17 research outputs found
Perils and pitfalls of survey research
The various stages of a survey sampling, questionnaire design, and
data collection all present potential problems. Decisions about
sampling include the type and size of the sample as well as the selection
of the population to be sampled. In questionnaire design, there are
a number of stages, including wording the questions, pretesting the
questions, and finalizing the questions. After determining the questions
to be asked, the advantages and disadvantages of different data collection
types need to be considered e.g., self-administered questionnaires,
telephone interviews, or face-to-face interviews. A final concern is who
will administer the survey.published or submitted for publicatio
Cellular Rupture and Release of Protoplasm and Protein Bodies From Bean and Pea Cotyledons During Imbibition
Imbibition is a critical phase in germination and processing of legume seeds because cellular disruption during imbibition may influence seedling vigor and processing quality Cellular disruption of cotyledonary surfaces of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and peas (Pisum sacivum L.) and the cellular contents released during imbibition were examined with scanning electron microscopy. Two types of c e llular disruption we r e observed during imbibition: ruptures and fractures. Individual cells and small groups of cells on t he surfnces of cotyledons ruptured after immersion in water. Ruptured cells had flaps of cell walls which remained attached to intact portions of cell walls. Fractured cells sp l it in half, and remnant portions of cell walls were completely separated from each other. Disrupted cells on the interior surfaces of blister cavities were of the fractured type.
Materials released from cotyledonary tissues consisted of both dense aggregates of protein bodies and a dispersed phase of protoplasm. In some cases, protoplasm and protein bodies on cotyledonary surfaces were found adjacent to single cell ruptures and, in others, the sites of losses were not found. The presence of protoplasm and protein bodies and absence of sites for their release indicate an additions 1 mechanism other than fracture or rupture may contribute co losses of intracellular substances during imbibition