56 research outputs found

    Observation model and parameter partials for the JPL geodetic (GPS) modeling software 'GPSOMC'

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    The physical models employed in GPSOMC, the modeling module of the GIPSY software system developed at JPL for analysis of geodetic Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) measurements are described. Details of the various contributions to range and phase observables are given, as well as the partial derivatives of the observed quantities with respect to model parameters. A glossary of parameters is provided to enable persons doing data analysis to identify quantities with their counterparts in the computer programs. The present version is the second revision of the original document which it supersedes. The modeling is expanded to provide the option of using Cartesian station coordinates; parameters for the time rates of change of universal time and polar motion are also introduced

    Observation model and parameter partials for the JPL VLBI parameter estimation software MASTERFIT-1987

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    This report is a revision of the document of the same title (1986), dated August 1, which it supersedes. Model changes during 1986 and 1987 included corrections for antenna feed rotation, refraction in modelling antenna axis offsets, and an option to employ improved values of the semiannual and annual nutation amplitudes. Partial derivatives of the observables with respect to an additional parameter (surface temperature) are now available. New versions of two figures representing the geometric delay are incorporated. The expressions for the partial derivatives with respect to the nutation parameters have been corrected to include contributions from the dependence of UTI on nutation. The authors hope to publish revisions of this document in the future, as modeling improvements warrant

    Observation model and parameter partials for the JPL geodetic GPS modeling software GPSOMC

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    The physical models employed in GPSOMC and the modeling module of the GIPSY software system developed at JPL for analysis of geodetic Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) measurements are described. Details of the various contributions to range and phase observables are given, as well as the partial derivatives of the observed quantities with respect to model parameters. A glossary of parameters is provided to enable persons doing data analysis to identify quantities in the current report with their counterparts in the computer programs. There are no basic model revisions, with the exceptions of an improved ocean loading model and some new options for handling clock parametrization. Such misprints as were discovered were corrected. Further revisions include modeling improvements and assurances that the model description is in accord with the current software

    Observation model and parameter partials for the JPL VLBI parameter estimation software MODEST/1991

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    A revision is presented of MASTERFIT-1987, which it supersedes. Changes during 1988 to 1991 included introduction of the octupole component of solid Earth tides, the NUVEL tectonic motion model, partial derivatives for the precession constant and source position rates, the option to correct for source structure, a refined model for antenna offsets, modeling the unique antenna at Richmond, FL, improved nutation series due to Zhu, Groten, and Reigber, and reintroduction of the old (Woolard) nutation series for simulation purposes. Text describing the relativistic transformations and gravitational contributions to the delay model was also revised in order to reflect the computer code more faithfully

    A higher density VLBI catalog for navigating Magellan and Galileo

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    The density of radio sources near the ecliptic in the astrometric JPL Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) catalog has been increased by over 50 percent since 1985. This density increase has been driven by the need for more sources for the VLBI navigation of the Magellan and Galileo spacecraft, but the sources also will be usable for Mars Observer and other future missions. Since the last catalog, including observations made through 1985, was published in 1988, a total of 21 radio sources has been added that fulfill the following criteria: (1) they lie within 10 deg of the ecliptic plane; (2) their correlated flux densities are above 0.2 Jy on at least one of the Deep Space Network intercontinental baselines at both 2.3 and 8.4 GHz; and (3) the source positions are known to better than 5 milliarcseconds (25 nanoradians). The density of such sources in the catalog has been increased from 15.6 per steradian to 25.2 per steradian. Ten more sources have been added that fulfill the last two criteria given above and lie between 10 deg and 20 deg from the ecliptic plane. Analysis shows that there may be approx. 70 more sources with correlated flux densities above 0.2Jy that are within approx. 20 deg of the ecliptic. However, VLBI navigation observations of the new and prospective sources with the 250-kHz bandwidth of the current operational system will require the use of two 70-m antennas in most cases. Including both old and new sources, if two 34-m antennas are used, there will be usable navigation sources within 10 deg of a spacecraft in only 30 percent of the ecliptic, and sources within 20 deg of a spacecraft over 70 percent of the ecliptic

    A comparative survey of current and proposed tropospheric refraction-delay models for DSN radio metric data calibration

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    The standard tropospheric calibration model implemented in the operational Orbit Determination Program is the seasonal model developed by C. C. Chao in the early 1970's. The seasonal model has seen only slight modification since its release, particularly in the format and content of the zenith delay calibrations. Chao's most recent standard mapping tables, which are used to project the zenith delay calibrations along the station-to-spacecraft line of sight, have not been modified since they were first published in late 1972. This report focuses principally on proposed upgrades to the zenith delay mapping process, although modeling improvements to the zenith delay calibration process are also discussed. A number of candidate approximation models for the tropospheric mapping are evaluated, including the semi-analytic mapping function of Lanyi, and the semi-empirical mapping functions of Davis, et. al.('CfA-2.2'), of Ifadis (global solution model), of Herring ('MTT'), and of Niell ('NMF'). All of the candidate mapping functions are superior to the Chao standard mapping tables and approximation formulas when evaluated against the current Deep Space Network Mark 3 intercontinental very long baselines interferometry database

    Observation model and parameter partials for the JPL VLBI parameter estimation software MODEST, 19 94

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    This report is a revision of the document Observation Model and Parameter Partials for the JPL VLBI Parameter Estimation Software 'MODEST'---1991, dated August 1, 1991. It supersedes that document and its four previous versions (1983, 1985, 1986, and 1987). A number of aspects of the very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) model were improved from 1991 to 1994. Treatment of tidal effects is extended to model the effects of ocean tides on universal time and polar motion (UTPM), including a default model for nearly diurnal and semidiurnal ocean tidal UTPM variations, and partial derivatives for all (solid and ocean) tidal UTPM amplitudes. The time-honored 'K(sub 1) correction' for solid earth tides has been extended to include analogous frequency-dependent response of five tidal components. Partials of ocean loading amplitudes are now supplied. The Zhu-Mathews-Oceans-Anisotropy (ZMOA) 1990-2 and Kinoshita-Souchay models of nutation are now two of the modeling choices to replace the increasingly inadequate 1980 International Astronomical Union (IAU) nutation series. A rudimentary model of antenna thermal expansion is provided. Two more troposphere mapping functions have been added to the repertoire. Finally, corrections among VLBI observations via the model of Treuhaft and lanyi improve modeling of the dynamic troposphere. A number of minor misprints in Rev. 4 have been corrected

    Evaluation of current tropospheric mapping functions by Deep Space Network very long baseline interferometry

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    To compare the validity of current algorithms that map zenith tropospheric delay to arbitrary elevation angles, 10 different tropospheric mapping functions are used to analyze the current data base of Deep Space Network Mark 3 intercontinental very long baseline interferometric (VLBI) data. This analysis serves as a stringent test because of the high proportion of low-elevation observations necessitated by the extremely long baselines. Postfit delay and delay-rate residuals are examined, as well as the scatter of baseline lengths about the time-linear model that characterizes tectonic motion. Among the functions that utilize surface meteorological data as input parameters, the Lanyi 1984 mapping shows the best performance both for residuals and baselines, through the 1985 Davis function is statistically nearly identical. The next best performance is shown by the recent function of Niell, which is based on an examination of global atmospheric characteristics as a function of season and uses no weather data at the time of the measurements. The Niell function shows a slight improvement in residuals relative to Lanyi, but also an increase in baseline scatter that is significant for the California-Spain baseline. Two variants of the Chao mapping function, as well as the Chao tables used with the interpolation algorithm employed in the Orbit Determination Program software, show substandard behavior for both VLBI residuals and baseline scatter. The length of the California-Australia baseline (10,600 km) in the VLBI solution can vary by as much as 5 to 10 cm for the 10 mapping functions

    Determination of intercontinental baselines and Earth orientation using VLBI

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    A series of experiments was conducted during the last decade to explore the capability of very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) to measure the crustal and rotational motions of the Earth with accuracies at the centimeter level. The observing stations are those of NASA's Deep Space Network in California, Spain and Australia. A multiparameter fit to the observed values of delay and delay rate yields radio source positions, polar motion, universal time, the precession constant, baseline vectors, and solid Earth tides. Source positions are obtained with formal errors of the order of 0''.01. UT1-UTC and polar motion are determined at 49 epochs, with formal error estimates for the more recent data of 0.5 msec for UT1-UTC and 2 to 6 mas for polar motion. Intercontinental baseline lengths are determined with formal errors of 5 to 10 cm. The Love numbers and Earth tide phase lag agree with the commonly accepted values

    Independent analysis of the orbits of Pioneer 10 and 11

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    Independently developed orbit determination software is used to analyze the orbits of Pioneer 10 and 11 using Doppler data. The analysis takes into account the gravitational fields of the Sun and planets using the latest JPL ephemerides, accurate station locations, signal propagation delays (e.g., the Shapiro delay, atmospheric effects), the spacecrafts' spin, and maneuvers. New to this analysis is the ability to utilize telemetry data for spin, maneuvers, and other on-board systematic effects. Using data that was analyzed in prior JPL studies, the anomalous acceleration of the two spacecraft is confirmed. We are also able to put limits on any secondary acceleration (i.e., jerk) terms. The tools that were developed will be used in the upcoming analysis of recently recovered Pioneer 10 and 11 Doppler data files.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in IJMP
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