543 research outputs found

    Molecular cloning and characterization of the structural gene for protein I, the major outer membrane protein of Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

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    Protein I (P.I) is the major outer membrane protein of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and serves as a porin. By using oligonucleotide probes derived from the known amino-terminal sequence of the mature protein, we have cloned the gene encoding the P.I of gonococcal strain FA19 in three overlapping fragments and determined the DNA sequence. The gene sequence predicts a protein with characteristics typical of the porins of other Gram-negative bacteria. A clone expressing P.I in Escherichia coli was obtained by removing a portion of the P.I gene promoter and reconstructing the entire P.I gene in a position just downstream from a phage T7 promoter. Expression of P.I was then achieved by introducing this recombinant plasmid into an E. coli strain containing an inducible T7 polymerase gene. The clone produced a protein that was identical in size to native P.I and reacted with anti-P.I monoclonal antibodies. Prolonged expression of the protein apparently was lethal for E. coli, possibly explaining failures to clone an intact P.I gene with its own promoter

    Linearization of donor DNA during plasmid transformation in Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

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    We examined the fate of plasmid DNA after uptake during transformation in Neisseria gonorrhoeae. An 11.5-kilobase plasmid, pFA10, was processed to linear double-stranded DNA during uptake by competent cells, but cleavage of pFA10 was not site specific. A minority of pFA10 entered as open circles. A 42-kilobase plasmid, pFA14, was degraded into small fragments during uptake; no intracellular circular forms of pFA14 were evident. Since pFA10 DNA linearized by a restriction enzyme was not further cut during uptake, the endonucleolytic activity associated with entry of plasmid DNA appeared to act preferentially on circular DNA. Although linear plasmid DNA was taken up into a DNase-resistant state as efficiently as circular DNA, linear plasmid DNA transformed much less efficiently than circular plasmid DNA. These data suggest that during entry transforming plasmid DNA often is processed to double-stranded linear molecules; transformants may arise when some molecules are repaired to form circles. Occasional molecules which enter as intact circles may also lead to transformants

    Expression of gonococcal transferrin-binding protein 1 causes Escherichia coli to bind human transferrin.

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    The gene for gonococcal transferrin-binding protein 1 (TBP1) was cloned behind an inducible promoter in Escherichia coli. The resultant strain was capable of binding human transferrin with the same specificity as that of the gonococcus. E. coli expressing TBP1 did not internalize transferrin-bound iron or grow on transferrin as a sole iron source

    Identification of an envelope mutation (env-10) resulting in increased antibiotic susceptibility and pyocin resistance in a clinical isolate of Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

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    A mutation (env-10) conferring increased susceptibility to drugs, dyes, and detergents was detected in a clinical isolate of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. In certain strains, env-10 also affected susceptibility to pyocins. This mutation was phenotypically similar to but genotypically distinct from previously described env mutations

    Mid-Atlantic Wind - Overcoming the Challenges

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    This study, supported by the US Department of Energy, Wind Powering America Program, Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Chesapeake Bay Foundation, analyzed barriers to wind energy development in the Mid-Atlantic region along with options for overcoming or mitigating them. The Mid-Atlantic States including Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina and Virginia, have excellent wind energy potential and growing demand for electricity, but only two utility-scale projects have been installed to date. Reasons for this apathetic development of wind resources were analyzed and quantified for four markets. Specific applications are: 1) Appalachian mountain ridgeline sites, 2) on coastal plains and peninsulas, 3) at shallow water sites in Delaware and Chesapeake Bays, Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds, and 4) at deeper water sites off the Atlantic coast. Each market has distinctly different opportunities and barriers. The primary barriers to wind development described in this report can be grouped into four categories; state policy and regulatory issues, wind resource technical uncertainty, economic viability, and public interest in environmental issues. The properties of these typologies are not mutually independent and do interact. The report concluded that there are no insurmountable barriers to land-based wind energy projects and they could be economically viable today. Likewise potential sites in sheltered shallow waters in regional bay and sounds have been largely overlooked but could be viable currently. Offshore ocean-based applications face higher costs and technical and wind resource uncertainties. The ongoing research and development program, revision of state incentive policies, additional wind measurement efforts, transmission system expansion, environmental baseline studies and outreach to private developers and stakeholders are needed to reduce barriers to wind energy development

    In vitro antimicrobial susceptibility of penicillinase-producing and intrinsically resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae strains.

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    The in vitro susceptibility of penicillinase-producing and intrinsically resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae strains to 13 antimicrobial agents was tested. Regardless of the type of resistance, these organisms remained quite susceptible to newer cephalosporin agents, including moxalactam, cefoperazone, cefotaxime, and ceftazidime

    Covariance properties and regularization of conserved currents in tetrad gravity

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    We discuss the properties of the gravitational energy-momentum 3-form within the tetrad formulation of general relativity theory. We derive the covariance properties of the quantities describing the energy-momentum content under Lorentz transformations of the tetrad. As an application, we consider the computation of the total energy (mass) of some exact solutions of Einstein's general relativity theory which describe compact sources with asymptotically flat spacetime geometry. As it is known, depending on the choice of tetrad frame, the formal total integral for such configurations may diverge. We propose a natural regularization method which yields finite values for the total energy-momentum of the system and demonstrate how it works on a number of explicit examples.Comment: 36 pages, Revtex, no figures; small changes, published versio

    Point Mutations in HpuB Enable Gonococcal HpuA Deletion Mutants To Grow on Hemoglobin

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    Neisseria gonorrhoeae ordinarily requires both HpuA and HpuB to use hemoglobin (Hb) as a source of iron for growth. Deletion of HpuA resulted in reduced Hb binding and failure of growth on Hb. We identified rare Hb-utilizing colonies (Hb+) from an hpuA deletion mutant of FA1090, which fell into two phenotypic classes. One class of the Hb+ revertants required expression of both TonB and HpuB for growth on Hb, while the other class required neither TonB nor HpuB. All TonB/HpuB-dependent mutants had single amino acid alterations in HpuB, which occurred in clusters, particularly near the C terminus. The point mutations in HpuB did not restore normal Hb binding. Human serum albumin inhibited Hb-dependent growth of HpuB point mutants lacking HpuA but did not inhibit growth when expression of HpuA was restored. Thus, HpuB point mutants internalized heme in the absence of HpuA despite reduced binding of Hb. HpuA facilitated Hb binding and was important in allowing use of heme from Hb for growth

    Currents and Superpotentials in classical gauge invariant theories I. Local results with applications to Perfect Fluids and General Relativity

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    E. Noether's general analysis of conservation laws has to be completed in a Lagrangian theory with local gauge invariance. Bulk charges are replaced by fluxes of superpotentials. Gauge invariant bulk charges may subsist when distinguished one-dimensional subgroups are present. As a first illustration we propose a new {\it Affine action} that reduces to General Relativity upon gauge fixing the dilatation (Weyl 1918 like) part of the connection and elimination of auxiliary fields. It allows a comparison of most gravity superpotentials and we discuss their selection by the choice of boundary conditions. A second and independent application is a geometrical reinterpretation of the convection of vorticity in barotropic nonviscous fluids. We identify the one-dimensional subgroups responsible for the bulk charges and thus propose an impulsive forcing for creating or destroying selectively helicity. This is an example of a new and general Forcing Rule.Comment: 64 pages, LaTeX. Version 2 has two more references and one misprint corrected. Accepted in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Comparison of Immune Responses to Gonococcal PorB Delivered as Outer Membrane Vesicles, Recombinant Protein, or Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus Replicon Particles

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    Porin (PorB) is a major outer membrane protein produced by all Neisseria gonorrhoeae strains and has been a focus of intense interest as a vaccine candidate. In this study, the immunogenicity of PorB in mice was investigated after several immunization regimens. Outer membrane vesicles (OMV), recombinant renatured PorB (rrPorB), and PorB-expressing Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) virus replicon particles (PorB VRP) were delivered intranasally (i.n.) or subcutaneously (s.c.) into the dorsal area or the hind footpad in three-dose schedules; the PorB VRP-immunized mice were given a single additional booster dose of rrPorB in Ribi adjuvant. Different delivery systems and administration routes induced different immune responses. Mice immunized s.c. with rrPorB in Ribi had the highest levels of PorB-specific serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Surprisingly, there was an apparent Th1 bias, based on IgG1/IgG2a ratios, after immunization with rrPorB in Ribi in the footpad while the same vaccine given in the dorsal area gave a strongly Th2-biased response. PorB VRP-immunized mice produced a consistent Th1 response with a high gamma interferon response in stimulated splenic lymphocytes and very low IgG1/IgG2a ratios. Immunization by OMV delivered i.n. was the only regimen that resulted in a serum bactericidal response, and it generated an excellent mucosal IgA response. Serum from mice immunized with rrPorB preferentially recognized the surface of whole gonococci expressing a homologous PorB, whereas serum from PorB VRP-immunized mice had relatively low whole-cell binding activity but recognized both heterologous and homologous PorB equally. The data resulting from this direct comparison suggested that important aspects of the immune response can be manipulated by altering the form of the antigen and its delivery. This information coupled with an understanding of protective antigonococcal immune responses will enable the design of the optimal vaccine for N. gonorrhoeae
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