38,321 research outputs found

    Hyperbolic Unit Groups and Quaternion Algebras

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    We Classify the rational quadratic extensions K and the finite groups G for which the group ring R[G] of G over the ring R of integers of K has the property that the group of units of augmentation 1 of R[G] is hyperbolic. We also construct units in a non-split quaternion algebra over R.Comment: 15 pages, this work is part of the PHd. Thesis of the third author. The paper was accepted in Proceedings Mathematical Science

    Anderson localization on the Falicov-Kimball model with Coulomb disorder

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    The role of Coulomb disorder is analysed in the Anderson-Falicov-Kimball model. Phase diagrams of correlated and disordered electron systems are calculated within dynamical mean-field theory applied to the Bethe lattice, in which metal-insulator transitions led by structural and Coulomb disorders and correlation can be identified. Metallic, Mott insulator, and Anderson insulator phases, as well as the crossover between them are studied in this perspective. We show that Coulomb disorder has a relevant role in the phase-transition behavior as the system is led towards the insulator regime

    Caracterização dos méis de meliponíneos no Brasil: situação atual e perspectivas.

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    O mel das abelhas sem ferrão é um produto de consumo tradicional, principalmente na região Nordeste do Brasil, com fins alimentares e até mesmo medicinais. Apesar desta importância, o produto ainda é carente de uma caracterização que permita a definição de padrões de qualidade para a sua comercialização. No sentido de reduzir esse déficit de informações, diversas instituições de pesquisa nacionais e internacionais tem se mobilizado para a construção de uma base de dados que subsidie uma normalização futura, uma vez que os critérios de qualidade atualmente definidos para o mel das abelhas Apis mellifera não atendem por completo à diversidade encontrada nos méis dos meliponíneos

    Inclusive Breakup Theory of Three-Body Halos

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    We present a recently developed theory for the inclusive breakup of three-fragment projectiles within a four-body spectator model \cite{CarPLB2017}, for the treatment of the elastic and inclusive non-elastic break up reactions involving weakly bound three-cluster nuclei in A (a,b) XA\,(a,b)\,X / a=x1+x2+ba = x_1 + x_2 + b collisions. The four-body theory is an extension of the three-body approaches developed in the 80's by Ichimura, Autern and Vincent (IAV) \cite{IAV1985}, Udagawa and Tamura (UT) \cite{UT1981} and Hussein and McVoy (HM) \cite{HM1985}. We expect that experimentalists shall be encouraged to search for more information about the x1+x2x_{1} + x_{2} system in the elastic breakup cross section and that also further developments and extensions of the surrogate method will be pursued, based on the inclusive non-elastic breakup part of the bb spectrum.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, Contribution to the Proceedings of Fusion17: "International Conference on Heavy-Ion Collisions at Near-Barrier Energies", 20-24 February 2017 Hobart, Tasmania, Australi
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