143 research outputs found

    Corrigendum. Maars to calderas: end-members on a spectrum of explosive volcanic depressions

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    A corrigendum on Maars to calderas: end-members on a spectrum of explosive volcanic depressions by Palladino, D. M., Valentine, G. A., Sottili, G., and Taddeucci, J. (2015). Front. Earth Sci. 3:36. doi: 10.3389/feart.2015.00036 Reason for Corrigendum: In the original article (Palladino et al., 2015), there was an error in Figure 1. The vertical axis of the qualitative plot reported erroneously “ratio of juvenile to lithic materials in deposits outside of depression”. The correct wording is as follows: “ratio of juvenile to total (i.e., juvenile+lithic) materials in deposits outside of depression”. In fact, as it was reported correctly in the text, the amount of juvenilematerial (i.e., scoria or pumice) deposited ouside the different types of explosive volcanic depressions increases from zero (i.e., no juvenile, all lithic products), as is the case of hydrothermal (phreatic) explosion craters, to become largely dominant over the lithic component in the case of ash flow deposits associated with large overpressure collapse calderas. The corrected Figure 1 appears below. The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way

    Maars to calderas. End-members on a spectrum of explosive volcanic depressions

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    We discuss maar-diatremes and calderas as end-members on a spectrum of negative volcanic landforms (depressions) produced by explosive eruptions (note—we focus on calderas formed during explosive eruptions, recognizing that some caldera types are not related to such activity). The former are dominated by ejection of material during numerous discrete phreatomagmatic explosions, brecciation, and subsidence of diatreme fill, while the latter are dominated by subsidence over a partly evacuated magma chamber during sustained, magmatic volatile-driven discharge. Many examples share characteristics of both, including landforms that are identified as maars but preserve deposits from non-phreatomagmatic explosive activity, and ambiguous structures that appear to be coalesced maars but that also produced sustained explosive eruptions with likely magma reservoir subsidence. A convergence of research directions on issues related to magma-water interaction and shallow reservoir mechanics is an important avenue toward developing a unified picture of the maar-diatreme-caldera spectrum

    Micronucleus induction by low doses of X-rays in Vicia faba root tips

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    Studies on the micronucleus test in Vicia faba root tips (VM test) were carried out in order to estimate the effects at low doses of X-rays (1, 2, 4, 8 and 12 R). The control value of micronucleus frequency is about 0.44/1000 cells. The dose where the micronucleus frequency is twice that of the control was estimated at 1.384 R. There was a linear kinetic dose response for the low-dose range studied here

    Biomarkers in wound drainage fluids of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients receiving neck dissection: A pilot study

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    Aim: In a pilot prospective study, we aimed to test the feasibility and report on the preliminary results on the expression of molecular biomarkers in wound drainage fluids (WDFs) of operated head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) patients. Material and methods: Nineteen patients undergoing primary tumor resection with en-block neck dissection were enrolled. In postoperative days 1–3, the expression of several biomarkers in WDFs was measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits and correlated with clinical and histopathologic features. Results: The expression of stromal cell-derived factor 1 (CXCL-12) was significantly increased in WDFs in presence of lymph node metastases, extranodal extension (ENE), and in case of close resection margins. In addition, Osteopontin expression was significantly increased in presence of ENE, whereas transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) detection was significantly reduced. At multivariate analysis, CXCL-2 levels in both day 1 and 3 post-surgery were the only factor which retained significance in the prediction of close surgical margins (p = 0.028 and 0.025 for day 1 and day 3, respectively). Both CXCL-2 and Ostepontin assays were significantly correlated with ENE (p = 0.018 and 0.035 for day 1; 0.052 and 0.025 for day 3, respectively) whereas TGF- β expression was significant at day 1 only (p = 0.038) Conclusions: Our pilot study showed that WDFs could qualify as a potential source of relevant postoperative information. Further studies are needed to confirm the prognostic impact of CXCL-12, Osteopontin and TGF-β expressed in WDFs on the personalized management of HNSCC

    The late MIS 5 Mediterranean tephra markers: A reappraisal from peninsular Italy terrestrial records

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    We present new tephrostratigraphic records from the late MIS 5 (ca 110e80 ka) terrestrial sediments from southern and central Italy. On the one hand, the central Italy record consists of an outcropping lacustrine sequence from the Sulmona intermountain basin that contains four trachyticephonolitic tephra layers (POP3, POP2a, POP2b, POP1), all of which show a K-alkaline affinity that is typical for the Roman co-magmatic Province. The POP3 and POP1 layers were dated by 40Ar/39Ar method at 106.2 1.3 ka (2s) and 92.4 4.6 ka (2s), respectively. The sequence in southern Italy, on the other hand, is represented by post-Tyrrhenian coastal deposits of the Cilento area, Campania, which contain two trachytic layers (CIL2, CIL1) that show the same K-alkaline affinity. Based on their chemical compositions and radiometric ages, POP3 and POP1 are firmly correlated with the marine tephra layers X-5 (105 2 ka) and C-22 (ca 90 ka), which, in turn, match tephras TM-25 and TM-23-11, respectively, in the lacustrine sequence of Lago Grande di Monticchio (southern Italy). Of note, the POP1 layer also matches the Adriatic Sea tephra PRAD 2517 that was previously correlated with the older X-5 layer. The tephra couplet POP2a and POP2b (ca 103 and 103.5 ka, extrapolated ages) are compatible with the TM- 24b and TM-24-3 tephras in Monticchio, which match both the stratigraphic positions and the chemical compositions. In the Cilento area, as well as the already described X-6 layer (ca 108 ka) (CIL2), we recognise a new stratigraphic superimposed layer (CIL1) that matches the POP3/TM-25/C-27/X-5 Mediterranean marker(s). In summary, the data presented here provide new chemical and 40Ar/39Ar chronological constraints towards a robust late MIS 5 tephrostratigraphy of the central Mediterranean, although at the same time, they also reveal how the tephrostratigraphy itself might be flawed when dealing with tephra markers that are not adequately constrained and characterised.Published31-451V. Storia eruttivaJCR Journa

    Central Mediterranean tephrochronology between 313 and 366 ka. New insights from the Fucino paleolake sediment succession

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    Thirty-two tephra layers were identified in the time-interval 313–366 ka (Marine Isotope Stages 9–10) of the Quaternary lacustrine succession of the Fucino Basin, central Italy. Twenty-seven of these tephra layers yielded suitable geochemical material to explore their volcanic origins. Investigations also included the acquisition of geochemical data of some relevant, chronologically compatible proximal units from Italian volcanoes. The record contains tephra from some well known eruptions and eruptive sequences of Roman and Roccamonfina volcanoes, such as the Magliano Romano Plinian Fall, the Orvieto–Bagnoregio Ignimbrite, the Lower White Trachytic Tuff and the Brown Leucitic Tuff. In addition, the record documents eruptions currently undescribed in proximal (i.e. near-vent) sections, suggesting a more complex history of the major eruptions of the Colli Albani, Sabatini, Vulsini and Roccamonfinavolcanoes between 313 and 366 ka. Six of the investigated tephra layers were directly dated by single-crystal-fusion 40Ar/39Ar dating, providing the basis for a Bayesian age–depth model and a reassessment of the chronologies for both already known and dated eruptive units and for so far undated eruptions. The results provide a significant contribution for improving knowledge on the peri-Tyrrhenian explosive activity as well as for extending the Mediterranean tephrostratigraphical framework, which was previously based on limited proximal and distal archives for that time interval

    Physical stratigraphy and geotechnical properties controlling the local seismic response in explosive volcanic settings: the Stracciacappa maar (central Italy)

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    Nowadays, policies addressed to prevention and mitigation of seismic risk need a consolidated methodology finalised to the assessment of local seismic response in explosive volcanic settings. The quantitative reconstruction of the subsoil model provides a key instrument to understand how the geometry and the internal architecture of outcropping and buried geological units have influence on the propagation of seismic waves. On this regard, we present a multidisciplinary approach in the test area of the Stracciacappa maar (Sabatini Volcanic District, central Italy), with the aim to reconstruct its physical stratigraphy and to discuss how subsoil heterogeneities control the 1D and 2D local seismic response in such a volcanic setting. We first introduce a new multidisciplinary dataset, including geological (fieldwork and log from a 45-m-thick continuous coring borehole), geophysical (electrical resistivity tomographies, single station noise measurements, and 2D passive seismic arrays), and geotechnical (simple shear tests performed on undisturbed samples) approaches. Then, we reconstruct the subsoil model for the Stracciacappa maar in terms of vertical setting and distribution of its mechanical lithotypes, which we investigate for 1D and 2D finite element site response analyses through the application of two different seismic scenarios: a volcanic event and a tectonic event. The numerical modelling documents a significant ground motion amplification (in the 1–1.5 Hz range) revealed for both seismic scenarios, with a maximum within the centre of the maar. The ground motion amplification is related to both 1D and 2D phenomena including lithological heterogeneity within the upper part of the maar section and interaction of direct S-waves with Rayleigh waves generated at edges of the most superficial lithotypes. Finally, we use these insights to associate the expected distribution of ground motion amplification with the physical stratigraphy of an explosive volcanic setting, with insights for seismic microzonation studies and local seismic response assessment in populated environments

    The Volsci Volcanic Field (central Italy). Eruptive history, magma system and implications on continental subduction processes.

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    Here, we report on the Quaternary Volsci Volcanic Field (VVF, central Italy). In light of new 40Ar/39Ar geochronological data and compositional characterization of juvenile eruptive products, we refine the history of VVF activity, and outline the implications on the pre-eruptive magma system and the continental subduction processes involved. Different from the nearby volcanic districts of the Roman and Campanian Provinces, the VVF was characterized by small-volume (0.01–0.1 km3) eruptions from a network of monogenetic centers (mostly tuff rings and scoria cones, with subordinate lava occurrences), clustered along high-angle faults of lithospheric depth. Leucite-bearing, high-K (HKS) magmas (for which we report for the first time the phlogopite phenocryst compositions) mostly fed the early phase of activity (∼761–539 ka), then primitive, plagioclase-bearing (KS) magmas appeared during the climactic phase (∼424–349 ka), partially overlapping with HKS ones, and then prevailed during the late phase of activity (∼300–231 ka). The fast ascent of primitive magma batches is typical of a tectonically controlled volcanic field, where the very low magma flux is a passive byproduct of regional tectonic strain. We suggest that the dominant compressive stress field acting at depth was accompanied by an extensional regime in the upper crust, associated with the gravity spreading of the Apennine chain, allowing the fast ascent of magma from the mantle source with limited stationing in shallow reservoirs