5 research outputs found


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    La Galite est une Ăźle situĂ©e par 37°31’ de latitude Nord et 8’55’ de longitude Est, au large de la cĂŽte septentrionale de la Tunisie, Ă  25 milles marins (46 kilomĂštres) au Nord du Cap Negro, Ă  33 milles (61 kilomĂštres) au Nord/Nord-Est de Tabarka et Ă  50 milles (92 kilomĂštres) au Nord/Nord-Ouest de la rade de Bizerte. Les Instructions nautiques sur les cĂŽtes de Tunisie, datant de 1890, nous dĂ©crivent ainsi l’üle : « C’est un gros massif de terre escarpĂ© et sans plage de trois milles de longue..

    Murder in Jerba : honour, shame and hospitality among Maltese in Ottoman Tunisia

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    Little is known about the sizeable Maltese communities developing along the southern and eastern shores of the Mediterranean in the mid-nineteenth century and the extent to which the migrants reproduced Maltese cultural traditions and practices overseas. This article considers this question through a microhistorical analysis of events culminating in the murder of a Maltese woman in the Ottoman Regency of Tunis in 1866. A close reading of transcripts from the interrogation of witnesses and the accused, all members of a Maltese community in Jerba reveals their shared cultural practices and beliefs surrounding the provision of hospitality, honour and shame. Viewed from this perspective, the curious responses of the witnesses to the murder of their compatriot become meaningful, and the crime is reframed as an honour killing.peer-reviewe

    19 | Filage – Gastel

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    Publié avec le concours du Centre national du livre (CNL) et sur recommandation du Conseil international de la philosophie et des sciences humaines (UNESCO). Ce volume, à l'origine publié par Edisud, est désormais diffusé par les Editions Peeters