82 research outputs found

    Short proof of a theorem of Juhasz

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    We give a simple proof of the increasing strengthening of Arhangel'skii's Theorem. Our proof naturally leads to a refinement of this result of Juh\'asz.Comment: 5 page

    P-spaces and the Volterra property

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    We study the relationship between generalizations of PP-spaces and Volterra (weakly Volterra) spaces, that is, spaces where every two dense GδG_\delta have dense (non-empty) intersection. In particular, we prove that every dense and every open, but not every closed subspace of an almost PP-space is Volterra and that there are Tychonoff non-weakly Volterra weak PP-spaces. These results should be compared with the fact that every PP-space is hereditarily Volterra. As a byproduct we obtain an example of a hereditarily Volterra space and a hereditarily Baire space whose product is not weakly Volterra. We also show an example of a Hausdorff space which contains a non-weakly Volterra subspace and is both a weak PP-space and an almost PP-space.Comment: in press on the Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Societ

    Covering by discrete and closed discrete sets

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    Say that a cardinal number κ\kappa is \emph{small} relative to the space XX if κ<Δ(X)\kappa <\Delta(X), where Δ(X)\Delta(X) is the least cardinality of a non-empty open set in XX. We prove that no Baire metric space can be covered by a small number of discrete sets, and give some generalizations. We show a ZFC example of a regular Baire σ\sigma-space and a consistent example of a normal Baire Moore space which can be covered by a small number of discrete sets. We finish with some remarks on linearly ordered spaces.Comment: 12 pages, to appear on Topology and its Application

    On two topological cardinal invariants of an order-theoretic flavour

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    Noetherian type and Noetherian π\pi-type are two cardinal functions which were introduced by Peregudov in 1997, capturing some properties studied earlier by the Russian School. Their behavior has been shown to be akin to that of the \emph{cellularity}, that is the supremum of the sizes of pairwise disjoint non-empty open sets in a topological space. Building on that analogy, we study the Noetherian π\pi-type of κ\kappa-Suslin Lines, and we are able to determine it for every κ\kappa up to the first singular cardinal. We then prove a consequence of Chang's Conjecture for ℵω\aleph_\omega regarding the Noetherian type of countably supported box products which generalizes a result of Lajos Soukup. We finish with a connection between PCF theory and the Noetherian type of certain Pixley-Roy hyperspaces

    A note on discrete sets

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    We give several partial positive answers to a question of Juhasz and Szentmiklossy regarding the minimum number of discrete sets required to cover a compact space. We study the relationship between the size of discrete sets, free sequences and their closures with the cardinality of a Hausdorff space, improving known results in the literature.Comment: 14 pages, to appear on Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolina
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