21 research outputs found

    Design of Interoperable Communication Architecture for TSO-DSO Data Exchange

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    European Union’s Horizon 202

    Groundwater level oscillation analysis in shallow alluvial aquifers in Pomurje, NE Slovenia

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    Systematic hydrologic monitoring of groundwater quantity at the national level in Slovenia has been ongoing since 1952. An insight into long-term groundwater level data enables us to delineate parts of aquifers with similar groundwater level oscillation properties as well as to identify changes of those properties in time. We used variety of statistical methods to identify long-term behaviour of groundwater level oscillation of groundwater body (GWB) Murska kotlina. Results showed that fluctuation of groundwater level in time reflect complex set of events that originate in natural or anthropogenic interferences. Using percentile analysis in combination with cluster analysis, we were able to isolate areas with a related groundwater fluctuation. Results of long-term data trends analyses of monthly groundwater level showed the impact of the research area climate on long-term and seasonal groundwater level fluctuation. In addition to natural causes, by performing trend analysis on groundwater level data, we were able identify some human induced interventions into the environment made in the past


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    V konceptu pametnih elektroenergetskih omrežij je ključno izmenjevanje informacij med različnimi sistemi, tako znotraj podjetij, kot z zunanjimi partnerji. Integracija informacijskih sistemov zahteva poleg interoperabilnosti na nivoju komunikacijskih protokolov tudi razumevanje pomena informacij, oziroma interoperabilnost na semantičnem nivoju, ustrezno integracijsko arhitekturo ter standardizacijski okvir. Brez tega, koncepta pametnih omrežij ni možno učinkovito izvesti. Čeprav je standardizacijski okvir že na voljo, je uvajanje semantičnih tehnologij za integracijo sistemov v elektroenergetska podjetja zanje novost, ki zahteva veliko razvojnih, implementacijskih in organizacijskih naporov. V nalogi je predstavljena problematika integracije v okviru pametnih omrežij, standardizacijski okvir ter skladno z njim predlagan koncept integracije informacijskih sistemov za ključne primere uporabe.In the concept of smart grid information exchange between different systems, both within companies and with external partners, is of key importance. An effective integration of IT systems requires in addition to interoperability at the level of communication protocols also interoperability at the semantic level, an appropriate integration architecture and a standardisation framework. Without this, the concept of smart grid cannot be effectively implemented. Although the standardisation framework is already available, the implementation of semantic technologies for systems integration in the power utility companies is new to these companies. Extensive development, implementation and organisational efforts will be required. The work presents the issues of information systems integration within the scope of smart grid and proposes integration concepts for most common use cases which are aligned with the European Smart Grid Reference Architecture

    Connectedness of configuration spaces of robot manipulators

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    S topološkega vidika predstavimo definicije robotske naprave, konfiguracijskega prostora in kinematične preslikave. Podamo definicijo singularnih točk kinematične preslikave in podrobneje obravnavamo razreda zaporednih in vzporednih robotskih naprav. Kinematično funkcijo zaporednih naprav izračunamo s pomočjo Denavit-Hartenbergovih parametrov in opišemo njeno množico singularnosti. Utemeljimo pogoje pod katerimi singularne točke in singularne vrednosti ločijo konfiguracijski prostor zaporednih naprav. Za analizo delovanja vzporednih naprav uvedemo pojma sestavnega načina in razširjenega konfiguracijskega prostora. Z uporabo izreka o implicitni preslikavi določimo lokalno kinematično preslikavo vzporednih naprav.We present definitions of a robot manipulator, configuration space and kinematic map from a topological viewpoint. The classes of serial and parallel manipulators are studied to determine their kinematic mapping and its singular points. The kinematic mapping of serial manipulators and its singular points are computed using Denavit-Hartenberg parameters. We study the conditions under which singular points and singular values separate the configuration space of serial manipulators. For analysis of parallel manipulators the concepts of assembly modes and extended configuration space are presented. We determine the local kinematic mapping of parallel manipulators using the implicit function theorem

    Petrology of tourmaline-rich pegmatites from the Ravne district (Slovenia).

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