2 research outputs found

    Estudo sobre comportamento sexual do jovem universitário de Porto Alegre (UFRGS e PUC/RS)

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    Realizou-se um questionário fechado entre jovens universitários, de 16 aos 22 anos, da Pontifícia Universidade Católica e da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, com o objetivo de avaliar o comportamento sexual da juventude universitária de Porto Alegre. Obteve-se 682 inqéritos, compreendendo 58,2% do sexo feminino e 41,8% do sexo masculino. Foram levantados os índices de prevalência acerca dos aspectos que costumam ser mais importantes e necessários de se tornarem conhecidos. Encontrou-se a prática da masturbacão em 77, 1%, relacões sexuais em 70,8% e a realização do aborto em 13,2%. Também discuÍiu-se a idade da primeira relação sexual, o companheiro escolhido para iniciação, o conhecimento dos pais a respeito das relações pré-matrimoniais, o local preferido para as relações, o conhecimento dos métodos anticoncepcionais, sua utilização, as informações a respeito das doenças sexualmente transmissíveis, a homossexualidade, o sexo em grupo e a necessidade de afeto nas relações sexuais.682 university students, aged 16 to 22, from the Pontifícia Universidade Catolica an the Federal University of Rio Gra~;~de do Sul responded to close-questions related to sexual behavior, 58.2% were females; 41.8% males. Masturbation was practiced by 77.1 %, coitus by 70.8%, and 13.2% had undergone an abortion. Data concerning age and partner of first coitus, knowledge of parents concerning pre-marital relationships, place chosen for sexual encounters, knowledge and use of contraceptive techniques, knowledge of sexually transmited diseases, homosexuality, group sex and beliefs concerning the degree of relationship necessary for coitus are presented

    S217 Jornal de Pediatria Sexuality in adolescence: development, experience, and proposals for intervention

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    Abstract Objective: to present a literature review of some aspects concerning the development of sexuality in the period between childhood and adolescence, and to work on some proposals for prevention and intervention. Methods: review of literature on relevant issues related to the process of psychosocial and sexual development during childhood and adolescence, and to the importance of prevention education. Results: differently from genitality, which is only concerned with biological aspects, sexuality encompasses emotional aspects, life history and cultural values. These factors contribute to the formation of general identity and to the components of sexual identity: gender identity, gender role, and sexual orientation. Psychosocial and sexual development, emotional balance, and social relations are based on sexual experience during childhood and adolescence. During adolescence, the relationship with family and social group go through marked changes: conflicts arise, and experimentation and risk behavior are enhanced. The family, school, and health systems represent important links of identification, support, and protection for children and adolescents before they reach maturity. Conclusions: sexuality education, either individually or in group, allows adolescents to experience sexuality and their emotional relations in a satisfactory, creative, and risk-free manner, combined with mutual respect and absence of gender discrimination