10 research outputs found
Development of a New Optical Device and Its Feasibility in Prostate Cancer Detection
Aim: To develop a new optical device (prostate optical device, POD) for assessment of prostate tissue stiffness and evaluate its sensitivity and specificity in prostate cancer detection. Patients and Methods: POD was tested in prostate phantoms and in patients with indications for prostate biopsy. Its sensitivity and specificity were compared to digital rectal examination (DRE) and transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS). Results: POD was able to identify stiffness differences on each prostate phantom. 45 patients were included in the study. Sensitivity of TRUS (40%) was significantly lower to POD (85.7%) and DRE (74.3%) (p = 0.000 and p = 0.003, respectively). There was no statistical difference between POD and DRE (p = 0.221). The combination of POD and DRE showed the highest sensitivity (88.6%), positive predictive value (81.6%), and negative predictive value (42.9%) among all diagnostic tests. Conclusions: POD identified prostatic stiffness differences with the same sensitivity of DRE performed by an experienced urologist providing an objective indication for prostate biopsy and early prostate cancer detection. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Base
Youth participation in Eastern Europe in the age of austerity
IN ENGLISH: This chapter explores ways in which austerity policies have influenced patterns of youth political participation between the core and periphery of the European Union (EU), focusing on Eastern Europe. The varied impact of austerity across the EU is reflected in the finding that young people in the Eastern periphery tend to refrain from both conventional and unconventional modes of political participation. While aggravating socioeconomic conditions have resulted in the rise of unconventional political participation activities among young people in Southern Europe, the same has not been the case in Eastern Europe. On the contrary, our findings suggest a retreat from politics that cuts across the distinction between conventional and unconventional modes of political participation. --------------- IN CROATIAN: Ovo poglavlje istražuje načine na koje politike oskudica utječu na obrasce političke participacije mladih uspoređujući jezgru i periferiju Europske unije (EU), s naglaskom na Istočnu Europu. Različit utjecaj politike oskudice širom Europe odražava se u nalazu da su mladi na istočnoj periferiji skloni suzdržavati se i od konvencionalnih, i od nekonvencionalnih načina političke participacije. Dok su otežavajući socioekonomski uvjeti rezultirali porastom nekonvencionalnih aktivnosti političke participacije među mladima u južnoj Europi, u istočnoj Europi to nije slučaj. Naprotiv, nalazi istraživanja upućuju na povlačenje mladih iz politike koje smanjuje razliku između konvencionalnih i nekonvencionalnih načina političke participacije