7 research outputs found

    Provision of health care actions and services for the management of HIV/AIDS from the users’ perspective

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    Objective To analyse the provision of health care actions and services for people living with AIDS and receiving specialised care in Ribeirão Preto, SP. Method A descriptive, exploratory, survey-type study that consisted of interviews with structured questionnaires and data analysis using descriptive statistics. Results The provision of health care actions and services is perceived as fair. For the 301 subjects, routine care provided by the reference team, laboratory tests and the availability of antiretroviral drugs, vaccines and condoms obtained satisfactory evaluations. The provision of tests for the prevention and diagnosis of comorbidities was assessed as fair, whereas the provisions of specialised care by other professionals, psychosocial support groups and medicines for the prevention of antiretroviral side effects were assessed as unsatisfactory. Conclusion Shortcomings were observed in follow-up and care management along with a predominantly biological, doctor-centred focus in which clinical control and access to antiretroviral therapy comprise the essential focus of the care provided

    Perda dentária e expectativa da reposição protética: estudo qualitativo Dental loss and prosthetic replacement expectation: qualitative study

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    Esse estudo qualitativo analisou as repercussões da perda dentária total de usuários do serviço público. Aplicou-se o Oral Health Impact Profile simplificado(OHIP14) a cinquenta voluntários e, após a apuração dos resultados, foram selecionados treze pacientes para entrevistas individuais baseadas em um roteiro com questões abertas. A seleção das pessoas foi de acordo com o grau de percepção do impacto da condição bucal na qualidade de vida, medida pela pontuação OHIP, de forma a incluir a maior variedade de perfis da amostra inicial. Da análise do conteúdo dos depoimentos, verificou-se que a perda dentária total tem forte impacto na vida das pessoas e implica consequências negativas como vergonha, dificuldade em se alimentar, prejuízo ao relacionamento social e sentimento de incompletude. A possibilidade de reposição protética dos dentes gera ansiedade nas pessoas e, embora elas saibam que a utilização das próteses possa representar sacrifícios, a expectativa de retorno ao padrão social geralmente aceito e de recuperação de sua própria imagem rejuvenescida faz valer a pena quaisquer sacrifícios.<br>This qualitative research analyses the repercussions of total dental loss on people's quality of life. The Oral Health Impact Profile short-form (OHIP14) was applied to 50 volunteers, and after analyzing the results, 13 out of those 50, were selected to be individually interviewed in an opened questions script. The criteria to select these 13 people were: perception of the impact of mouth condition on quality of life measured by the score reached on OHIP. We tried to comprise the sample with a good variety, according to the profile of the initial sample. After analyzing people's statements, it was possible to verify that dental loss had strong negative consequences on people's life, like shame, difficulty to eat, impact on social relationship and feeling of not being complete. The possibility of having their teeth replaced generates some anxiety. Although being aware that wearing total prosthesis represents some sacrifices, people considered it worthwhile because the possibility of regaining the social pattern and the self-image is renewed