85 research outputs found

    Performance of cotton genotype TCH 1819 to high density planting system under winter irrigated condition at the Western agroclimatic zone of Tamil Nadu

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    Plant population is an important attribute in crop management practice. Increasing the plant density by decreasing the crop row spacing was an alternative strategy to optimize crop profit. Hence, the field trial was conducted at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, during the winter season of 2017 – 18 to study the effect of row spacing on the growth and yield of cotton genotype TCH 1819. The experimental design was Randomized Block Design (RBD) with seven spacing treatments viz., T1: 60 x 15 cm (1,11,111 plants ha-1), T2: 60 x 20 cm (83,333 plants ha-1), T3: 75 x 15 cm (88,888 plants ha-1), T4: 75 x 20 cm (66,666 plants ha-1), T5: 75 x 30 cm (44,444 plants ha-1), T6: 90 x 15 cm (74074 plants ha-1), T7: 90 x 20cm (55,555 plants ha-1) and was replicated thrice.  Plant densities showed a significant (p=0.05) difference for all the characters studied.  The higher plant density of 1,11,111 plants (60 x 15 cm) observed significantly (p=0.05) maximum plant height (103.14 cm), Leaf Area Index (LAI) (4.35), Dry Matter Production (DMP) (8125 kg/ha), Crop Growth Rate (CGR) (6.58 g/m2/day), root length (41.46 cm), root dry weight (14.94 g/plant), and chlorophyll index (48.24).  The number of sympodial branches per plant (17) and bolls per plant (22 bolls) was found significant in the wider spacing of 75 x 30 cm.  The narrow spacing of 60 x 15 cm noted the highest seed cotton yield (2565 kg/ha), net return (R65706.62), and B: C (2.32) ratio, followed by the spacing of 75 x 15 cm due to more plant density per unit area (m2).  So, maximum yield in cotton can be achieved by decreasing the row spacing and increasing the plant population per unit area

    Comparison study of NB-UVB alone Vs combination of topical agents with NB-UVB in the treatment of psoriasis.

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    INTRODUCTION : Psoriasis is a common, genetically determined, inflammatory and proliferative disease of the skin, the most characteristic lesions consisting of chronic, sharply demarcated, dull red, scaly plaques, particularly on the extensor prominences and in the scalp. The earliest description of what appears to represent psoriasis are given at the beginning of medicine in the Corpus Hippocraticum. Hippocrates used the terms psora and lepra for the conditions that can be recognized as psoriasis. Willan separated two diseases as psoriasis entities, a discoid lepra graecorum and a polycyclic confluent psora leprosa, which later was called psoriasis. Von Hebra definitely distinguished the clinical picture of psoriasis from that of Hansen’s disease. Psoriasis continues to be a therapeutic challenge in spite of our growing knowledge of its pathogenesis. Various forms of treatment have been developed in the past several decades and new regimens are constantly being tried. Narrowband ultraviolet-B phototherapy has become an increasingly popular modality in the treatment of psoriasis. Many studies have documented improved efficacy and therapeutic index for narrow band UVB in comparison with conventional broad band UVB irradiation. However the long term side effects of narrowband UVB therapy have not been fully documented. As a result, there has been a great deal of interest in photocombination therapies that are capable of both reducing the cumulative UVB doses and accelerating resolution of skin lesions. Phototherapy can be combined with topical or systemic agents. Topical agents include anthralin, vitamin D analogues, retinoids, glucocorticoids, emollients, salt water baths and tar. This study was designed to study the efficacy and safety of narrowband UVB and to study the advantages and disadvantages of photo combination with a topical steroid and topical tazarotene. AIM OF THE STUDY : This study was conducted in patients with chronic plaque type of psoriasis involving less than 20% of body surface area to evaluate the efficacy and safety of 1. Narrow Band UVB, 2. Narrow Band UVB with topical betamethasone valerate, 3. Narrow Band UVB with topical tazarotene. CONCLUSION * Narrow Band UVB phototherapy is an effective modality of treatment in plaque type of psoriasis. * Narrow Band UVB is safe and well tolerated in our patients with very few side effects. * Combining NB-UVB phototherapy and topical betamethasone valerate confers little advantage in treating psoriasis and appears to have no substantial effect on the time to clearing or the mean cumulative dose. * Combination of tazarotene and NB-UVB phototherapy is significantly more effective than NB-UVB phototherapy alone for the treatment of psoriasis. * The addition of tazarotene to NB-UVB therapy promotes faster clearing of psoriasis when compared with NB-UVB monotherapy. * The cumulative dose of NB-UVB is reduced when tazarotene is combined with it which means a lower risk for long term complications. * Irritation due to tazarotene is mild and combination of tazarotene with NB-UVB is well tolerated. * Photocombination therapies can broaden the therapeutic options for the treatment of patients with psoriasis

    Evaluation of Visual Evoked Potential and Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential in Migraine

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    AIM OF THE STUDY: The present study was undertaken to investigate the visual and brainstem auditory functions in Migraine patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The subjects were recruited from Outpatient Clinic of Department of Neuromedicine, Thanjavur Medical College & Hospital, Thanjavur based on International Headache Society classification for Migraine. Subjects with history suggestive of other types of headache, TTH, cluster headache, sinusitis and subjects with Visual field defects, Auditory deficits are excluded from the study. Forty subjects (16 with Aura & 24 cases – Migraine without aura) in the mean age group of 19 to 52 yrs & forty age / sex matched controls with no history of Headache were selected for the study. Informed written consent was obtained from the subject. Ethical committee approval was obtained from the Institution before commencing the study. A detailed history of Headache duration, frequency and history suggestive of aura and history to rule out other types of headache were noted. Ophthalmologic examination was done to determine visual acuity, Field of Vision, extraocular movements and pupillary diameter. The results were analysed statistically using student „t‟ test. RESULTS: There was significant prolongation of P100 & N145 latency (p<0.05) in both Migraine with aura and without aura compared with controls. BAEP recording shows significant prolongation of latency of Wave I, III & V and the Interpeak latency I-III, III-V & I-V in Migraine with aura. In Migraine without aura, there was significant prolongation of Wave I, III & V and only III-V IPL & I-V IPL. (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: The present study results show that there is involvement of the central nervous system Visual pathway and the Brainstem in Migraine patients. The Migraine patients show prolongation of latency in Electrophysiological studies. Migraine patients with aura and without aura show significant prolongation of P100, N145 Latency with no change in P100 amplitude and in BAEP the latencies of waves I , III & V and the IPLs I-III , III- V & I-V are prolonged. These findings suggest there is defect in the central processing of visual function and BAEP alterations suggest involvement of Brainstem structures during Migraine attack. Thus, VEP and Auditory brainstem evoked responses are considered as useful, non-invasive, reliable & diagnostic techniques for better understanding the Neurophysiological processes involved in Migraine patients which aid in the selection of adequate, effective treatment in Migraine subjects. However, further studies are needed to compare the duration of the disease with the changes in the Electrophysiological study and to explain the role of Neuromodulatory centers in the brainstem in pathophysiology of Migraine. Then, the role of pattern reversal check size on VEP parameters in Migraine patients and lack of habituation during prolonged stimulation should be evaluated

    Effectiveness of Low Intensity Aquatic Exercise and Floor Exercise in Improving Functional Vital Capacity and Forced Expiratorty Volume among Subjects with COPD: A Comparative study

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    INTRODUCTION: Despite the growing number of studies reporting therapeutic success in water environments, research involving aquatic exercise among patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is scarce. This study evaluates the impact of low-intensity aquatic exercise and floor exercises on COPD. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: The purpose of the study is to compare the effectiveness of low intensity aquatic exercise in improving functional capacity and forced expiratory volume among subjects with COPD. METHODOLOGY: 30 subjects were selected based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria and were divided into two groups, Group A (15) and Group B (15). Group A received low intensity Floor exercise and Group B received low intensity Aquatic exercise and the Functional capacity and Forced Expiratory volume were measured using the 6 minute walk test, spirometer. RESULTS: Both groups showed significant improvement in vital capacity and forced expiratory volume after treatment program. Aquatic group showed clinically and statistically significant improvement in vital capacity and expiratory forced volume when compared to the floor group. CONCLUSION: The study concluded that the subjects in the Aquatic exercise group showed statistically significant improvement (i.e) the subjects in (Group B) showed increase in functional capacity and forced expiratory volume when compared to the subjects in floor group (Group A)

    Comparative Evalution of Effectiveness of School Dental Health Education Program among School Children of 8-10 Years Old With and Without Parental Guidance

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    INTRODUCTION: Good oral health in children is important to meet their general health needs. Oral diseases are major health problems, especially in children, owing to their high prevalence and incidence in all the regions of the world. Most of the oral diseases or conditions in children are preventable or treatable. So it is necessary to promote dental health education in schools. Dental health education helps in enriching knowledge and developing life-skills, positive values and attitudes in children. The health and well-being of school staff, families and community members can also be enhanced by programs based in schools. Dental care professionals believe that including parents in health education program result in reductions in caries risk among their children. AIM OF THE STUDY: The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of school dental health education program conducted at regular intervals for 8-10 years old school children with and without parental guidance. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 120 students of both genders aged 8-10 years were selected. The study was conducted over a period of 36 weeks and sample were randomly selected and allocated into 2 groups without and with parents each group containing 30 boys and 30 girls. In addition Group II included 60 parents. The questionnaire was circulated before the start and end of the study to assess the knowledge and oral hygiene practice of the children. Tooth brush, tooth paste were distributed to the children during the entire period of the study. Oral health examination was done using DMFT, deft and OHI-S Indices. Initial baseline data was collected. Dental health education was given using video, tooth models and pamphlets after the oral health examination. The children who required treatment were brought to the dental hospital and all their dental needs were treated. Dental examination was carried out again using OHI-S, DMFT and deft index and health education was given at 3rd, 6th and 9th month interval. The result were analyzed using SPSS Software version 20.0 RESULTS: Around 120 Students were screened. The mean score for pre assessment knowledge and oral hygiene practice score of Group I and Group II were 6.50±1.050, 6.55±1.268 respectively. The mean score for post assessment knowledge and oral hygiene practice score of Group I and Group II were 7.88±0.761, 8.03±0.843 respectively. At the baseline the mean score for DMFT, deft, OHI-S score of Group I and Group II were 0.27±0.686 and 0.25±0.680, 1.80±2.114 and 1.23±1.430, 1.265±0.642 and 1.405±0.635 respectively. At the end of 9th month mean score for DMFT, deft and OHI-S index for Group I and Group II were 0.57±0.81 and 0.30±0.696, 2.53±2.054 and 1.52±1.513, 1.082±0.338 and 0.537±0.370 respectively. This difference was found to be statistically significant for DMFT, deft and OHI-S index (P < 0.001). The group without parental presence was showing higher significance due to increase in caries in children


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    Objectives: As an ever growing scale people are using newer and more effective drugs for various medical conditions. Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are preventable if the health-care professional pays close attention to the details of the adverse effects, following a drug administration. Awareness about ADRs can decrease the irrational use of drugs. Hence, there is an urgent need to create awareness among the prescribers about the ADR monitoring. Hence, this study is undertaken to assess the awareness, knowledge, and attitude toward Pharmacovigilance among the future health-care professionals.Methods: Questionnaire-based study was conducted in a tertiary health-care hospital after getting approval from the Institutional Ethical Committee. The questionnaire was developed to assess the knowledge, awareness, and practice of Pharmacovigilance activity. The questions were distributed to the final year students, interns, and postgraduate's students and allowed to write down the answers independently. Each correct answer was given a score of ‘1,' whereas the incorrect/incomplete was given a score of 0.â€Results and Conclusion: The study reported that awareness (UGs - 53.3%, interns - 54.9%, PGs - 30.75) was adequate among undergraduates and interns, in the knowledge part (UGs-65.5%, interns - 35.4%, PGs - 9.2%), undergraduates excel far than the interns and PGs. However, in the application of Pharmacovigilance (UG - 22.2%, interns - 59.8%, PGs - 63.1%) postgraduates and interns fair better than the undergraduates. Hence, there is need to increase the awareness and also increase the ADR reporting practice among medical graduates

    3-WAY Secured WSN with CSDSM-DNN based Intrusion Detection Model

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    In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), intrusion aims indegrading or even eliminating the capacity of these networks for providing their functions. Thus, in recent years, several ideas are brought and employed. However, these techniques still did not fulfill their requirements in attaining better classification accuracy. This paper proposes a novel Cosine Similarity Distance integrated Sammon Mapping learning layer-Deep Neural Network (CSDSM-DNN)-centricIntrusion Detection Model (IDM) in WSNfor attaining better outcomes. Initially, the nodes are clustered; after that, utilizing Binomial Distribution based Dwarf Mongoose Optimization (BD-DMO), the cluster heads are selected. Then, theIdentity Matrix Function-Kalman Filter (IMF-KF) identified the optimal route. Subsequently, the data is transferred via the secured route. The transferred data is pre-processed and then, the important features are selected. Lastly, to classify whether the data is attacked or non-attacked, the selected features are given into the CSDSM-DNN. Therefore, with the prevailing approaches, the experiential outcomes are evaluated and analogized and it exhibits the proposed model’s higher reliability and efficacy


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    The Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise (MSME) sector stands as a pivotal pillar within the Indian economy, contributing to 48% of the nation's production output and providing employment to a staggering 110 million individuals. The pervasive impact of the pandemic has inevitably reverberated across the economic landscape, although its full extent remains shrouded in uncertainty. Particularly, the small-scale enterprises that play a crucial role in India's manufacturing and service domains have borne the brunt of this impact. The year 2020 witnessed an unprecedented deceleration in revenue, with the MSME sector grappling with severe challenges in maintaining operational continuity. In response to this crisis, the government took affirmative action aimed at rejuvenating the beleaguered sector, offering targeted support to MSMEs. This concerted intervention proved to be a significant impetus, infusing hope and vitality into these enterprises. Consequently, a comprehensive evaluation of the barriers encountered, a candid exposition of these hurdles, and the formulation of a robust strategy to surmount the pandemic-induced turmoil have become imperative. In light of this exigency, the researcher undertakes a rigorous analytical investigation into the government's policies crafted to ensure the sustainable growth of MSMEs in India. By distilling insights from diverse sources, a holistic understanding of the challenges faced by MSMEs and the efficacy of governmental interventions is pursued


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    ABSTRACTObjectives: To investigate the antiplasmodial activity of three different solvent extracts of Sargassum tenerrimum against Plasmodium falciparum.Methods: The seaweed species of S. tenerrimum were collected from Rameshwaram, Southeast coast of India. The collected samples were dried andextracted with three different polaritic (hexane, acetone, and ethylacetate) solvents and tested against P. falciparum parasite strain.Results: Acetone extract exhibited better activity than the other two extracts. The inhibitory concentration values of acetone S. tenerrimum werefound to be 27.82 and 18.14 µg/ml at 24-48 hrs, respectively. S. tenerrimum crude extracts were subjected for the phytochemical analysis, and itshowed the presence of steroids, alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, glycosides, amino acids, and phenol compounds. The gas chromatography-massspectroscopy result reveals that the presence of 10 major and minor compounds in the S. tenerrimum extract. In that, cyclotrisiloxane hexamethylcompounds might be responsible for the effective parasite suppression.50Conclusion: It can be concluded from the present study that the acetone extract of S. tenerrimum has strong antiplasmodial activity. Furthermore, thestudy has been extended to the isolation of the possible active compounds that is responsible for the antiplasmodial properties.Keywords: Antiplasmodial assay, Different polaritic solvents, Plasmodium falciparum, Sargassum tenerrimum

    Effect of ultrasonication and enzyme activity on dye uptake of cationised cotton fabric 

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    To eliminate the usage of salt, salt-free reactive dyeing using CHPTAC (3-Chloro-2-hydroxypropyl trimethylammonium chloride) has been proposed. Studies have shown promising results, such as better dye shade attainment and less effluent load compared to conventional methods. In this work, to improve the effective utilisation of CHPTAC, the cotton fabric has been treated with cellulase enzyme and the application of CHPTAC is carried out using the ultrasonication technique. The samples are then characterised for colour parameters and it is found that the enzymatic treatment and ultrasonication lead to improve the dye uptake, as the interaction of CHPTAC with the fabric becomes better.
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