23,968 research outputs found

    Avaliação da resistência de clones de cupuaçuzeiro a vassoura-de-bruxa.

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    Esse trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a resistência de clones de cupuaçuzeiro a doença vassoura-de-bruxa, em condições de campo, considerando a perda de frutos causada pela doença

    Divergência genética entre clones de cupuaçuzeiro com base em características dos frutos.

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    O objetivo avaliar a diversidade genética entre 23 clones de cupuaçuzeiro, discriminando os caracteres mais importantes para a divergência genética em procedimentos multivariados. O trabalho foi realizado na Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental em Manaus, AM, em um ensaio com 23 clones. Avaliou-se 9 características do fruto. Os clones foram agrupados utilizando o método de otimização de Tocher, com base nas estimativas de distância Euclidiana média padronizada, utilizando os procedimentos de análise multivariada. Houve a formação de 11 grupos, com maior concentração no primeiro grupo. Em ordem decrescente a contribuição relativa de cada característica para a diversidade genética entre os clones foram número de sementes/fruto, percentual de casca/fruto, percentual de polpa/fruto e percentual de sementes/fruto, totalizando 84,1% de contribuição para a distribuição total, sendo portanto consideradas as mais importantes

    Accuracy of a teleported trapped field state inside a single bimodal cavity

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    We propose a simplified scheme to teleport a superposition of coherent states from one mode to another of the same bimodal lossy cavity. Based on current experimental capabilities, we present a calculation of the fidelity that can be achieved, demonstrating accurate teleportation if the mean photon number of each mode is at most 1.5. Our scheme applies as well for teleportation of coherent states from one mode of a cavity to another mode of a second cavity, both cavities embedded in a common reservoir.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, in appreciation for publication in Physical Review

    Avaliação de campo da severidade de vassoura-de-bruxa em acessos do banco de germoplasma de cupuaçuzeiro.

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    O objetivo neste estudo foi avaliar a resistência de acessos de cupuaçuzeiro à vassoura-de-bruxa com o uso de escala diagramática como descritor para quantificação da doença em avaliação de campo

    Spectral and Fermi surface properties from Wannier interpolation

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    We present an efficient first-principles approach for calculating Fermi surface averages and spectral properties of solids, and use it to compute the low-field Hall coefficient of several cubic metals and the magnetic circular dichroism of iron. The first step is to perform a conventional first-principles calculation and store the low-lying Bloch functions evaluated on a uniform grid of k-points in the Brillouin zone. We then map those states onto a set of maximally-localized Wannier functions, and evaluate the matrix elements of the Hamiltonian and the other needed operators between the Wannier orbitals, thus setting up an ``exact tight-binding model.'' In this compact representation the k-space quantities are evaluated inexpensively using a generalized Slater-Koster interpolation. Because of the strong localization of the Wannier orbitals in real space, the smoothness and accuracy of the k-space interpolation increases rapidly with the number of grid points originally used to construct the Wannier functions. This allows k-space integrals to be performed with ab-initio accuracy at low cost. In the Wannier representation, band gradients, effective masses, and other k-derivatives needed for transport and optical coefficients can be evaluated analytically, producing numerically stable results even at band crossings and near weak avoided crossings.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    The Special Atom Space and Haar Wavelets in Higher Dimensions

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    In this note, we will revisit the special atom space introduced in the early 1980s by Geraldo De Souza and Richard O\u27Neil. In their introductory work and in later additions, the space was mostly studied on the real line. Interesting properties and connections to spaces such as Orlicz, Lipschitz, Lebesgue, and Lorentz spaces made these spaces ripe for exploration in higher dimensions. In this article, we extend this definition to the plane and space and show that almost all the interesting properties such as their Banach structure, Hölder\u27s-type inequalities, and duality are preserved. In particular, dual spaces of special atom spaces are natural extension of Lipschitz and generalized Lipschitz spaces of functions in higher dimensions. We make the point that this extension could allow for the study of a wide range of problems including a connection that leads to what seems to be a new definition of Haar functions, Haar wavelets, and wavelets on the plane and on the space

    Reentrant valence transition in EuO at high pressures: beyond the bond-valence model

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    The pressure-dependent relation between Eu valence and lattice structure in model compound EuO is studied with synchrotron-based x-ray spectroscopic and diffraction techniques. Contrary to expectation, a 7% volume collapse at \approx 45 GPa is accompanied by a reentrant Eu valence transition into a \emph{lower} valence state. In addition to highlighting the need for probing both structure and electronic states directly when valence information is sought in mixed-valent systems, the results also show that widely used bond-valence methods fail to quantitatively describe the complex electronic valence behavior of EuO under pressure.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Understanding the dynamical structure of pulsating stars: The Baade-Wesselink projection factor of the delta Scuti stars AI Vel and beta Cas

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    Aims. The Baade-Wesselink method of distance determination is based on the oscillations of pulsating stars. The key parameter of this method is the projection factor used to convert the radial velocity into the pulsation velocity. Our analysis was aimed at deriving for the first time the projection factor of delta Scuti stars, using high-resolution spectra of the high-amplitude pulsator AI Vel and of the fast rotator beta Cas. Methods. The geometric component of the projection factor (i.e. p0) was calculated using a limb-darkening model of the intensity distribution for AI Vel, and a fast-rotator model for beta Cas. Then, using SOPHIE/OHP data for beta Cas and HARPS/ESO data for AI Vel, we compared the radial velocity curves of several spectral lines forming at different levels in the atmosphere and derived the velocity gradient associated to the spectral-line-forming regions in the atmosphere of the star. This velocity gradient was used to derive a dynamical projection factor p. Results. We find a flat velocity gradient for both stars and finally p = p0 = 1.44 for AI Vel and p = p0 = 1.41 for beta Cas. By comparing Cepheids and delta Scuti stars, these results bring valuable insights into the dynamical structure of pulsating star atmospheres. They suggest that the period-projection factor relation derived for Cepheids is also applicable to delta Scuti stars pulsating in a dominant radial mode