3,735 research outputs found

    Radiobiological studies of plants orbited in biosatellite 2

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    Radiation induced mutation rates and cyotlogical changes in plants orbited on Biosatellite

    Comparison of X-ray and gamma-ray dose-response curves for pink somatic mutations in Tradescantia clone 02

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    Microdosimetric data indicate that the mean specific energy,zeta, produced by individual charged particles from X rays and gamma rays is different for the two radiation qualities by nearly a factor of two. In order to test whether this influences the initial, linear component in the dose-effect relations, a comparison was made between dose-response curves for pink somatic mutations inTradescantia clone 02 stamen hairs following X and gamma irradiations. Absorbed doses ranged from 2.66 to 300 rad. The results are in agreement with predictions made on the basis of microdosimetric data. At low doses gamma rays are substantially less effective than X rays. The RBE of gamma rays vs. X rays at low doses was approximately 0.6, a value lower than those usually reported in other experimental systems

    On the statistical evaluation of dose-response functions

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    The linear-quadratic dependence of effect on the dose of ionizing radiation and its biophysical implications are considered. The estimation of the parameters of the response function and the derivation of the joint confidence region of the estimates are described. The method is applied to the induction of pink mutations inTradescantia which follows the linear-quadratic model. The statistical procedure is also suitable for other response functions

    Heat Transfer to Longitudinal Laminar Flow Between Cylinders

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    Consideration is given to the fully developed heat transfer characteristics for longitudinal laminar flow between cylinders arranged in an equilateral triangular array. The analysis is carried out for the condition of uniform heat transfer per unit length. Solutions are obtained for the temperature distribution, and from these, Nusselt numbers are derived for a wide range of spacing-to-diameter ratios. It is found that as the spacing ratio increases, so also does the wall-to-bulk temperature difference for a fixed heat transfer per unit length. Corresponding to a uniform surface temperature around the circumference of a cylinder, the circumferential variation of the local heat flux is computed. For spacing ratios of 1.5 - 2.0 and greater, uniform peripheral wall temperature and uniform peripheral heat flux are simultaneously achieved. A simplified analysis which neglects circumferential variations is also carried out, and the results are compared with those from the more exact formulation

    In situ measurement of the acoustic performance of a full scale tramway low height noise barrier prototype

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    International audienceThe performance of a full scale low height barrier prototype meant to attenuate tramway noise is measured in situ. The prototype is made of a simple L-shape assembly of pressed wood boards covered on the source side with fibrous absorbing material, and has been set up temporarily in a residential area in the town of Saint-Martin-d'H` eres, near Grenoble, through which a tramway line passes. A series of pass-by measurements were made at a close receiver location corresponding to the typical height of human ears, with and without the device. The tram speed has been measured as well using an auxiliary microphone located very close to the track. A significant variability in pass-by levels has been found between the different trams, even when applying an approximate correction for speed. However it is shown that the barrier provides on average an attenuation of more than 10 dB(A), during the whole pass-by. Spectral analysis of the recorded signals is carried out as well to estimate the barrier insertion loss more accurately. Furthermore, comparisons between measurements and simplistic BEM calculations show that numerical predictions can yield rather good estimates of the actual in situ performance, within a few dB(A)

    Sonic Booms in Atmospheric Turbulence (SonicBAT): The Influence of Turbulence on Shaped Sonic Booms

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    The objectives of the Sonic Booms in Atmospheric Turbulence (SonicBAT) Program were to develop and validate, via research flight experiments under a range of realistic atmospheric conditions, one numeric turbulence model research code and one classic turbulence model research code using traditional N-wave booms in the presence of atmospheric turbulence, and to apply these models to assess the effects of turbulence on the levels of shaped sonic booms predicted from low boom aircraft designs. The SonicBAT program has successfully investigated sonic boom turbulence effects through the execution of flight experiments at two NASA centers, Armstrong Flight Research Center (AFRC) and Kennedy Space Center (KSC), collecting a comprehensive set of acoustic and atmospheric turbulence data that were used to validate the numeric and classic turbulence models developed. The validated codes were incorporated into the PCBoom sonic boom prediction software and used to estimate the effect of turbulence on the levels of shaped sonic booms associated with several low boom aircraft designs. The SonicBAT program was a four year effort that consisted of turbulence model development and refinement throughout the entire period as well as extensive flight test planning that culminated with the two research flight tests being conducted in the second and third years of the program. The SonicBAT team, led by Wyle, includes partners from the Pennsylvania State University, Lockheed Martin, Gulfstream Aerospace, Boeing, Eagle Aeronautics, Technical & Business Systems, and the Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics (France). A number of collaborators, including the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, also participated by supporting the experiments with human and equipment resources at their own expense. Three NASA centers, AFRC, Langley Research Center (LaRC), and KSC were essential to the planning and conduct of the experiments. The experiments involved precision flight of either an F-18A or F-18B executing steady, level passes at supersonic airspeeds in a turbulent atmosphere to create sonic boom signatures that had been distorted by turbulence. The flights spanned a range of atmospheric turbulence conditions at NASA Armstrong and Kennedy in order to provide a variety of conditions for code validations. The SonicBAT experiments at both sites were designed to capture simultaneous F-18A or F-18B onboard flight instrumentation data, high fidelity ground based and airborne acoustic data, surface and upper air meteorological data, and additional meteorological data from ultrasonic anemometers and SODARs to determine the local atmospheric turbulence and boundary layer height
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