65 research outputs found

    Experimental realization of a programmable quantum-state discriminator and a phase-covariant quantum multimeter

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    We present an optical implementation of two programmable quantum measurement devices. The first one serves for unambiguous discrimination of two nonorthogonal states of a qubit. The particular pair of states to be discriminated is specified by the quantum state of a program qubit. The second device can perform von Neumann measurements on a single qubit in any basis located on the equator of the Bloch sphere. Again, the basis is selected by the state of a program qubit. In both cases the data and program qubits are represented by polarization states of photons. The experimental apparatus exploits the fact that two Bell states can be distinguished solely by means of linear optics. The outcome corresponding to the remaining two Bell states represents an inconclusive result.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    How quantum correlations enhance prediction of complementary measurements

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    If there are correlations between two qubits then the results of the measurement on one of them can help to predict measurement results on the other one. It is an interesting question what can be predicted about the results of two complementary projective measurements on the first qubit. To quantify these predictions the complementary \emph{knowledge excesses} are used. A non-trivial constraint restricting them is derived. For any mixed state and for arbitrary measurements the knowledge excesses are bounded by a factor depending only on the maximal violation of Bell's inequalities. This result is experimentally verified on two-photon Werner states prepared by means of spontaneous parametric down-conversion.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Aufbruch nach Zyren - Game-based Learning in der Hochschullehre

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    In diesem Beitrag wird mit der Verwendung von Spielmechaniken im universitären Kontext (game-based Learning) ein innovatives Lehr-Lernprojekt vorgestellt, in welchem einer neuen Generation von Lernenden, den Digital Natives, Informationskompetenz als eine der Schlüsselqualifikationen des 21. Jahrhunderts vermittelt werden kann. Der kompetente Umgang mit der Ressource Wissen ist in der heutigen als Wissensgesellschaft bezeichneten Gesellschaftsform unabdingbar. Es liegt nahe, dieser neuen Generation von Lernenden mit einer innovativen Lehrmethode und den vorhandenen technologischen Möglichkeiten und Ressourcen entgegenzukommen, um das notwendige Wissen zu vermitteln. Einhergehend mit dem Projekt wurde eine umfassende Evaluation konzipiert, die die esonderheiten des Konzepts ausführlich berücksichtigt.In this paper, we present an innovative didactic project based on the use of game mechanics in university context (game-based learning) in which a new generation of students, the digital natives, should learn information literacy is a key skill of the 21th century. The proficient handling of the resource knowledge is indispensable in our society – also known as knowledge society. It stands to reason that this new generation of learners should be accommodated with innovative teaching methods and the use of the existing technological possibilities and resources to impart required knowledge. Attended by the project there was a comprehensive evaluation draft with respect to the characteristics of the concept
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