33 research outputs found

    Near-infrared mapping spectrometer of the Phobos space mission to the planet Mars

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    CIVA (Comet Infrared and Visible Analyser) is an integrated set of imaging instruments, designed to characterize the 360◦ panorama (CIVA-P) as seen from the Rosetta Lander Philae, and to study surface and subsurface samples (CIVA-M). CIVA-P is a panoramic stereo camera, while CIVA-M is an optical microscope coupled to a near infrared microscopic hyperspectral imager. CIVA shares a common Imaging Main Electronics (IME) with ROLIS. CIVA-P will characterize the landing site, with an angular sampling (IFOV) of 1.1 mrad: each pixel will image a 1mm size feature at the distance of the landing legs, and a few metres at the local horizon. The panorama will be mapped by 6 identical miniaturized micro-cameras covering contiguous FOV, with their optical axis 60◦ apart. Stereoscopic capability will be provided by an additional micro-camera, identical to and co-aligned with one of the panoramic micro-camera, with its optical axis displaced by 10 cm. CIVA-M combines two ultra-compact and miniaturised microscopes, one operating in the visible and one constituting an IR hyperspectral imaging spectrometer: they will characterize, by non-destructive analyses, the texture, the albedo, the molecular and the mineralogical composition of each of the samples provided by the Sample Drill and Distribution (SD2) system. For the optical microscope, the spatial sampling is 7μm; for the IR, the spectral range (1–4μm) and the spectral sampling (5 nm) have been chosen to allow identification of most minerals, ices and organics, on each pixel, 40μm in size. After being studied by CIVA, the sample could be analysed by a subsequent experiment (PTOLEMY and/or COSAC). The processwould be repeated for each sample obtained at different depths and/or locations

    Mars surface diversity as revealed by the OMEGA/Mars Express observations

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    International audienc

    Phobos: Spectrophotometry between 0.3 and 0.6 μm and IR-radiometry

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    A 0.3–0.6 (μm UV-visible spectrophotometer and a 5–50 μm radiometer in the KRFM experiment on Phobos 2 measured two groundtracks in the equatorial region of Phobos. Preliminary results indicate that three surface units can be recognized on the basis of differing UV-visible spectral reflectance properties. One of the units is most comparable spectrally to optically darkened mafic material, and a second is comparable either to anhydrous carbonaceous chondrite or to blackened mafic material. Spectral properties of the third unit do not resemble those of known meteorite types. Brightness temperatures measured by the radiometer are consistent with a typlcal surface thermal inertia of 1-3 x 10^(-3) cal/(cm^2) deg S^(1/2), as suggested by previous investigations, implying a lunar-like regolith texture. At least one area of possibly higher thermal inertia has been tentatively identified, where a large degraded crater is crossed by several grooves. These results indicate significant lateral heterogeneity in the optical and textural properties of Phobos's surface


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    CIVA (Comet Infrared and Visible Analyser) is an integrated set of imaging instruments, designed to characterize the 360◦ panorama (CIVA-P) as seen from the Rosetta Lander Philae, and to study surface and subsurface samples (CIVA-M). CIVA-P is a panoramic stereo camera, while CIVA-M is an optical microscope coupled to a near infrared microscopic hyperspectral imager. CIVA shares a common Imaging Main Electronics (IME) with ROLIS. CIVA-P will characterize the landing site, with an angular sampling (IFOV) of 1.1 mrad: each pixel will image a 1mm size feature at the distance of the landing legs, and a few metres at the local horizon. The panorama will be mapped by 6 identical miniaturized micro-cameras covering contiguous FOV, with their optical axis 60◦ apart. Stereoscopic capability will be provided by an additional micro-camera, identical to and co-aligned with one of the panoramic micro-camera, with its optical axis displaced by 10 cm. CIVA-M combines two ultra-compact and miniaturised microscopes, one operating in the visible and one constituting an IR hyperspectral imaging spectrometer: they will characterize, by non-destructive analyses, the texture, the albedo, the molecular and the mineralogical composition of each of the samples provided by the Sample Drill and Distribution (SD2) system. For the optical microscope, the spatial sampling is 7μm; for the IR, the spectral range (1–4μm) and the spectral sampling (5 nm) have been chosen to allow identification of most minerals, ices and organics, on each pixel, 40μm in size. After being studied by CIVA, the sample could be analysed by a subsequent experiment (PTOLEMY and/or COSAC). The processwould be repeated for each sample obtained at different depths and/or locations

    The Netlander Panoramic Camera

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    The panoramic camera (PanCam) imaging experiment is designed to obtain high-resolution multispectral stereoscopic panoramic images from each of the four Mars NetLander 2005 sites. The main scientific objectives to be addressed by the PanCam experiment are (1) to locate the landing sites and support the NetLander network sciences, (2) to geologically investigate and map the landing sites, and (3) to study the properties of the atmosphere and of variable phenomena. To place in situ measurements at a landing site into a proper regional context, it is necessary to determine the lander orientation on ground and to exactly locate the position of the landing site with respect to the available cartographic database. This is not possible by tracking alone due to the lack of on-ground orientation and the so-called map-tie problem. Images as provided by the PanCam allow to determine accurate tilt and north directions for each lander and to identify the lander locations based on landmarks, which can also be recognized in appropriate orbiter imagery. With this information, it will be further possible to improve the Mars-wide geodetic control point network and the resulting geometric precision of global map products. The major geoscientific objectives of the PanCam lander images are the recognition of surface features like ripples, ridges and troughs, and the identification and characterization of different rock and surface units based on their morphology, distribution, spectral characteristics, and physical properties. The analysis of the PanCam imagery will finally result in the generation of precise map products for each of the landing sites. So far comparative geologic studies of the Martian surface are restricted to the timely separated Mars Pathfinder and the two Viking Lander Missions. Further lander missions are in preparation (Beagle-2, Mars Surveyor 03). NetLander provides the unique opportunity to nearly double the number of accessible landing site data by providing simultaneous and long-term observations at four different surface locations which becomes especially important for studies of variable surface features as well as properties and phenomena of the atmosphere. Major changes on the surface that can be detected by PanCam are caused by eolian activities and condensation processes, which directly reflect variations in the prevailing near-surface wind regime and the diurnal and seasonal volatile and dust cycles. Atmospheric studies will concentrate on the detection of clouds, measurements of the aerosol contents and the water vapor absorption at 936 nm. In order to meet these objectives, the proposed PanCam instrument is a highly miniaturized, dedicated stereo and multispectral imaging device. The camera consists of two identical camera cubes, which are arranged in a common housing at a fixed stereo base length of 11 cm. Each camera cube is equipped with a CCD frame transfer detector with 1024×1024 active pixels and optics with a focal length of 13 mm yielding a field-of-view of 53°×53° and an instantaneous filed of view of 1.1 mrad. A filter swivel with six positions provides different color band passes in the wavelength range of 400950 nm. The camera head is mounted on top of a deployable scissors boom and can be rotated by 360° to obtain a full panorama, which is already covered by eight images. The boom raises the camera head to a final altitude of 90 cm above the surface. Most camera activities will take place within the first week and the first month of the mission. During the remainder of the mission, the camera will operate with a reduced data rate to monitor time-dependent variations on a daily basis. PanCam is a joint German/French project with contributions from DLR, Institute of Space Sensor Technology and Planetary Exploration, Berlin, Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, CNRS, Orsay, and Service d'Aéronomie, CNRS, Verrières-le-Buisson