2 research outputs found

    New in situ blends of polyaniline and cardanol bio-resins

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    CNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTĂŤFICO E TECNOLĂ“GICOLNLS - LABORATĂ“RIO NACIONAL DE LUZ SĂŤNCROTRONCardanol, a well known natural resource, was used to produce a polymer resin in the presence of formaldehyde, catalyzed by H2SO4. Before reticulation, PAni center dot H2SO4 was blended with the resin. The blended material was cast into poly(propylene) cups and kept inside a desiccator under vacuum until complete water evaporation. The final in situ polymer blend was solid and could not be dissolved in ordinary solvents, indicating that a reticulated material had been obtained. Samples prepared similarly were then characterized, showing that the produced blends can be used as pressure sensing materials.2938675683CNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTĂŤFICO E TECNOLĂ“GICOLNLS - LABORATĂ“RIO NACIONAL DE LUZ SĂŤNCROTRONCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTĂŤFICO E TECNOLĂ“GICOLNLS - LABORATĂ“RIO NACIONAL DE LUZ SĂŤNCROTRONAFM [6954]XPS [6598/07]WAXS/SAXS [6597/07, 7086/08]6954; 6598/07; 6597/07; 7086/0

    Microwave activation of enzymatic catalysts for biodiesel production

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    5 p. : il.The enzymatic microwave assisted biodiesel synthesis from macauba (Acrocomia aculeata) oil and ethanol using Novozyme 435 and Lipozyme IM was studied using statistically designed experiments. The investigated variables were reaction temperature, time and enzyme loading. It was observed a significant effect of the reaction time in reducing the catalytic activity which interpreted in terms enzyme deactivation due microwave exposure. The enzyme loading also played an important role, however the effect of temperature was minor appearing only in the effect of variable interactions. The result comparison between biocatalyst activity in absence and presence of microwave showed that the activity is increased about one order of magnitude due to microwave