5 research outputs found

    Seizure detection devices: Exploring caregivers' needs and wishes

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    Introduction: User preferences for seizure detection devices (SDDs) have been previously assessed using surveys and interviews, but these have not addressed the latent needs and wishes. Context mapping is an approach in which designers explore users' dreams and fears to anticipate potential future experiences and optimize the product design.Methods: A generative group session was held using the context mapping approach. Two types of nocturnal SDD users were included: three professional caregivers at a residential care facility and two informal caregivers of children with refractory epilepsy and learning disabilities. Participants were invited to share their personal SDD experiences and briefed to make their needs and wishes explicit. The audiotaped session was transcribed and analyzed together with the collected material using inductive content analysis. The qualitative data was classified by coding the content, grouping codes into categories and themes, and combining those into general statements (abstraction).Results: "Trust" emerged as the most important theme, entangling various emotional and practical factors that influence caregiver's trust in a device. Caregivers expressed several factors that could help to gain their trust in an SDD, including integration of different modalities, insight on all parameters overnight, personal adjustment of the algorithm, recommendation by a neurologist, and a set-up period. Needs regarding alerting seemed to differ between the two types of caregivers in our study: professional caregivers preferred to be alerted only for potentially dangerous seizures, whereas informal caregivers emphasized the urge to be alerted for every event, thus indicating the need for personal adjustment of SDD settings.Conclusion: In this explorative study, we identified several key elements for nocturnal SDD implementation including the importance of gaining trust and the possibility to adjust SDD settings for different types of caregivers. (C) 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc.Paroxysmal Cerebral Disorder

    The condition of megabenthos and reef fish in coral reef ecosystems in Aru Islands National Conservation Area, Southeast Maluku, Indonesia

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    The waters of the Aru Islands are part of the National Marine Protected Areas (MNR), and have extensive coral reefs with high biodiversity. The study was conducted in October 2016 at twelve stations to determine the status of coral cover, composition, and density of megabenthos and reef fishes. Coral reef data collection refers to the Underwater Photo Transect (UPT), and data processing uses Coral Point Count for Excel (CPCe). The Benthos Belt Transect (BBT) method was used for megabenthos data, and the Underwater Visual Census (UVC) method was used for reef fish observations.The result of the benthic component analysis showed that the proportion of live corals at each station ranged from 10.60% to 54.27%, with an average cover value of 31.21%, which fell into the “fairly good” category. Megabenthos density analysis revealed that Drupella cornus had the highest density value (0.29 individuals/m2) and Holohuria edulis (0.01 individuals/m2) had the lowest density. Analysis of the reef fish community revealed that the indicator fish were 168 individuals from the family Chaetodontidae. The group of herbivore fish recorded 116 individuals from threee families: Acanthuridae, Scaridae, and Siganidae. Acanthurus auranticavus and Acanthurus pyroferus are common species found in the waters of the Aru Islands

    Impact of sink design on bacterial transmission from hospital sink drains to the surrounding sink environment tested using a fluorescent marker

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    In hospitals, sinks act as reservoirs for bacterial pathogens. To assess the extent of splashing, fluorescein dye was added to four hospital sinks previously involved in pathogen dispersal to the environment and/or transmission to patients, and one sink that was not. Applying dye to the p-trap or tailpiece did not result in any fluorescent droplets outside of the drain. When applied to the drain, droplets were found in all but one wash basin, and this was more common in the absence of a drain plug. Sink design considerations to install drain plugs, reduce dripping and offset the tap may help to prevent transmission from drains

    Impact of sink design on bacterial transmission from hospital sink drains to the surrounding sink environment tested using a fluorescent marker

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    In hospitals, sinks act as reservoirs for bacterial pathogens. To assess the extent of splashing, fluorescein dye was added to four hospital sinks previously involved in pathogen dispersal to the environment and/or transmission to patients, and one sink that was not. Applying dye to the p-trap or tailpiece did not result in any fluorescent droplets outside of the drain. When applied to the drain, droplets were found in all but one wash basin, and this was more common in the absence of a drain plug. Sink design considerations to install drain plugs, reduce dripping and offset the tap may help to prevent transmission from drains.Applied Ergonomics and DesignHuman-Centered Desig