2 research outputs found


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    A Caatinga, vegeta\ue7\ue3o predominante da regi\ue3o semi\ue1rida do nordeste do Brasil, \ue9 formada por plantas com mecanismos eficientes que garantem a sua perman\ueancia no ecossistema. Seus estratos herb\ue1ceo, arbustivo e arb\uf3reo fornecem alimento para os animais e diversos produtos para o homem e mant\ueam o banco de sementes como reserva para a recomposi\ue7\ue3o flor\uedstica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a densidade, a composi\ue7\ue3o e a diversidade do banco de sementes de tr\ueas \ue1reas de Caatinga manejadas: \ue1rea com plantio de craibeiras (A1), \ue1rea degradada (A2) e \ue1rea com plantio de juremas+sabi\ue1 (A3), localizadas na Fazenda Nupe\ue1rido, pertencente \ue0 Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG), Patos \u2013 PB, Brasil. Cinco amostras de serapilheira + solo de cada \ue1rea foram coletadas e levadas ao Viveiro Florestal da UFCG e mantidas sob sombrite de 50% de redu\ue7\ue3o solar e um regime de irriga\ue7\ue3o manual di\ue1ria, onde permaneceram por 90 dias para contagem e identifica\ue7\ue3o dos indiv\uedduos emergentes. A densidade de pl\ue2ntulas foi comparada entre as tr\ueas \ue1reas atrav\ue9s do teste do \u3c72 com P<0,05. A diversidade flor\uedstica e a riqueza de esp\ue9cies foram avaliadas utilizando os \uedndices de Shannon-Wiener (H\u2019) e de uniformidade de Pielou (e\u2019), respectivamente. O banco de sementes foi composto predominantemente de esp\ue9cies herb\ue1ceas nas tr\ueas \ue1reas e o estoque de sementes de esp\ue9cies arb\uf3reas teve incremento significativo na \ue1rea de craibeiras resultante da presen\ue7a prolongada de animais atra\ueddos pelo conforto t\ue9rmico local, proporcionado pelas copas. Palavras-chave: dispers\ue3o de sementes; Caatinga; \uedndice de diversidade.Caatinga, the predominant vegetation type of the semiarid region of northeastern Brazil, is composed by plants showing efficient mechanisms to keep them in the ecosystem. The herbaceous, bush and tree strata provide food for animals and several products for human use, and supply seedbank with propagules to assure plant recovery. The objective of this study was to compare seedbank density, composition and diversity of three sites with different vegetation physiognomies: craibeira plantation site (A1), degraded site (A2) and juremas + sabia plantation site (A3), located at the Nupe\ue1rido Experimental Station/Federal University of Campina Grande screen and a daily manual irrigation regimen, where they were observed during 90 days for counting and identification of the emerging seedlings. Plantule density for each site was compared by the \u3c72 test (P<0.05). Plant diversity and species richness were evaluated by Shannon-Wiener (H\u2019) and Pielou Uniformity (e\u201d) indexes, respectively. Herb species predominated in seedbank of all sites, and the number of seeds of tree species increased in the craibeira plantation site resulting from the prolonged presence of animals attracted by the thermal comfort under tree canopy

    Growth And Mineral Nutrition Of Neem ( Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) And Chinaberry Tree (Melia azedarach Linn.) Submitted To Salinity

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar os efeitos da salinidade do solo no crescimento e no ac\ufamulo de macronutrientes e de s\uf3dio em nim (Azadirachta indica) e cinamomo ( Melia azedarach ). O experimento foi disposto em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado em arranjo fatorial 2 x 4, sendo duas esp\ue9cies (nim e cinamomo) e quatro n\uedveis de salinidade (Condutividade el\ue9trica (C.E.) 0,49 (solo n\ue3o salino); 4,15; 6,33 e 10,45 dS m-1), com 4 repeti\ue7\uf5es. As plantas cresceram inicialmente em tubetes e, 60 dias ap\uf3s a emerg\ueancia, foram transferidas para vasos contendo 3 kg de substrato [solo + esterco (2:1)], de acordo com o tratamento de salinidade. Ap\uf3s 45 dias foram avaliadas altura das plantas, mat\ue9ria seca (folhas, caule, parte a\ue9rea (caule + folhas), ra\uedzes e total) e ac\ufamulo de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S e Na+ na parte a\ue9rea. A salinidade reduziu a altura das plantas em ambas as esp\ue9cies, mas o efeito foi mais pronunciado no nim. Eleva\ue7\ue3o na salinidade dos solos causou aumento no ac\ufamulo de Na+ e redu\ue7\ue3o no ac\ufamulo de macronutrientes na parte a\ue9rea em ambas as esp\ue9cies, principalmente no nim. O cinamomo foi mais tolerante aos n\uedveis de salinidade dos solos do que o nim.The objective of this study was to verify the effects of soil salinity on growth and nutrient and sodium accumulation in neem (Azadirachta indica) and cinnamomum ( Melia azedarach ). The experimental delineation was completely randomized in a 2 x 4 factorial arrangement, with two species (neem and cinnamomum), four salinity levels (electrical conductivity 0.49 (non saline soil), 4.15, 6.33 and 10.45 dS m-1) and four replications. Initially, plants were grown in tubes, and 60 days after emergence, they were transferred to pots containing 3 kg of substrate [soil + manure (2:1)], according to the saline treatment. After 45 days, plant height, dry matter (leaves, stem, shoot (stem + leaves), roots and total) and N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S and Na+ shoot accumulation were evaluated. Salinity reduced the plant height in both species, but the effect was more pronounced in neem. Increases in soil salinity caused an increase in the accumulation of Na+ and reduced the accumulation of nutrients in shoots of both species, especially in neem. The cinnamomum was more tolerant to salinity levels of soils than neem