5,535 research outputs found

    Efeito do teste de envelhecimento acelerado sobre o vigor de sementes de diferentes cultivares de feijoeiro comum

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade fisiológica de várias cultivares de feijoeiro comum, para identificar genótipos que possam suportar melhor o período de armazenamento

    Efeito de fungicidas para controle de mofo branco em sementes de feijão para o controle de Sclerotinia sclerotiorum.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar diferentes fungicidas utilizados no tratamento de sementes, para controle de S. sclerotiorum em sementes de feijão comum

    Los sistemas de producción de rumiantes menores en el Semiárido brasileño y sus limitantes productivas.

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    Comercialización de productos; Sistemas de producción; Sistemas de produccíon y comercialización de leche de cabra; Los aspectos técnicos y econômicos de la produccíon de leche de cabra; Sistemas de produccíon de carne caprina y ovina; Comercialización; Los aspectos técnicos y econômicos de la producción de carne caprina y ovina en el Semiárido del Nordeste: manejo del pastoreo y de la alimentacción; Razas predominantes en la producción de rumiantes menores en el Semiárido; Prácticas sanitarias; amenjo reproductivo. Tabla 1. Problaciones ovinas e caprinas por estado en 2009, participación de la poplación de cada estado en el rebaño nacional y cambios en la población entre 1990 e 2009; Tabla 2. Caracterisitcas de los criadores de caprinos y ovinos en el sertión de Bahía por tipos familias (n=549); Tabla 3. Caracterisitcas de los productores caprinos y ovinos del Cariri de Paraíba, Brasil; Tabla 4. Variables productivas importantes en la produción lechera en sistemas de producción de leche de cabra en diferentes estados brasileños; Tabla 5. Promedios de indicadores productivos relacionados con la produccíon de leche de cabras en los estados da Bahia y Rio Grande do Norte; Tabal 6. Porcentajes de diferentes especies de rumiantes e combinaciones de especies que conforman los sistemas de producción en Piauí, en el sertón de San Francisco, Bahía y el Cariri, Paraíba; Tabla 7. áreas y forrajeras cultivadas por productores caprinos y ovinos en el sertón de Bahía; Tabla 8. Prácticas alimenticias y estrategias usadas por los productores del Cariri de Paraíba en la época seca

    Skeletopy of the intumescentia lumbalis and conus medullaris applied to epidural anaesthesia in Leopardus geoffroyi

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    Background: Leopardus geoffroyi is a Neotropical wild felid with wide distribution in the south of the South American continent. The objective was to investigate the skeletopy of the intumescentia lumbalis (IL) and conus medullaris (CM) from 11 specimens of L. geoffroyi collected dead on highways. Materials and methods: The cadavers were fixed in formaldehyde solution and dissected to allow the dorsal exposure of IL and CM. The cranial and caudal limits were marked with radiopaque pins and radiographic projections were used to determine the skeletopy. The lengths of IL and CM were measured with a pachymeter. Results: In most specimens, the IL was located at the level of L4 and L5 vertebrae, although in 4 (1 male and 3 females) individuals its cranial limit was L3 and in 3 specimens (2 male and 1 female) the caudal limit was L6. The length of IL was 35.6 ± 6.7 mm. The CM had its base predominantly at the level of the L5 vertebra, although in some specimens the base was in L4 and in others in L6. The apex of the CM can be found since the lumbosacral junction until the level of the Cd2 vertebra. The CM measured 74.4 ± 14.3 mm. Conclusions: Based on the skeletopy, it can be suggested that epidural anaesthesia procedures in L. geoffroyi are safer with the introduction of the catheter through the sacrocaudal interarcual space, as recommended by some anaesthetists for the domestic cat

    Sensory evaluation and cooking properties of macaroni at basis of brazil nut (Bertholetia excelsa) and peach palm fruit (Bactris gasipaes, Kunt) flours.

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    The Brazil nut tree, Bertholletia excelsa HBK, is explored throughout the Amazon region and its main characteristic is high content of lipids and proteins, they consist of sulfur amino acids of high biological value. The peach palm, Bactris gasipases, Kunth, is a native palm to the same region, that is grown for heart-of-palm extraction. Their fruits are mostly protein, vitamin A and fiber. The way of adding commercial value from co-products to Brazil nut processing is flour productian. That way the Brazil nut flour, for its high nutritional value and pleasant taste was used in macaroni production, along with peach palm fruit flour to improve the nutritianal properties of final product