16 research outputs found

    Influence of stocking density on water quality and growth performance in production of juvenile pirarucu, Arapaima gigas, in irrigation canals / Influência da densidade de estocagem na qualidade da água e na performance de crescimento na produção de juvenis de pirarucu, Arapaima gigas, em canais de irrigação

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    The pirarucu is reared in cages under intensive systems or ponds under semi-intensive systems. This research evaluates the effect of stocking density on water quality, survival and growth of juvenile pirarucu reared in net pens located in irrigation canals. Pirarucu (193.3±37.3 g; 31.5±2.1 cm) were stocked at densities of 3.6, 6 or 10 fish m-3 in 4.2 m3 net pens installed at the Irrigation District of the Coastal Tablelands (DITALPI), Parnaíba (Piauí, Brazil), with three replicate for each density. Fish were fed a formulated diet containing 40% crude protein and 14.2 MJ kg-1 of feed and cultured for 180 days. The physicochemical parameters of the water were at satisfactory levels for fish culture. Survival was 100.0% in all density tested. The final weight, weight gain and and absolute growth rate (AGR) were higher for the medium stocking density (6 fish m-3) than for fish at low stocking density (3.6 fish m-3) and high stocking density (10 fish m-3). Final weight gain, survival, and productivity have demonstrated that the production of pirarucu in net pens using water from irrigation canals can become a viable strategy and a cheaper alternative to increase fish production. In addition, it improves the efficient use of water by integrating two productive activities, agriculture and aquaculture

    Desenvolvimento de um software de gerenciamento de produção para os piscicultores do estado de Roraima / Development of a production management software for fish farmers in the state of Roraima

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    O tambaqui representa 98% do total de peixes produzidos em cativeiro no estado de Roraima. O município de Amajari é destaque na produção nacional, sendo o principal polo produtor de pescados de cultivo do estado. Fatores como variações no clima, incidência de doenças e comportamento dos preços nos mercados, aliados ao baixo nível de conhecimento técnico, principalmente dos pequenos produtores, torna necessária a difusão de técnicas e ferramentas com a finalidade de melhorar as atividades operacionais dentro de uma piscicultura. Com isso, o uso de ferramentas computacionais, como por exemplo planilhas eletrônicas, pode ser útil para melhorar a organização das informações dos recursos utilizados na produção, com a possibilidade de realizar um planejamento e decisões estratégicas conforme a realidade da fazenda. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver um programa utilizando a linguagem de programação Visual Basic for Application (VBA) que permita ao usuário realizar o acompanhamento de sua produção por meio de um ambiente personalizado a fim de melhorar práticas dentro de uma piscicultura. O trabalho foi dividido em duas etapas: elaboração da planilha eletrônica no ambiente Microsoft Excel e desenvolvimento do software de acompanhamento. Os parâmetros de produção foram definidos tendo como base os principais índices zootécnicos utilizados na literatura. Para o desenvolvimento desse sistema foram elaborados códigos de programação em VBA e formulários para interação entre usuário e software. O programa desenvolvido é formado por cinco abas, sendo elas: “Cadastrar povoamento”, "Cadastrar acompanhamento”, “Consultar viveiro”, “Editar viveiro” e “Encerrar viveiro”. Assim, esse sistema permite que o produtor cadastre, consulte, visualize e imprima os dados referentes ao acompanhamento de sua produção, possibilitando que técnicos e produtores implementem em suas pisciculturas o gerenciamento zootécnico por meio ferramentas computacionais, resultando em melhores práticas e atividades gerenciais

    Influence of pyroligneous extract on water quality and productive performance of Penaeus vannamei/ Influência do extrato pirolenhoso na qualidade de água e no desempenho produtivo de Penaeus vannamei

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    Water is the main input used in shrimp farming, and the good quality of this natural resource is not only essential for the farmed animals’ welfare, but also for a good profitability at the end of the farming process inaquaculture species. Pyroligneous extract (PE) is a yellow to reddish-brown liquid obtained from the condensation of gases produced by partial wood combustion. This compound has been used for several purposes in different areas, such as in the fertilization of various vegetable crops and in soil conditioning. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the possible benefits of the application of pyroligneous extract on water quality and its consequences on the production performance of Penaeus vannamei. Six 1.0 ha ponds were used, 3 of which were used for the application of pyroligneous extract (WPE) and the other 3 without the extract (wPE) for comparison purposes. The extract was diluted in water and applied directly to the dry soil and after a few hours of reaction the ponds were filled with water and prepared for cultivation. There was a significant difference (p0.05) between the ponds (WPE) and (wPE) in the following water quality parameters: dissolved oxygen, pH, total alkalinity, total hardness, magnesium and silica. However, the values found were within the recommended range for shrimp farming. No significant differences (p0.05) were found in the parameters analyzed in relation to production performance.Water is the main input used in shrimp farming, and the good quality of this natural resource is not only essential for the farmed animals’ welfare, but also for a good profitability at the end of the farming process inaquaculture species. Pyroligneous extract (PE) is a yellow to reddish-brown liquid obtained from the condensation of gases produced by partial wood combustion. This compound has been used for several purposes in different areas, such as in the fertilization of various vegetable crops and in soil conditioning. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the possible benefits of the application of pyroligneous extract on water quality and its consequences on the production performance of Penaeus vannamei. Six 1.0 ha ponds were used, 3 of which were used for the application of pyroligneous extract (WPE) and the other 3 without the extract (wPE) for comparison purposes. The extract was diluted in water and applied directly to the dry soil and after a few hours of reaction the ponds were filled with water and prepared for cultivation. There was a significant difference (p0.05) between the ponds (WPE) and (wPE) in the following water quality parameters: dissolved oxygen, pH, total alkalinity, total hardness, magnesium and silica. However, the values found were within the recommended range for shrimp farming. No significant differences (p0.05) were found in the parameters analyzed in relation to production performance

    Marine shrimp farming in the state of Ceará: an analysis of the productive and economic parameters, in the period 2003-2012 / A carcinicultura marinha no estado do Ceará: uma análise dos parâmetros produtivos e econômicos, no período 2003-2012

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    Brazil was the third largest producer of white shrimp in Latin America, with 75,000 tons and R600million,in2012.ThepresentworkfocusedontheimpactsoftheIMNVpathogen,theantidumpingactionimposedbyUSAandtheexchangerateappreciationofBraziliancurrencyinmarineshrimpcultureinasemiintensivesysteminNortheasternregionandalsoontheidentificationofoptionsforsustainableproduction.Datawerecollectedonshrimpfarms(CompescalandAquafort)atCearaˊstate.Duringtheperiodfrom2003to2007,thesefactorsaffecteddirectlythecompetitivenessofBrazilianfarmedshrimpexportation.However,in2007theshrimpproducersstartedtosellondomesticmarket,whichmadepossibletoincreasetheirproduction,revenue,incomeandprofitlevels.In2007,CompescalhadalossofR 600 million, in 2012. The present work focused on the impacts of the IMNV pathogen, the anti-dumping action imposed by USA and the exchange rate appreciation of Brazilian currency in marine shrimp culture in a semi-intensive system in Northeastern region and also on the identification of options for sustainable production. Data were collected on shrimp farms (Compescal and Aquafort) at Ceará state. During the period from 2003 to 2007, these factors affected directly the competitiveness of Brazilian farmed shrimp exportation. However, in 2007 the shrimp producers started to sell on domestic market, which made possible to increase their production, revenue, income and profit levels. In 2007, Compescal had a loss of R 2,582,000.00. Although in 2008 it had a profit of R2,353,000.00,whilein2012theprofithasincreasedtoR 2,353,000.00, while in 2012 the profit has increased to R 11,940,000.00. Aquafort was able to successively increase its profit margin, from R865,000.00,in2007toR 865,000.00, in 2007 to R 2,583,000.00 in 2012, representing an annual growth rate of 40%. The economic feasibility analysis showed that under simulated conditions, the IRR maintained a direct and more than proportional link to changes in shrimp feed and sales prices, as well to productivity

    Effects of sodium chloride supplementation for Pacific white shrimp Penaeus vannamei diets, cultured in low salinity waters / Efeitos da suplementação do cloreto de sódio em rações para o camarão branco do Pacífico, Penaeus vannamei, cultivado em águas oligohalinas

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    The culture of Penaeus vannamei in low-salinity waters is a recent development in Brazilian Northeast. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of NaCl dietary supplementation on shrimp growth, survival, haemolymph osmolality and total hemocyte counts. In trial 1, earthen pond-reared shrimp ranging from 5 to 20 g were sampled at intervals for determination of haemolymph osmolality. Haemolymph osmolality was not influenced by the increased weight of shrimp. Juveniles shrimp (5-20 g) haemolymph osmolality were then evaluated 24 h after they had been transferred from pond water (0.5 ppt) to the seawater (35 ppt). Shrimp haemolymph osmolality increased with external salinity and ranged from 661.0 ± 25.2 mOsm/kg (D1) and 916.9 ± 40.1 mOsm/kg (D4). In trial 2, shrimp reared in low-salinity water (0.3-0.5 ppt) were distributed into five groups (control, D1, and treatments, D2, D3, D4 e D5) with four replicates. Diets consisted of the basal diet supplemented with 0 g/kg, 5 g/kg, 10 g/kg, 20 g/kg, and 40 g/kg of NaCl, respectively. After 22 days, differences in survival, final weight, specific growth rates (SGR) and absolute growth rate (AGR) among treatments were significant. However, there were no significant trends in haemolymph osmolality and shrimp total hemocyte counts within the five tested groups

    Reproductive performance of non-ablated Penaeus vannamei females in a Brazilian commercial hatchery/ Desempenho reprodutivo de fêmeas não abladas de Penaeus vannamei em uma larvicultura comercial brasileira

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    In Brazil, Penaeus vannamei breeding is performed in specialized hatcheries.  In the reproduction phase of larviculture, most of the time, it is used broodstock that undergo a maturation induction by eyestalk ablation. However, the use of this technique may present different disadvantages, as other physiological and metabolic processes are also affected by the removal of the eyestalk. This study aimed to perform a comparative analysis between ablation and non-ablation effects on the reproductive process of P. vannamei females. It was observed that the NAF showed higher values (p0.05) for mating frequency (16.5 ± 4.7 days), spawning frequency (17.8 ± 4.8 days), number of eggs/female (297,208 ± 24,827), number of nauplii/female (210,625 ± 21,681). On the other hand, the AF group presented higher values for mortality rate (39.1 ± 0.3%) and daily mating rate (11.7 ± 2.8%). Spawning rate (92.7 ± 5.3%) and hatch rate (70.8 ± 2.7%) were not affected by non-ablation. This study has shown that the use of NAF results in a superior reproductive performance when compared to the AF performance, and that the use of NAF does not compromise the zootechnical performance in the larval stage

    Efeitos da suplementação do cloreto de sódio em rações para o camarão branco do Pacífico, Penaeus vannamei, cultivado em águas oligohalinas / Effects of sodium chloride supplementation in diets for the Pacific white shrimp, Penaeus vannamei, reared in low salinity waters

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    O cultivo de Penaeus vannamei em águas oligohalinas tem sido um desenvolvimento recente na região Nordeste. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os efeitos da suplementação de NaCl em dietas no crescimento, sobrevivência, osmolalidade da hemolinfa e contagem total de hemócitos dos camarões. No experimento 1, camarões cultivados em águas oligohalinas, com peso variando entre 5 a 20 g, foram utilizados para a determinação da osmolalidade da hemolinfa, não tendo diso influenciada pelo aumento do peso do camarão. Após aclimatação em água do mar (35 ppt), a osmolalidade da hemolinfa foi avaliada em camarões com peso entre 5-20 g, tendo sido incrementada para a salinidade da água do mar (35 ppt), variando de 661,0 ± 25,2 mOsm/kg (D1) a 916,9 ± 40,1 mOsm/kg (D4). No experimento 2, camarões cultivados em águas oligohalinas (0,3-0,5 ppt) foram distribuídos em cinco tratamentos (D1, D2, D3, D4 e D5), com quatro repetições. As dietas consistiram de uma dieta basal suplementada com 0 g/kg, 5 g/kg, 10 g/kg, 20 g/kg e 40 g/kg de NaCl, respectivamente. Após 22 dias, os parâmetros de sobrevivência, peso final, as taxas específicas de crescimento (SGR) e taxa de crescimento absoluto (TCA) apresentaram diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos. No entanto, não houve diferenças significativas na osmolalidade da hemolinfa e contagem total de hemócitos dos camarões distribuídos nos cinco grupos

    Mapping, technical and environmental aspects of shrimp farms in the Acaraú River Estuary, Ceará State, Brazil / Mapeamento, aspectos técnicos e ambientais de fazendas de camarão no Estuário do Rio Acaraú, Ceará, Brasil

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    Despite the economic importance of shrimp farming, a number of technical problems have been widely reported in the literature. This article focuses on the environmental and socioeconomic impacts of semi-intensive/intensive shrimp farming in the Acaraú river estuary. This estuary has the second largest number of farms in the Ceará state. Currently, the industry has 31 participating farms with a total area devoted to shrimp farming of 1,571.58 ha. In 2013, total production was 7,853.92 tons of shrimp with an average yield of 5.88 t ha-1 year-1 in an earth pond area of 1,335.49 ha. This industry employs 1,382 people, representing 17.3% of the jobs generated in the two municipalities where the Acaraú river estuary is located. The main environmental impacts of this industry are water pollution and loss of mangroves. However, no changes in water quality parameters were observed during the period 2011-2013, indicating that this estuary has some nutrient processing capacity derived from nurseries, while 159.4 ha of mangrove forests were occupied by In the same period of the establishment of the farms, this estuary presented an increase of 987.41 ha of this landscape unit. The results of this research demonstrate that the Brazilian shrimp industry requires an improvement in management practices to achieve sustainable growth

    Study of Genotoxicity, Activities on Caspase 8 and on the Stabilization of the Topoisomerase Complex of Isoeleutherin and Analogues

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    This study evaluated the genotoxicity of Ethanol Extract (EEEp), Dichloromethane Fraction (FDCMEp) and isoeleutherin isolated from Eleutherine plicata, using the micronucleus test and the impact of structural alterations on toxicity and molecular docking (topoisomerase II and DNA complex). The extract was obtained by maceration and fractionation in a chromatography column. The genotoxicity was evaluated by the micronucleus test in human hepatoma cells (HepG2). Isoeleutherin was the starting molecule in the search for analogues by structural similarity, using the ZINC and e-Molecules databases. Isoeleutherin and analogues were subjected to in silico toxicity prediction, and compounds free of toxicological risks (CP13, CP14, CP17 and isoeleutherin) were selected for molecular docking in Topoisomerase II (PDB: 1ZXM). In the micronucleus test, isoeleutherin was less genotoxic. Among the 22 isoeleutherin analogues there were variations in the toxicity profile. Molecular docking studies showed that the compounds have good complementarity in the active site with important hydrogens bonds. Therefore, the structural changes of isoeleutherin led to the obtaining of a molecule with a lower mutagenic potential, and the CP13 can be considered a prototype compound for the development of new molecules with pharmacological potential

    Study of Genotoxicity, Activities on Caspase 8 and on the Stabilization of the Topoisomerase Complex of Isoeleutherin and Analogues

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    This study evaluated the genotoxicity of Ethanol Extract (EEEp), Dichloromethane Fraction (FDCMEp) and isoeleutherin isolated from Eleutherine plicata, using the micronucleus test and the impact of structural alterations on toxicity and molecular docking (topoisomerase II and DNA complex). The extract was obtained by maceration and fractionation in a chromatography column. The genotoxicity was evaluated by the micronucleus test in human hepatoma cells (HepG2). Isoeleutherin was the starting molecule in the search for analogues by structural similarity, using the ZINC and e-Molecules databases. Isoeleutherin and analogues were subjected to in silico toxicity prediction, and compounds free of toxicological risks (CP13, CP14, CP17 and isoeleutherin) were selected for molecular docking in Topoisomerase II (PDB: 1ZXM). In the micronucleus test, isoeleutherin was less genotoxic. Among the 22 isoeleutherin analogues there were variations in the toxicity profile. Molecular docking studies showed that the compounds have good complementarity in the active site with important hydrogens bonds. Therefore, the structural changes of isoeleutherin led to the obtaining of a molecule with a lower mutagenic potential, and the CP13 can be considered a prototype compound for the development of new molecules with pharmacological potential