6 research outputs found


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    Introducción: El vínculo entre el síndrome metabólico y el SOP viene dado por la fisiopatología caracterizada por insulinorresistencia con hiperinsulinismo compensatorio. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de SOP en mujeres con diagnóstico de síndrome metabólico y la determinación de los componentes de este último. Material y métodos: Estudio transversal en mujeres de 18 a 40 años de edad, portadoras de síndrome metabólico a quienes se les determinó glucosa, colesterol y triglicéridos; presión arterial, índice de masa corporal (IMC), y ultrasonido pélvico. Los datos fueron analizados calculando frecuencias y proporciones. Resultados: Se analizó una muestra de 57 mujeres portadoras de síndrome metabólico, encontrando una prevalencia del 29.2%17 de ovario poliquístico, de la cuales el 35.2% presento elevación en la tensión arterial sistólica, 47.05% hiperglucemia y el 29.41% hipertrigliceridemia Discusión: Se recomienda una búsqueda intencionada de SOP en mujeres con síndrome metabólico, para disminuir riesgos reproductivos, metabólicos y cardiovasculares

    CaliPopGen: A genetic and life history database for the fauna and flora of California

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    CaliPopGen is a database of population genetic data for native and naturalized eukaryotic species in California, USA. It summarizes the published literature (1985-2020) for 5,453 unique populations with genetic data from more than 187,394 individuals and 448 species (513 species plus subspecies) across molecular markers including allozymes, RFLPs, mtDNA, microsatellites, nDNA, and SNPs. Terrestrial habitats accounted for the majority (46.4%) of the genetic data. Taxonomic groups with the greatest representation were Magnoliophyta (20.31%), Insecta (13.4%), and Actinopterygii (12.85%). CaliPopGen also reports life-history data for most included species to enable analyses of the drivers of genetic diversity across the state. The large number of populations and wide taxonomic breadth will facilitate explorations of ecological patterns and processes across the varied geography of California. CaliPopGen covers all terrestrial and marine ecoregions of California and has a greater density of species and georeferenced populations than any previously published population genetic database. It is thus uniquely suited to inform conservation management at the regional and state levels across taxonomic groups

    The impact of COVID-19 on the well-being and cognition of older adults living in the United States and Latin America.

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    In the COVID-19 pandemic, older adults from vulnerable ethnoracial groups are at high risk of infection, hospitalization, and death. We aimed to explore the pandemic's impact on the well-being and cognition of older adults living in the United States (US), Argentina, Chile, Mexico, and Peru. 1,608 (646 White, 852 Latino, 77 Black, 33 Asian; 72% female) individuals from the US and four Latin American countries aged ≥ 55 years completed an online survey regarding well-being and cognition during the pandemic between May and September 2020. Outcome variables (pandemic impact, discrimination, loneliness, purpose of life, subjective cognitive concerns) were compared across four US ethnoracial groups and older adults living in Argentina, Chile, Mexico, and Peru. Mean age for all participants was 66.7 ( = 7.7) years and mean education was 15.4 ( = 2.7) years. Compared to Whites, Latinos living in the US reported greater economic impact ( < .001,  = .031); while Blacks reported experiencing discrimination more often ( < .001,  = .050). Blacks and Latinos reported more positive coping ( < .001,  = 040). Compared to Latinos living in the US, Latinos in Chile, Mexico, and Peru reported greater pandemic impact, Latinos in Mexico and Peru reported more positive coping, Latinos in Argentina, Mexico, and Peru had greater economic impact, and Latinos in Argentina, Chile, and Peru reported less discrimination. The COVID-19 pandemic has differentially impacted the well-being of older ethnically diverse individuals in the US and Latin America. Future studies should examine how mediators like income and coping skills modify the pandemic's impact. Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Psychiatry