755 research outputs found

    Gravoturbulent Star Formation: Effects of the Equation of State on Stellar Masses

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    Stars form by gravoturbulent fragmentation of interstellar gas clouds. The supersonic turbulence ubiquitously observed in Galactic molecular gas generates strong density fluctuations with gravity taking over in the densest and most massive regions. Collapse sets in to build up stars and star clusters. Turbulence plays a dual role. On global scales it provides support, while at the same time it can promote local collapse. Stellar birth is thus intimately linked to the dynamic behavior of parental gas clouds, which governs when and where protostellar cores form, and how they contract and grow in mass via accretion from the surrounding cloud material to build up stars. The equation of state plays a pivotal role in the fragmentation process. Under typical cloud conditions, massive stars form as part of dense clusters following the "normal" mass function observed, e.g. in the solar neighborhood. However, for gas with an effective polytropic index greater than unity star formation becomes biased towards isolated massive stars. This is relevant for understanding the properties of zero-metallicity stars (Population III) or stars that form under extreme environmental conditions like in the Galactic center or in luminous starbursts.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure, to be published in the Proceedings of the IAU Colloquium No. 227, 2005, "Massive Star Birth: A Crossroads of Astrophysics

    Evolution of the ISM in Luminous IR Galaxies

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    Molecules that trace the high-density regions of the interstellar medium may be used to evaluate the changing physical and chemical environment during the ongoing nuclear activity in (Ultra-)Luminous Infrared Galaxies. The changing ratios of the HCN(1-0), HNC(1-0), HCO+(1-0), CN(1-0) and CN(2-1), and CS(3-2) transitions were compared with the HCN(1-0)/CO(1-0) ratio, which is proposed to represent the progression time scale of the starburst. These diagnostic diagrams were interpreted using the results of theoretical modeling using a large physical and chemical network to describe the state of the nuclear ISM in the evolving galaxies. Systematic changes are seen in the line ratios as the sources evolve from early stage for the nuclear starburst (ULIRGs) to later stages. These changes result from changing environmental conditions and particularly from the lowering of the average density of the medium. A temperature rise due to mechanical heating of the medium by feedback explains the lowering of the ratios at later evolutionary stages. Infrared pumping may affect the CN and HNC line ratios during early evolutionary stages. Molecular transitions display a behavior that relates to changes of the environment during an evolving nuclear starburst. Molecular properties may be used to designate the evolutionary stage of the nuclear starburst. The HCN(1-0)/CO(1-0) and HCO+(1-0)/HCN(1-0) ratios serve as indicators of the time evolution of the outburst.Comment: To be published in Astronomy and Astrophysics - 11 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    Molecular Hydrogen in Diffuse Interstellar Clouds of Arbitrary Three-Dimensional Geometry

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    We have constructed three-dimensional models for the equilibrium abundance of molecular hydrogen within diffuse interstellar clouds of arbitrary geometry that are illuminated by ultraviolet radiation. The position-dependent photo- dissociation rate of H2_2 within such clouds was computed using a 26-ray approximation to model the attenuation of the incident ultraviolet radiation field by dust and by H2_2 line absorption. We have applied our modeling technique to the isolated diffuse cloud G236+39, assuming that the cloud has a constant density and that the thickness of the cloud along the line of sight is at every point proportional to the 100 um continuum intensity measured by IRAS. We find that our model can successfully account for observed variations in the ratio of 100 umu continuum intensity to HI column density, with larger values of that ratio occurring along lines of sight in which the molecular hydrogen fraction is expected to be largest. Using a standard chi^2 analysis to assess the goodness of fit of our models, we find (at the 60sigma level) that a three-dimensional model is more successful in matching the observational data than a one-dimensional model in which the geometrical extent of the cloud along the line of sight is assumed to be very much smaller than its extent in the plane-of-the-sky. If D is the distance to G236+39, and given standard assumptions about the rate of grain-catalysed H_2 formation, we find that the cloud has an extent along the line of sight that is 0.9+-0.1 times its mean extent projected onto the plane of the sky; a gas density of (53+-8)(100 pc/D) cm^-3; and is illuminated by a radiation field of (1.1+-0.2) (100 pc/D) times the mean interstellar radiation field estimated by Draine (1978). The derived 100 um emissivity per nucleon is (1.13+-0.06)x10^-20 MJy sr^-1 cm^2.Comment: 27 pages LaTex, uses aaspp4.sty, ApJ August

    The complexity that the first stars brought to the Universe: Fragility of metal enriched gas in a radiation field

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    The initial mass function (IMF) of the first (Population III) stars and Population II (Pop II) stars is poorly known due to a lack of observations of the period between recombination and reionization. In simulations of the formation of the first stars, it has been shown that, due to the limited ability of metal-free primordial gas to cool, the IMF of the first stars is a few orders of magnitude more massive than the current IMF. The transition from a high-mass IMF of the first stars to a lower-mass current IMF is thus important to understand. To study the underlying physics of this transition, we performed several simulations using the cosmological hydrodynamic adaptive mesh refinement code Enzo for metallicities of 10^{-4}, 10^{-3}, 10^{-2}, and 10^{-1} Z_{\odot}. In our simulations we include a star formation prescription that is derived from a metallicity dependent multi-phase ISM structure, an external UV radiation field, and a mechanical feedback algorithm. We also implement cosmic ray heating, photoelectric heating and gas-dust heating/cooling, and follow the metal enrichment of the ISM. It is found that the interplay between metallicity and UV radiation leads to the co-existence of Pop III and Pop II star formation in non-zero metallicity (Z/Z_{\odot} \geq10^{-2}) gas. A cold (T10^{-22} g cm^{-3}) gas phase is fragile to ambient UV radiation. In a metal-poor (Z/Z_{\odot} \leq10^{-3}) gas, the cold and dense gas phase does not form in the presence of a radiation field of F_{0}\sim10^{-5}-10^{-4} erg cm^{-2} s^{-1}. Therefore, metallicity by itself is not a good indicator of the Pop III-Pop II transition. Metal-rich (Z/Z_{\odot}\geq10^{-2}) gas dynamically evolves two to three orders of magnitude faster than metal poor gas (Z/Z_{\odot}\leq10^{-3}). The simulations including SNe show that pre-enrichment of the halo does not affect the mixing of metals.Comment: Published in Ap

    Molecular properties of (U)LIRGs: CO, HCN, HNC and HCO+

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    The observed molecular properties of a sample of FIR-luminous and OH megamaser (OH-MM) galaxies have been investigated. The ratio of high and low-density tracer lines is found to be determined by the progression of the star formation in the system. The HCO+/HCN and HCO+/HNC line ratios are good proxies for the density of the gas, and PDR and XDR sources can be distinguished using the HNC/HCN line ratio. The properties of the OH-MM sources in the sample can be explained by PDR chemistry in gas with densities higher than 10^5.5 cm^-3, confirming the classical OH-MM model of IR pumped amplification with (variable) low gains.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, to appear in: IAU Symposium 242 Astrophysical Masers and their Environment

    Lyman Alpha Radiation From Collapsing Protogalaxies II: Observational Evidence for Gas Infall

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    We model the spectra and surface brightness distributions for the Lyman alpha (Lya) radiation expected from protogalaxies that are caught in the early stages of their assembly. We use the results of a companion paper to characterize the radiation emerging from spherically collapsing gas clouds. We then modify the intrinsic spectra to incorporate the effect of subsequent resonant scattering in the intergalactic medium (IGM). Using these models, we interpret a number of recent observations of extended Lya blobs (LABs) at high redshift. We suggest, based on the angular size, energetics, as well as the relatively shallow surface brightness profiles, and double-peaked spectra, that several of these LABs may be associated with collapsing protogalaxies. We suggest two follow-up observations to diagnose the presence of gas infall. High S/N spectra of LABs should reveal a preferential flattening of the surface brightness profile at the red side of the line. Complementary imaging of the blobs at redshifted Balmer alpha wavelengths should reveal the intrinsic Lya emissivity and allow its separation from radiative transfer effects. We show that Lya scattering by infalling gas can reproduce the observed spectrum of Steidel et al's LAB2 as accurately as a recently proposed outflow model. Finally, we find similar evidence for infall in the spectra of point-like Lyman alpha emitters. The presence of scattering by the infalling gas implies that the intrinsic Lya luminosities, and derived quantities, such as the star-formation rate, in these objects may have been underestimated by about an order of magnitude.Comment: Accepted for Publication in ApJ, 11 emulateapj pages with 6 figures, together with a companion pape

    The formation of massive primordial stars in the presence of moderate UV backgrounds

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    Radiative feedback from populations II stars played a vital role in early structure formation. Particularly, photons below the Lyman limit can escape the star forming regions and produce a background ultraviolet (UV) flux which consequently may influence the pristine halos far away from the radiation sources. These photons can quench the formation of molecular hydrogen by photo-detachment of H\rm H^{-}. In this study, we explore the impact of such UV radiation on fragmentation in massive primordial halos of a few times 107\rm 10^{7}~M{_\odot}. To accomplish this goal, we perform high resolution cosmological simulations for two distinct halos and vary the strength of the impinging background UV field in units of J21\rm J_{21}. We further make use of sink particles to follow the evolution for 10,000 years after reaching the maximum refinement level. No vigorous fragmentation is observed in UV illuminated halos while the accretion rate changes according to the thermal properties. Our findings show that a few 100-10, 000 solar mass protostars are formed when halos are irradiated by J21=10500\rm J_{21}=10-500 at z>10\rm z>10 and suggest a strong relation between the strength of UV flux and mass of a protostar. This mode of star formation is quite different from minihalos, as higher accretion rates of about 0.010.1\rm 0.01-0.1 M_{\odot}/yr are observed by the end of our simulations. The resulting massive stars are the potential cradles for the formation of intermediate mass black holes at earlier cosmic times and contribute to the formation of a global X-ray background.Comment: Submitted to APJ, comments are welcome. High resolution copy is available at http://www.astro.physik.uni-goettingen.de/~mlatif/IMBHs_apj.pd

    How realistic UV spectra and X-rays suppress the abundance of direct collapse black holes

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    Observations of high redshift quasars at z>6z>6 indicate that they harbor supermassive black holes (SMBHs) of a billion solar masses. The direct collapse scenario has emerged as the most plausible way to assemble SMBHs. The nurseries for the direct collapse black holes are massive primordial halos illuminated with an intense UV flux emitted by population II (Pop II) stars. In this study, we compute the critical value of such a flux (J21critJ_{21}^{\rm crit}) for realistic spectra of Pop II stars through three-dimensional cosmological simulations. We derive the dependence of J21critJ_{21}^{\rm crit} on the radiation spectra, on variations from halo to halo, and on the impact of X-ray ionization. Our findings show that the value of J21critJ_{21}^{\rm crit} is a few times 104\rm 10^4 and only weakly depends on the adopted radiation spectra in the range between Trad=2×104105T_{\rm rad}=2 \times 10^4-10^5 K. For three simulated halos of a few times 107\rm 10^{7}~M_{\odot}, J21critJ_{21}^{\rm crit} varies from 2×1045×104\rm 2 \times 10^4 - 5 \times 10^4. The impact of X-ray ionization is almost negligible and within the expected scatter of J21critJ_{21}^{\rm crit} for background fluxes of JX,210.1J_{\rm X,21} \leq 0.1. The computed estimates of J21critJ_{21}^{\rm crit} have profound implications for the quasar abundance at z=10z=10 as it lowers the number density of black holes forming through an isothermal direct collapse by a few orders of magnitude below the observed black holes density. However, the sites with moderate amounts of H2\rm H_2 cooling may still form massive objects sufficient to be compatible with observations.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, comments are welcom

    L-band ATS 5/Orion/S. S. Manhattan marine navigation and communication experiment Final report

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    L-band signals relayed by synchronous satellite for navigation and data communicatio