quizzes to Deepen Students\u27 Learning

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    For years, I was highly skeptical about using multiple-choice questions to assess law students\u27 learning.\u27 Clients, after all, do not ask lawyers to solve multiple-choice problems. I have realized, however, that multiple-choice quizzes can be a highly effective technique to include in any doctrinal class. Well-designed multiple-choice quizzes can help students in any size class learn foundational doctrine, provide feedback to teachers and students, develop students\u27 interpersonal skills, and prepare students for the bar exam. Having used multiple-choice quizzes in first year and upper-level courses for several years, I now value multiple-choice quizzes as an effective first step in preparing students to engage in solving complex legal problems. When used with other assessments\u27 as part of a comprehensive, coherent, and intentional overall course design, multiple-choice quizzes are effective in preparing law students for the deep learning necessary to practice law effectively. This Article focuses on a particular approach to using multiple choice quizzes. In this approach, a one-semester course is broken into five to seven modules, and students individually complete a scheduled, closed-book, multiple-choice quiz toward the beginning of each new course module, before the material is formally covered in class but after students have completed reading on the topic. Each quiz primarily tests students on foundational doctrine for the new module and incorporates previous course material. After taking the multiple choice quiz individually, students immediately retake the same quiz in small groups, earning grades for both their individual and group quiz scores. Following the group quiz, students can appeal the answers their group got wrong. At the end of the multiple-choice quiz process, the teacher provides a mini-lecture, focusing on those multiple-choice questions and topics that were most challenging. This Article first shows why using this method of multiple-choice quizzes is effective and appropriate in law school doctrinal classes. The remainder of the Article suggests how to design and use these quizzes to maximize their effectiveness

    Globalisation of HR at Function Level: Exploring the Issues Through International Recruitment, Selection and Assessment Processes

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    Much of the debate around convergence-divergence is based around comparative analysis of HR systems. However, we need now to combine these insights with work in the field of IHRM on firm-level motivations to optimise, standardise and export HR models abroad. A series of the changes are being wrought on a range of IHRM functions – recruitment, global staffing, management development and careers, and rewards - by the process of globalisation highlighting the difference between globally standardised, optimised or localised HR processes. This paper reports on a study of firm-level developments in international recruitment, selection and assessment, drawing upon an analysis of four case studies each conducted in a different context. Organisations are building IHRM functions that are shifting from the management of expatriation towards supplementary services to the business aimed at facilitating the globalisation process, and this involves capitalising upon the fragmentation of international employees. As HR realigns itself in response to this process of within-function globalisation (building new alliances with other functions such as marketing and IS) the new activity streams that are being developed and the new roles and skills of the HR function carry important implications for the study of convergence and divergence of IHRM practice. Globalisation at firm level revolves around complexity, and this is evidenced in two ways: first, the range of theory that we have to draw upon, and the competing issues that surface depending on the level of analysis that is adopted; and second, the different picture that might emerge depending upon the level of analysis that is adopted. This paper shows that although the field of IHRM has traditionally drawn upon core theories such as the resource-based view of the firm, relational and social capital, and institutional theory, once the full range of resourcing options now open to IHRM functions are considered, it is evident that we need to incorporate both more micro theory, as well as insights from contingent fields in order to explain some of the new practices that are emerging

    Using a Civil Procedure Exam Question to Teach Persuasion

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    Studies show that learners master new material more effectively when it builds upon what they already know. By revisiting assignments from a previous semester, students can focus their efforts on persuading, rather than learning new doctrine or facts. Turning a predictive discussion into a persuasive argument demonstrates that making an argument requires the same rigorous thinking as predicting a result. One way to do this is to assign students to write an argument based on their fall Civil Procedure exam

    Notice Students\u27 Similarities - Not Differences [with previous generations]

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    This article discusses one law professor’s successful teaching strategies for strengthening the analytical and writing skills of her students
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