702 research outputs found

    Alpha radioactivity of the lunar surface at the Surveyor 5, 6, and 7 landing sites

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    Alpha radioactivity of lunar surface at Surveyor 5, 6, and 7 landing site

    Quality of Life with Late-Onset Pompe Disease: Qualitative Interviews and General Public Utility Estimation in the United Kingdom

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    Background: Late-onset Pompe disease (LOPD) is a rare, progressive neuromuscular condition typically characterized by weakness of skeletal muscles, including those involved in respiration and diaphragmatic dysfunction. Individuals with LOPD typically eventually require mobility and/or ventilatory support. / Objectives: This study aimed to develop health state vignettes and estimate health state utility values for LOPD in the United Kingdom. / Methods: Vignettes were developed for 7 health states of LOPD with states defined in terms of mobility and/or ventilatory support. Vignettes were drafted based on patient-reported outcome data from the Phase 3 PROPEL trial (NCT03729362) and supplemented by a literature review. Qualitative interviews with individuals living with LOPD and clinical experts were conducted to explore the health-related quality-of-life (HRQoL) impact of LOPD and to review the draft vignettes. Vignettes were finalized following a second round of interviews with individuals living with LOPD and used in health state valuation exercises with people of the UK population. Participants rated the health states using the EQ-5D-5L, visual analog scale, and time trade-off interviews. / Results: Twelve individuals living with LOPD and 2 clinical experts were interviewed. Following the interviews, 4 new statements were added regarding dependence on others, bladder control problems, balance issues/fear of falling, and frustration. One hundred interviews with a representative UK population sample were completed. Mean time trade-off utilities ranged from 0.754 (SD = 0.31) (no support) to 0.132 (SD = 0.50) (invasive ventilatory and mobility support-dependent). Similarly, EQ- 5D-5L utilities ranged from 0.608 (SD = 0.12) to -0.078 (SD = 0.22). / Discussion: The utilities obtained in the study are consistent with utilities reported in the literature (0.670-0.853 for nonsupport state). The vignette content was based on robust quantitative and qualitative evidence and captured the main HRQoL impacts of LOPD. The general public rated the health states consistently lower with increasing disease progression. There was greater uncertainty around utility estimates for the severe states, suggesting that participants found it harder to rate them. / Conclusion: This study provides utility estimates for LOPD that can be used in economic modeling of treatments for LOPD. Our findings highlight the high disease burden of LOPD and reinforce the societal value of slowing disease progression

    A Complete Set of In-plane Spin-transfer Coefficients for Small Angle pp Elastic Scattering at 200 MeV

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY-931478

    Evidence for a three-nucleon-force effect in proton-deuteron elastic scattering

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    Developments in spin-polarized internal targets for storage rings have permitted measurements of 197 MeV polarized protons scattering from vector polarized deuterons. This work presents measurements of the polarization observables A_y, iT_11, and C_y,y in proton-deuteron elastic scattering. When compared to calculations with and without three-nucleon forces, the measurements indicate that three-nucleon forces make a significant contribution to the observables. This work indicates that three-body forces derived from static nuclear properties appear to be crucial to the description of dynamical properties.Comment: 8 pages 2 figures Latex, submitted to Phys. Rev. Letter

    The Polarized 3-He Target

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY-931478

    Light-induced formation of dimeric LHCII

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    It emerges from numerous experiments that LHCII, the major photosynthetic antenna complex of plants, can appear not only in the trimeric or monomeric states but also as a dimer. We address the problem whether the dimeric form of the complex is just a simple intermediate element of the trimer–monomer transformation or if it can also be a physiologically relevant molecular organization form? Dimers of LHCII were analyzed with application of native electrophoresis, time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. The results reveal the appearance of two types of LHCII dimers: one formed by the dissociation of one monomer from the trimeric structure and the other formed by association of monomers into a distinctively different molecular organizational form, characterized by a high rate of chlorophyll excitation quenching. The hypothetical structure of such an energy quencher is proposed. The high light-induced LHCII dimerization is discussed as a potential element of the photoprotective response in plants
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