17 research outputs found

    Mirror, mirror on the wall: which microbiomes will help heal them all?

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    BACKGROUND: Clinicians have known for centuries that there is substantial variability between patients in their response to medications—some individuals exhibit a miraculous recovery while others fail to respond at all. Still others experience dangerous side effects. The hunt for the factors responsible for this variation has been aided by the ability to sequence the human genome, but this just provides part of the picture. Here, we discuss the emerging field of study focused on the human microbiome and how it may help to better predict drug response and improve the treatment of human disease. DISCUSSION: Various clinical disciplines characterize drug response using either continuous or categorical descriptors that are then correlated to environmental and genetic risk factors. However, these approaches typically ignore the microbiome, which can directly metabolize drugs into downstream metabolites with altered activity, clearance, and/or toxicity. Variations in the ability of each individual’s microbiome to metabolize drugs may be an underappreciated source of differences in clinical response. Complementary studies in humans and animal models are necessary to elucidate the mechanisms responsible and to test the feasibility of identifying microbiome-based biomarkers of treatment outcomes. SUMMARY: We propose that the predictive power of genetic testing could be improved by taking a more comprehensive view of human genetics that encompasses our human and microbial genomes. Furthermore, unlike the human genome, the microbiome is rapidly altered by diet, pharmaceuticals, and other interventions, providing the potential to improve patient care by re-shaping our associated microbial communities

    The global anaerobic metabolism regulator fnr is necessary for the degradation of food dyes and drugs by Escherichia coli

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    ABSTRACT The microbiome is an underappreciated contributor to intestinal drug metabolism with broad implications for drug efficacy and toxicity. While considerable progress has been made toward identifying the gut bacterial genes and enzymes involved, the role of environmental factors in shaping their activity remains poorly understood. Here, we focus on the gut bacterial reduction of azo bonds (R-N = N-R’), found in diverse chemicals in both food and drugs. Surprisingly, the canonical azoR gene in Escherichia coli was dispensable for azo bond reduction. Instead, azoreductase activity was controlled by the fumarate and nitrate reduction (fnr) regulator, consistent with a requirement for the anoxic conditions found within the gastrointestinal tract. Paired transcriptomic and proteomic analysis of the fnr regulon revealed that in addition to altering the expression of multiple reductases, FNR is necessary for the metabolism of L-Cysteine to hydrogen sulfide, enabling the degradation of azo bonds. Furthermore, we found that FNR indirectly regulates this process through the small noncoding regulatory RNA fnrS. Taken together, these results show how gut bacteria sense and respond to their intestinal environment to enable the metabolism of chemical groups found in both dietary and pharmaceutical compounds. IMPORTANCE This work has broad relevance due to the ubiquity of dyes containing azo bonds in food and drugs. We report that azo dyes can be degraded by human gut bacteria through both enzymatic and nonenzymatic mechanisms, even from a single gut bacterial species. Furthermore, we revealed that environmental factors, oxygen, and L-Cysteine control the ability of E. coli to degrade azo dyes due to their impacts on bacterial transcription and metabolism. These results open up new opportunities to manipulate the azoreductase activity of the gut microbiome through the manipulation of host diet, suggest that azoreductase potential may be altered in patients suffering from gastrointestinal disease, and highlight the importance of studying bacterial enzymes for drug metabolism in their natural cellular and ecological context

    Phage-delivered CRISPR-Cas9 for strain-specific depletion and genomic deletions in the gut microbiome.

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    Mechanistic insights into the role of the human microbiome in the predisposition to and treatment of disease are limited by the lack of methods to precisely add or remove microbial strains or genes from complex communities. Here, we demonstrate that engineered bacteriophage M13 can be used to deliver DNA to Escherichia coli within the mouse gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Delivery of a programmable exogenous CRISPR-Cas9 system enables the strain-specific depletion of fluorescently marked isogenic strains during competitive colonization and genomic deletions that encompass the target gene in mice colonized with a single strain. Multiple mechanisms allow E. coli to escape targeting, including loss of the CRISPR array or even the entire CRISPR-Cas9 system. These results provide a robust and experimentally tractable platform for microbiome editing, a foundation for the refinement of this approach to increase targeting efficiency, and a proof of concept for the extension to other phage-bacterial pairs of interest