27 research outputs found

    Molecular imaging of the embryonic heart: Fables and facts on 3D imaging of gene expression patterns

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    Molecular imaging, which is the three-dimensional (3D) visualization of gene expression patterns, is indispensable for the study of the function of genes in cardiac development. The instrumentation, as well as the development of specific contrast agents for molecular imaging, has shown spectacular advances in the last decade. In this review, the spatial resolutions, contrast agents, and applications of these imaging methods in the field of cardiac embryology are discussed. Apart from 3D reconstructions from histological sections, not many of these methods have been applied in embryological research. This review shows that, for most methods, neither the spatial resolutions nor the specificity and applicability of the contrast agents are adequate for the reliable imaging of specific gene expression at the microscopic resolution required for embryological studies of small organs like the developing heart. Although a 3D reconstruction from sections will always suffer from imperfections, the resulting reconstructions meet the aim of most biological studies, especially since the original microscopic images are linked. With respect to imaging of gene expression, only histological sections and laser scanning microscopy provide the required resolution and specificity at the tissue and cellular level. Episcopic fluorescence image capturing and optical projection tomography are being used for microscopic phenotyping and lineage analysis, and both show potential for detailed molecular imaging. Other methods can be used very efficiently in rapid evaluation of biological experiments and high-throughput screens of large-scale gene expression profiling efforts when high spatial resolution is not require

    Developmental and genetic aspects of atrial fibrillation

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    \u3cp\u3eAtrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac arrhythmia encountered in clinical practice. The abnormal rhythm is associated not only with a variety of symptoms, such as palpitations, dizziness, or shortness of breath, but also with increased risk of stroke, heart failure, and mortality. A genetic predisposition is suggested by the fact that the relative risk for the development of AF is estimated at 85% in individuals with at least one parent with a history of AF. Current therapeutic strategies include control of rate or rhythm with medication and catheter ablation procedures. Especially in the pathophysiology of paroxysmal AF, ectopic electrical activity originating in the myocardial sleeves surrounding the pulmonary veins is considered causal. In these cases, ablation is applied to isolate the pulmonary venous myocardium from the remainder of the left atrial myocardium. Other recent evidence has shown that genetic and developmental defects can be involved in the development of AF. In this review, it is our aim to discuss the possible underlying causes of AF from a combined genetic and cardiac developmental view.\u3c/p\u3

    Quantitative 3D reconstructions as identification tool in heart development

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    A method for displaying quantitative information in 3D reconstructions of the embryonic heart was developed to investigate spatial distributions of cell division and cell density. The method utilizes serial sections to extract morphological as well as quantitative data. The morphological data are used to reconstruct the embryonic heart and the quantitative data are classified and superimposed on the resulting reconstruction. The bias, which would result from size differences between cell populations, was investigated. If present, it would influence the absolute number of particles (nuclei) per volume, although the classification applied on the reconstruction displaying the mitotic fraction remains unchanged. Although the reconstruction displaying the local densities is influenced by the bias, less than 2.5% of the regions is misclassified

    Three-dimensional reconstruction of gene expression patterns during cardiac development

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    The study of the genetic regulation of embryonic development requires the three-dimensional (3D) mapping of gene expression at the microscopic level. Despite the recent burst in the number of methods focusing on 3D reconstruction of embryonic specimens, an adequate and accessible 3D reconstruction protocol for the visualization of patterns of gene expression is lacking. In this communication we describe a protocol that was developed for the 3D visualization of patterns of gene expression determined by in situ hybridization (ISH) on serial sections. The method still requires tissue sectioning, due to penetration limits of the specific staining agents into whole embryo preparations. With regard to expenditure of resources, i.e., hardware, software, and time, the protocol is relatively undemanding. Because the variation between specimens requires the visualization of multiple specimens per stage, it was decided to "do more, less well." The current protocol, therefore, results in reconstructions of sufficient, but not the highest, quality. The use of the protocol is demonstrated on a series of serially sectioned mouse hearts, ranging from embryonic day 8.5 to 14.5. The myocardium of the hearts was identified by ISH using a mixture of specific mRNA probes and reconstructe

    The transcriptional repressor Tbx3 delineates the developing central conduction system of the heart

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    OBJECTIVE: The molecular mechanisms that regulate the formation of the conduction system are poorly understood. We studied the developmental expression pattern and functional aspects of the T-box transcription factor Tbx3, a novel marker for the murine central conduction system (CCS). METHODS: The patterns of expression of Tbx3, and of Cx40, Cx43, and Nppa, which are markers for atrial and ventricular chamber-type myocardium in the developing heart, were analyzed in mice by in situ hybridization and three-dimensional reconstruction analysis. The function of Tbx3 in regulating Nppa and Cx40 promoter activity was studied in vitro. RESULTS: In the formed heart, Tbx3 is expressed in the sinoatrial node (SAN), atrioventricular node (AVN), bundle and proximal bundle branches (BBs), as well as the internodal regions and the atrioventricular region. Throughout cardiac development, Tbx3 is expressed in an uninterrupted myocardial domain that extends from the sinoatrial node to the atrioventricular region. This expression domain is present in the looping heart tube from E8.5 onwards. Expression of the chamber-type myocardial markers is specifically absent from the Tbx3 expression domain. Tbx3 is able to repress Nppa and Cx40 promoter activity and abolish the synergistic activation of the Nppa promoter by Tbx5 and Nkx2.5. CONCLUSION: We identified the T-box transcription factor Tbx3 as a novel and accurate marker for the central conduction system. Our analysis implicates a role for Tbx3 in repressing a chamber-specific program of gene expression in regions from which the components of the central conduction system are subsequently forme

    Regionalized sequence of myocardial cell growth and proliferation characterizes early chamber formation

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    Increase in cell size and proliferation of myocytes are key processes in cardiac morphogenesis, yet their regionalization during development of the heart has been described only anecdotally. We have made quantitative reconstructions of embryonic chicken hearts ranging in stage from the fusion of the heart-forming fields to early formation of the chambers. These reconstructions reveal that the early heart tube is recruited from a pool of rapidly proliferating cardiac precursor cells. The proliferation of these small precursor cells ceases as they differentiate into overt cardiomyocytes, producing a slowly proliferating straight heart tube composed of cells increasing in size. The largest cells were found at the ventral side of the heart tube, which corresponds to the site of the forming ventricle, as well as the site where proliferation is reinitiated. The significance of these observations is 2-fold. First, they support a model of early cardiac morphogenesis in 2 stages. Second, they demonstrate that regional increase in size of myocytes contributes significantly to chamber formatio

    Two distinct pools of mesenchyme contribute to the development of the atrial septum

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    Closure of the primary atrial foramen is achieved by fusion of the atrioventricular cushions with the mesenchymal cap on the leading edge of the muscular primary atrial septum. A fourth component involved is the vestibular spine, originally described by His in 1880 as an intra-cardiac continuation of the extra-cardiac mesenchyme of the dorsal mesocardium. The morphogenesis of this area is of great clinical interest, because of the high incidence of atrial and atrioventricular septal defects. Nonetheless, the origin of the participating components is largely unknown. Here we report that the primary atrial foramen is surrounded in its entirety by mesenchyme derived from endocardium. A second population of mesenchyme not derived from endocardium was observed at the caudal margin of the mesenchymal atrial cap, entirely embedded within the mesenchyme derived from endocardium and contiguous with the mesenchyme of the dorsal mesocardium. Our reconstructions show this second population does indeed take the form of a short spine, albeit that it is the right pulmonary ridge, rather than this spine, that protrudes into the atrial lumen. From the stance of morphological description, therefore, there is little thus far to substantiate the existence of an atrial spin