7 research outputs found

    Tuubi Duwaa: Prayers for Repentance

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    The entire manuscript is available for download as a PDF file(s). Higher-resolution images may be available upon request. For technical assistance, please contact [email protected]. Fieldwork Team: Dr. Fallou Ngom (Pricipal Investigator; Director, African Studies Center), Ablaye Diakité (Local Project Manager), Mr. Ibrahima Yaffa (General Field Facilitator), and Ibrahima Ngom (photographer). Technical Team: Professor Fallou Ngom (Principal Investigator; Project Director and former Director of the African Studies Center at Boston University)), and Eleni Castro (Technical Lead, BU Libraries). This collection of Mandinka Ajami materials is copied as part of the African Studies Center’s African Ajami Library. This is a joint project between BU and the West African Research Center (WARC), funded by the British Library/Arcadia Endangered Archives Programme. Access Condition and Copyright: These materials are subject to copyright and are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License, which permits non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are fully cited using the information below. For use, distribution or reproduction beyond these terms, contact Professor Fallou Ngom ([email protected]). Citation: Materials in this web edition should be cited as: Ngom, Fallou, Castro, Eleni, & Diakité, Ablaye. (2018). African Ajami Library: EAP 1042. Digital Preservation of Mandinka Ajami Materials of Casamance, Senegal. Boston: Boston University Libraries: http://hdl.handle.net/2144/27112. For Inquiries: please contact Professor Fallou Ngom ([email protected]). For technical assistance, please contact [email protected] / Custodial history: The owner inherited it from his father after his death. The manuscript was transmitted down in the family from Ibrahima Samate, the great grandfather of the current owner.The manuscript is an original copy written in classical Arabic dealing with tawḥīd (oneness of God). It includes prayers for repentance, clearing one’s sins, and attracting blessings from God. It includes the number of times the prayers must be recited. Key words are highlighted in red. Blue pen is used to rewrite certain words due to the age of the manuscript

    Diversité et importance socio-économique des Loranthaceae parasites des plantes ligneuses des Monts Mandara dans la Région de l’Extrême-Nord, Cameroun

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    Les Loranthaceae constituent des ressources précieuses pour les populations locales africaines. Cependant, peu d’ethnies connaissent l’importance socio-économique des Loranthaceae de par le manque d’études ethnobotaniques sur ces espèces. Afin de contribuer à la valorisation et à la gestion durable des Loranthaceae parasites des plantes ligneuses, une approche associant deux méthodes a été adoptée. L’une, basée sur des relevés de surface et l’autre sur une enquête ethnobotanique relative aux connaissances locales des Loranthaceae dans 9 Arrondissements de la Région de l’Extrême-Nord du Cameroun. Au total, 4 genres (Agelanthus, Globimetula, Phragmanthera et Tapinanthus) et 7 espèces parasites (Agelanthus dodoneifolius, Globimetula braunii, Phragmanthera capitata, Tapinanthus bangwensis, T. belvisii, T. globiferus et T. ophiodes) ont été inventoriés et identifiés dans les Monts Mandara. Il ressort aussi que ces espèces parasites sont utilisées en pharmacopée dans des recettes médicinales et magico-religieuses (45,56%), pour traiter des infertilités (32,70%) et des troubles mentaux (32,36%). Les résultats ont aussi montré que Mangifera indica (35,74%) et Senna singueana (34,41%) sont les hôtes des parasites les plus sollicités. Aussi ont-ils révélé que la commercialisation des Loranthaceae constitue une source de revenu économique et une ressource importante en pharmacopée pour les populations locales des Monts Mandara. Ces résultats pourraient servir de référence pour la recherche de stratégies d’exploitation et de conservation durable de cette diversité végétale.Mots clés : Loranthaceae, Espèces parasites, pharmacopée, Monts Mandara, Cameroun.   English Title: Diversity and socio-economic importance of Loranthaceae parasites of woody plants of Mandara Mountains in the Far-North Region, Cameroon Loranthaceae are valuable resources for local African populations. However, few ethnic groups know the socio-economic importance of Loranthaceae due to the lack of ethnobotanical studies on these species. In order to contribute to the enhancement and sustainable management of Loranthaceae parasites of woody plants, an approach combining two methods was adopted. One, based on surface surveys and the other on an ethnobotanical survey relating to local knowledge of Loranthaceae in 9 Subdivisions of the Far North Region of Cameroon. In total, 4 genera (Agelanthus, Globimetula, Phragmanthera and Tapinanthus) and 7 parasitic species (Agelanthus dodoneifolius, Globimetula braunii, Phragmanthera capitata, Tapinanthus bangwensis, T. belvisii, T. globiferus and T. ophiodes) have been inventoried on the Mandara Mountains. It also appears that these parasitic species are used in pharmacopoeia in medicinal and magico-religious recipes (45.56%), to treat infertility (32.70%) and mental disorders (32.36%). The results also showed that Mangifera indica (35.74%) and Senna singueana (34.41%) are the hosts of most solicited parasites. They also revealed that the commercialisation of Loranthaceae constitutes a source of economic income and an important resource in pharmacopoeia for the local populations of the Mandara Mountains. These results could serve as a reference of strategies for the sustainable exploitation and conservation of this plant diversity.Keywords: Loranthaceae, parasitic species, pharmacopoeia, Mandara mountains, Cameroon

    Cervical intradural and extramedullary epidermoid cyst: A rare cause of cervical spine compression- A case report

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    Background: Epidermoid cysts of the central nervous system are benign congenital tumors resulting from the abnormal inclusion of ectodermal tissues during the neural tube closure. Although intracranial location is commonly observed, spinal epidermoid cysts are rare representing 1% of adult spinal cord tumors.Case report: Herein, we report the case of a cervical intradural extramedullary epidermoid cyst in a 22-years-old male with previous history of cerebellar astrocytoma. The cyst was surgically removed with favorable outcome.Conclusion: Furthermore, we discussed the clinical, radiological and therapeutic aspects of an unusual location of epidermoid cyst. French title: Kyste épidermoïde cervical intradural  extramédulaire : Une cause rare de compression medullaire cervicale   Introduction : Les kystes épidermoïdes du système nerveux  central sont des lésions bénignes d‘origine congénitale, résultant de  l‘inclusion anormale de tissus ectodermiques lors de la fermeture du tube neural. Bien que la localisation intracrânienne soit inhabituelle, les kystes épidermoïdes rachidiens sont rares et représentent 1% des tumeurs de la moelle épinière chez l‘adulte. Cas clinique : Nous rapportons ici le cas d‘un kyste épidermoïde extramédullaire intradural cervical chez un homme de 22 ans ayant des antécédents d‘astrocytome cérébelleux opéré quelques années auparavant. Le kyste a été enlevé chirurgicalement avec un résultat favorable. Conclusion : Nous avons discuté à travers une revue de littérature, les aspects cliniques, radiologiques et thérapeutiques d‘un emplacement inhabituel du kyste épidermoïde

    Lessons learned for surveillance system strengthening through capacity building and partnership engagement in post-Ebola Guinea, 2015–2019

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    The 2014–2016 Ebola outbreak in Guinea revealed systematic weaknesses in the existing disease surveillance system, which contributed to delayed detection, underreporting of cases, widespread transmission in Guinea and cross-border transmission to neighboring Sierra Leone and Liberia, leading to the largest Ebola epidemic ever recorded. Efforts to understand the epidemic's scale and distribution were hindered by problems with data completeness, accuracy, and reliability. In 2017, recognizing the importance and usefulness of surveillance data in making evidence-based decisions for the control of epidemic-prone diseases, the Guinean Ministry of Health (MoH) included surveillance strengthening as a priority activity in their post-Ebola transition plan and requested the support of partners to attain its objectives. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC) and four of its implementing partners—International Medical Corps, the International Organization for Migration, RTI International, and the World Health Organization—worked in collaboration with the Government of Guinea to strengthen the country's surveillance capacity, in alignment with the Global Health Security Agenda and International Health Regulations 2005 objectives for surveillance and reporting. This paper describes the main surveillance activities supported by US CDC and its partners between 2015 and 2019 and provides information on the strategies used and the impact of activities. It also discusses lessons learned for building sustainable capacity and infrastructure for disease surveillance and reporting in similar resource-limited settings

    Results of conservative treatment of malignant sylvian infarction: a prospective cohort study from the Conakry University Hospital Center: Résultats du traitement conservateur de l’infarctus sylvian malin : étude de suivi longitudinal réalisée au Centre hospitalier universitaire de Conakry

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    Context and objective. Little is known about the impact of conservative treatment of malignant sylvian infarction (MSI), a specific type of ischemic stroke that generally affects the entire territory of the middle cerebral artery (MCA). This study aimed to evaluate the effect of conservative treatment of patients suffering from MSI. Methods. This was a prospective cohort and descriptive study including consecutive patients who were hospitalized in the Neurology Department for MSI confirmed by brain imaging, over a period of six 6 months from October 24, 2019 to April 24, 2020. Results. The MSI represented 25 cases (11.7 %) of 329 strokes recorded. Their average age was 59.1 ± 17.7 year with a female preponderance. Disorder of consciousness was found in all patients. The mean time of admission in hours was 77.1 ± 73.8 hours (extreme of 7 – 360 hours). Hypertension, diabetes and smoking were found as vascular risk factors in our patients. The Glasgow coma scale (GCS) was ≤ 8 in one patient and ≥ 8 in 24 other patients. The average National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score was 17.5 (extremes of 15 – 20); and 96 % of patients had a score between 16 and 20. The brain CT scan revealed a hemispheric infarction with edema and mass effect on the median structures. Inhalation pneumopathy, buttock and/or heel pressure ulcer, and pulmonary embolism were the most common complications. With the conservative treatment, the mortality rate was 68 %. The NIHSS ≥ 17 and/or GCS ≤ 8 score within three days of the vascular event and hypoxemia was a poor prognostic factor in 86.6 % of cases. Conclusion. Conservative treatment of MSI is associated with poor prognosis with a high mortality rate especially in the absence of surgery. Contexte et objectif. L’impact réel du traitement conservateur de l’infarctus sylvien malin (ISM), type spécifique d’accident ischémique cérébral  du territoire de l’artère cérébrale moyenne (ACM) n’est pas clairement déterminé. L’étude visait à en évaluer le résultat chez 25 patients (âge moyen : 59,1 ±17,7 ans) admis pour cette affection. Méthodes. Cette enquête descriptive et prospective a analysé les données des patients consécutifs, admis  au service de Neurologie pour un ISM confirmé par TDM cérébrale, pendant la période d’étude. Résultaats. Sur un total de 329 cas d’AVC, l’ISM a constitué 11,7%, avec une prépondérance féminine.Le trouble de conscience était présent chez tous , avec un délai moyen d’admission de 77,1 ± 73,8 heures. L’hypertension artérielle, le diabète et le  tabagisme étaient les principaux facteurs de risque cardiovasculaires retrouvés. Le score  de Glasgow (GCS) était ≤ 8 chez un patient et ≥ 8 chez  les 24 autres. Le score de National institutes of health stroke scale (NIHSS) moyen est de 17,5 (extrêmes de 15 – 20) ; et presque tous les patients (96%) avaient un score compris entre 16 – 20. La TDM cérébrale a montré un infarctus hémisphérique avec un Å“dème et effet de masse sur les structures médianes. Les complications les plus fréquentes étaient respectivement : la pneumonie d’inhalation,  l’escarre fessier et/ou talonnier, et l’embolie pulmonaire. Le taux de mortalité a été de 68% dans la série.  un score  NIHSS ≥ 17 et/ou GCS ≤ 8 endéans les trois premiers jours d’admission et l’hypoxémie étaient des prédicteurs d’un mauvais pronostic.  Conclusion. Le pronostic vital réservé et le taux élevé de mortalité de ce traitement justifient le renforcement du plateau technique  neurochirurgical dans cette institution

    Chronic pancreatitis located in the pancreatic duct of a 23-year-old patient - What can be done?

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    The aim of the study was to focus attention on the age of the young man under investigation. The onset age of chronic pancreatitis normally ranges from 30-40 years old. However, a young Chinese patient of just 23-years-old underwent an operation in order to treat chronic pancreatitis caused by stones and its post-operative outcome determined with the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS NSQIP). [Arch Clin Exp Surg 2016; 5(4.000): 233-237


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    PARALYSIE GÉNÉRALE EN MILIEU TROPICAL. ÉTUDE DE 43 OBSERVATIONS RESUME Description :Les auteurs rapportent une étude de 43 cas de paralysie générale, révélés par un syndrome démentiel et des formes atypiques notamment les troubles confusionnels répétitifs et des crises épileptiformes. Objectif : L'objectif de cette étude est de réévaluer cette pathologie du point de vue clinique et paraclinique en milieu tropical. Méthode : Il s'agit d'une étude prospective. Le diagnostic a reposé sur la positivité des réactions sérologiques ( VDRL-TPHA) dans le sang et le liquide céphalo-rachidien, la présence d'une hypercellularité à prédominance lymphocytaire et d'une hyperprotéinorachie. Resultats : Les troubles cognitifs et moteurs, les états confusionnels répétitifs et les crises épileptiques constituent les formes cliniques dominantes de début. Chez tous les patients, le scanner a mis en évidence une discrète dilatation ventriculaire diffuse et un élargissement des sillons de la convexité. Le tracé électroencéphalographique était anormal dans près de 67% des cas. SUMMARY Description : The authors report a study of 43 cases of general paralysis revealed by some mental disorders and atypical forms notably repeater confessional disorders and some seizure-like attacks. Objective : The goal of this study is to revalue this pathology from the clinical and paraclinic point of view in tropical medium. Method : In this prospective study, the diagnosis was based on the serologic tests (VDRL-TPHA) in the blood and the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF); CSF cell count with lymphocyte predominance ; protein level in the fluid. Result : The diagnosis was based on the serologic tests (VDRL-TPHA) in the blood and the cerebrospinal fluid(CSF); high CSF cell count with lymphocyte predominance; high protein level in the fluid. The cogniture and motor troubles, the repeated confusion status and the epileptic seizures constitute the dominant clinical forms of the onset. In all the patients, the CT-scan revealed discrete diffuse ventricular dilation and widening of the grooves of the convexity. The electroencephalographic traces were abnormal in 67% of the cases. Key Words: Afrique, Guinée, paralysie générale, syphilis nerveuse, Africa, Guinea, general paralysis, neurosyphilis African Journal of Neurological Sciences Vol.23(2) 200