7 research outputs found

    Elements of Randoms Analysis about the Gamma Generalized Hyperbolic Distribution Levy Stochastic Process

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    In this paper, we study some aspects on random analysis on the L\'eevy stochastic processes with margins following generalized hyperbolic distributions generated by gamma laws. In particular we study the boundedness of its total variations and the quadratic variations. Next we give an empirical construction that enables the graphical representation of the paths of such stochastic processes. Comparisons with the Brownian motions are considered.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, Construction of the gamma-gh L\'evy process fo

    Seasonality and shift in age-specific malaria prevalence and incidence in Binko and Carrière villages close to the lake in Selingué, Mali

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    BACKGROUND: Malaria transmission in Mali is seasonal and peaks at the end of the rainy season in October. This study assessed the seasonal variations in the epidemiology of malaria among children under 10 years of age living in two villages in Selingué: Carrière, located along the Sankarani River but distant from the hydroelectric dam, and Binko, near irrigated rice fields, close to the dam. The aim of this study was to provide baseline data, seasonal pattern and age distribution of malaria incidence in two sites situated close to a lake in Selingué. METHODS: Geographically, Selingué area is located in the basin of Sakanrani and belongs to the district of Yanfolila in the third administrative region of Mali, Sikasso. Two cross-sectional surveys were conducted in October 2010 (end of transmission season) and in July 2011 (beginning of transmission season) to determine the point prevalence of asymptomatic parasitaemia, and anaemia among the children. Cumulative incidence of malaria per month was determined in a cohort of 549 children through active and passive case detection from November 2010 through October 2011. The number of clinical episodes per year was determined among the children in the cohort. Logistic regression was used to determine risk factors for malaria. RESULTS: The prevalence of malaria parasitaemia varied significantly between villages with a strong seasonality in Carrière (52.0–18.9 % in October 2010 and July 2011, respectively) compared with Binko (29.8–23.8 % in October 2010 and July 2011, respectively). Children 6–9 years old were at least twice more likely to carry parasites than children up to 5 years old. For malaria incidence, 64.8–71.9 % of all children experienced at least one episode of clinical malaria in Binko and Carrière, respectively. The peak incidence was observed between August and October (end of the rainy season), but the incidence remained high until December. Surprisingly, the risk of clinical malaria was two- to nine-fold higher among children 5–9 years old compared to younger children. CONCLUSIONS: A shift in the peak of clinical episodes from children under 5–9 years of age calls for expanding control interventions, such as seasonal malaria chemoprophylaxis targeting the peak transmission months

    The exact probability law for the approximated similarity from the Minhashing method

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    We propose a probabilistic setting in which we study the probability law of the Rajaraman and Ullman RU algorithm and a modied version of it denoted by RUM. These algorithms aim at estimating the similarity index between huge texts in the context of the web. We give a foundation of this method by showing, in the ideal case of carefully chosen probability laws, the exact similarity is the mathematical expectation of the random similarity provided by the algorithm. Some extensions are given.Keywords: Minshashing, algorithms, similarity, estimation, probability laws, convergence of algorith

    Quel avenir pour les francs CFA

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    Le franc CFA, un obstacle au développement des pays africains. En effet, les difficultés de l’Afrique de l’Ouest sont dues à la baisse du taux de change la convertibilité de CFA en Euro ou en Dollars. En outre, l’arrimage du franc CFA à l’euro empêche le développement des États de la zone franc et  d’être victimes de crises de change qui touchent généralement ces États. Ces crises de change nuiraient notamment à la stabilité économique et financière de la zone. Les progrès de l’intégration commerciale en Afrique de l’Ouest suscitent une nouvelle réflexion sur l’avenir de la Zone franc. Le franc CFA, a  plus de soixante (60) années d’existence et a connu de nombreuses réformes qui, tout en laissant subsister les principes de base, fixité du taux de change des francs CFA et la dévaluation en 1994 de franc CFA sont des freins du développement et la croissance des pays membres de la zone CFA. La garantie de convertibilité par le moyen des comptes des opérations des Banques centrales (BCEAO) auprès du Trésor français. La création de l’union économique monétaire Ouest Africain (UEMOA), contrôle les mouvements de capitaux, substitution de l’euro au franc français, statut d’indépendance des banques centrales

    Effectiveness of Acute Malnutrition Treatment at Health Center and Community Levels with a Simplified, Combined Protocol in Mali: An Observational Cohort Study

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    A simplified, combined protocol was created that admits children with a mid-upper-arm circumference (MUAC) of <125 mm or edema to malnutrition treatment with ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) that involves prescribing two daily RUTF sachets to children with MUAC < 115 mm or edema and one daily sachet to those with 115 mm ≤ MUAC < 125 mm. This treatment was previously shown to result in non-inferior programmatic outcomes compared with standard treatment. We aimed at observing its effectiveness in a routine setting at scale, including via delivery by community health workers (CHWs). A total of 27,800 children were admitted to the simplified, combined treatment. Treatment resulted in a 92% overall recovery, with a mean length of stay of 40 days and a mean RUTF consumption of 62 sachets per child treated. Among children admitted with MUAC < 115 mm or edema, 87% recovered with a mean length of stay of 55 days and consuming an average of 96 RUTF sachets. The recovery in all sub-groups studied exceeded 85%. Treatment by CHWs resulted in a similar (94%) recovery to treatment by formal healthcare workers (92%). The simplified, combined protocol resulted in high recovery and low RUTF consumption per child treated and can safely be adopted by CHWs to provide treatment at the community level