59 research outputs found

    Performance of goats and sheep grazing in Brazilian semi-arid scrubland supplemented with feed-blocks

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    The performance of four types of animals (two ovine and two caprine) was evaluated under grazing/browsing in Brazilian Caatinga scrubland, with ad libitum feed-block supplementation. Forty noncastrated males with an initial body weight of 19.3 ± 1.9 kg were used: 20 goats (10 Savanna x local undefined breed [LUB]) and 10 Boer x LUB and 20 sheep (10 Santa-Inês x local undefined hair sheep [LUHS]) breed and 10 Dorper x LUHS. The experimental design was completely randomized blocks with four treatments and ten replications. The genotypes were compared based on growth performance and carcass characteristics. The ½ Dorper sheep had a better productive performance than the ½ Santa-Inês sheep. For goats, the ½ Boer was superior to ½ Savanna in daily gain and final body weight (P>0.05). The ½ Dorper sheep gave the best carcass characteristics of all genotypes studied. In conclusion, the Dorper (sheep) and Boer (goats) are the genotypes recommended for crossing with local animals of undefined breeds to provide animals for finishing under grazing/browsing conditions in the Caatinga ecosystem of northeast Brazil with feed-block supplementation

    Optimum genetic contribution applied to the selection of Santa Ines sheep

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar estratégias de seleção simulada pela contribuição genética ótima quanto ao ganho genético, com restrição sobre a coancestria, para a característica peso aos 84 dias idade, em ovinos Santa Inês. As análises foram definidas conforme um algoritmo de evolução diferencial, que otimizou uma função‑objetivo composta pelo mérito genético e a coancestria média dos animais candidatos à reprodução. A estratégia definida como ótima indicou a utilização de 19 carneiros, o que resultaria em ganho médio esperado de 1,1259 unidades de desvio‑padrão, e coancestria igual a 0,0249 (estratégia 5). Em comparação à seleção com base apenas no valor genético, a estratégia ótima reduziu a coancestria em 12%, e o ganho genético, em apenas 3%. A seleção de ovinos pela contribuição genética ótima oferece diferentes níveis de ganho genético, que são atingíveis a partir de restrições sobre a coancestria. Assim, é possível minimizar a coancestria, ou restringi‑la em um valor pré‑definido, e maximizar o ganho genético simultaneamente com o uso da contribuição genética ótima.The objective of this work was to evaluate strategies of simulated selection by optimum contribution for the genetic gain, with restriction on coancestry, for the weight trait of 84‑day old Santa Ines sheep. The analyses were performed using a differential evolution algorithm, which optimized an objective function accounting for average coancestry of the candidate animals for reproduction and genetic merit. The optimal selection strategy indicated the use of 19 rams, which would result in an expected average gain of 1.1259 units of standard deviation, and coancestry equal to 0.0249 (strategy 5). Compared to the selection based only on breeding values, the optimum strategy reduced the coancestry by 12%, and the genetic gain by only 3%. The selection of sheep by the optimum contribution offers different levels of genetic gain, which are achievable from restrictions on the coancestry. Therefore, it is possible to minimize the coancestry, or restrict it to a predefined value, and maximize the genetic gain while using the optimum contribution

    Cortes comerciales y característica de la canal de borregos y cabritos suplementados con bloques multinutricionales

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     Objective. Aimed to identify the weight and yield of the commercial cuts, muscularity, and adiposity in the carcasses of sheep and goats grazing in the Caatinga supplemented with different sources of supplementations; these include feed-blocks. Material and methods. Sixty non-castrated males an initial average body weight of 18.63 ± 1.93 kg were used: 30 goats and 30 sheep all animals did not have a defined breed standard (WDBS). The experimental design used was entirely randomized (DIC), in factorial scheme 3x2 (three types of supplementation: mineral salt, MBs and MBs + buffel hay, and two species: sheep and goats) and 10 replications. Animals were raised in a rangeland grazing system in an area with vegetation characteristic of Caatinga ecosystem under three types of supplementation: 1: only mineral salt; 2: Feed blocks (MBs); and 3: MBs + buffel hay There were measured the weight, yield and the components of left half-part of carcass of lambs and kids. Results. The sheep were superior to goats in carcass conformation, loin-eye area, index of muscularity of the leg and compactness index of the leg while the goats were superior to sheep in leg muscles weight. Conclusions. Sheep and Goats, when fed with supplementation of pasture feeding blocks in the Caatinga ecosystem; Supplementation with mineral salt and Multinutritional Blocks with and without Buffel can be used to improve herds in the caatinga, with similar results among the three. Sheep show more adiposity of meat than goats, in contrast, goats have higher musculature than sheep when fed with feed blocks.Objetivo. Con el objetivo de identificar el peso y rendimiento de los cortes comerciales, musculatura y adiposidad en las canales de borregos y cabritos pastando en la Caatinga suplementado con diferentes fuentes de suplementos; Estos incluyen bloques de alimentación. Material y métodos. Se utilizaron 60 machos no castrados con un peso corporal medio inicial de 18,63 ± 1,93 kg: 30 borregos y 30 cabritos, todos los animales no tenían un estándar de raza definido (WDBS). El diseño experimental utilizado fue totalmente al azar (DIC), en esquema factorial 3x2 (tres tipos de suplementación: sal mineral, MBs y MBs + heno buffel, y dos especies: borregos y cabritos) y 10 repeticiones. Los animales fueron criados en un sistema de pastoreo de pastizales en un área con vegetación característica del ecosistema de Caatinga bajo tres tipos de suplementación: 1: sal mineral solamente; 2: Bloques de alimentación (MBs); Y 3: MBs + heno buffel Se midió el peso, el rendimiento y los componentes de la mitad izquierda de la carcasa de corderos y cabritos. Resultados. Las cordeiros fueron superiores a las cabritos en conformación de carcasas, área de lomo, índice de musculatura de la pierna y índice de compacidad de la pierna mientras que las cabritos fueron superiores a las cordeiros en el peso de los músculos de las piernas. Conclusión. Cordeiros y cabritos, cuando se alimentan con suplementos de bloques de alimentación de pasto en el ecosistema de Caatinga; La suplementación con sal mineral y Bloques Multinutritivos con y sin Buffel puede ser utilizada para mejorar los rebaños en la caatinga, con resultados similares entre los tres. Las cordeiros muestran más adiposidad de carne que las cabritos, en contraste, las cabritos tienen mayor musculatura que las cordeiros cuando se alimentan con bloques de alimentación