4 research outputs found

    Obtención de imágenes anatómicas de articulaciones correlacionadas con imágenes de resonancia magnética para el aprendizaje auto-dirigido de la anatomía topográfica del miembro inferior

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    Se trata de la continuación del PIMCD2015/166 titulado "Obtención de imágenes anatómicas de huesos y articulaciones correlacionadas con RX y RM para el aprendizaje auto-dirigido de la anatomía topográfica del miembro inferior". El volumnen de trabajo a realizar en el plazo establecido no nos ha permitido completar el apartado correspondiente a las articulaciones. En el presente proyecto, nos hemos planteado el desarrollo de un sistema interactivo para mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la docencia de la artrología del miembro inferior, que pueda ser utilizado por los alumnos de Grado de Ciencias de la Salud. Su acceso será a través del campus virtual facilitando al alumno una herramienta dinámica de libre disposición durante el periodo en el que se imparte la asignatura de Anatomía, pudiendo disponer de las imágenes durante un tiempo superior al programado en el plan docente, lo que facilitará el estudio de una materia cuyo aprendizaje se basa sobre todo en la memoria visual. En una primera fase, se disecarán las articulaciones de la cadera, rodilla, tobillo y del resto del pie, para lo que se utilizarán piezas fijadas en formaldehído al 10% procedentes del depósito del Departamento de Anatomía y Embriología Humanas. Una vez disecadas las articulaciones, se fotografiarán y, posteriormente, se identificarán y rotularán los elementos anatómicos. En una segunda fase, las imágenes de las articulaciones se correlacionarán con imágenes de Resonancia Magnética (RM) obtenidas a partir de pacientes; se seleccionarán las imágenes de RM más representativas en el estudio de las articulaciones del miembro inferior; se identificarán y rotularán los elementos anatómicos visualizados en las imágenes de RM seleccionadas. En una tercera fase, se va a desarrollar una aplicación informática que permita interactuar con las imágenes anatómicas y radiológicas. La aplicación se basa fundamentalmente en dos plantillas, una para la visualización y estudio de las imágenes anatómicas y de RM, con los distintos elementos anatómicos identificados y otra para comprobar los conocimientos adquirido

    Ring Organisation Model of Managing Dismissal of Employees at Industrial Enterprises Кольцевая организационная модель управления высвобождением наемных работников на промышленных предприятиях

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    The article marks our main stages of a life cycle of an enterprise and main factors of external environment that influence activity of industrial enterprises. It justifies a necessity of managing dismissal at each stage, which manifests itself in conducting a set of measures that were called “dismissal programme”, taking into account specific features of external environment. It identifies resources of enterprises, which would be necessary for realisation of each programme of dismissal of employees in accordance with the stage of a life cycle. It offers a ring organisation model of managing dismissal of employees, which takes into account stages of a life cycle, resources of enterprises and dismissal programmes appropriate to each stage. The external ring and the ring of the second level envisage dismissal on own initiative or stimulation of such a dismissal; the third ring and internal ring cover measures that are directed at dismissal on initiative of the administration (or by economic reasons).<br>В статье обозначены основные стадии жизненного цикла предприятия, а также основные факторы внешней среды, влияющие на деятельность промышленных предприятий. Обоснована необходимость управления высвобождением на каждой стадии, что проявляется в осуществлении комплекса мероприятий, которые получили название «программа высвобождения», с учетом особенностей внешней среды. Определены ресурсы предприятий, которые будут необходимы для реализации каждой программы высвобождения работников в соответствии со стадией жизненного цикла. Предложена кольцевая организационная модель управления высвобождением наемных работников, которая учитывает стадии жизненного цикла, ресурсы предприятий и соответствующие каждой стадии программы высвобождения. Внешнее кольцо и кольцо второго уровня предусматривают высвобождение по собственному желанию или стимулирование такого высвобождения, третье и внутреннее кольцо охватывают мероприятия, направленные на высвобождение по инициативе администрации (или по экономическим причинам)

    Different Effects of the Immunomodulatory Drug GMDP Immobilized onto Aminopropyl Modified and Unmodified Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles upon Peritoneal Macrophages of Women with Endometriosis

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    The aim of the present work was to compare in vitro the possibility of application of unmodified silica nanoparticles (UMNPs) and modified by aminopropyl groups silica nanoparticles (AMNPs) for topical delivery of immunomodulatory drug GMDP to the peritoneal macrophages of women with endometriosis. The absence of cytotoxic effect and high cellular uptake was demonstrated for both types of silica nanoparticles. The immobilization of GMDP on the UMNPs led to the suppression of the stimulatory effect of GMDP on the membrane expression of scavenger receptors SR-AI and SR-B, mRNAs expression of NOD2 and RAGE, and synthesis of proteolytic enzyme MMP-9 and its inhibitor TIMP-1. GMDP, immobilized onto AMNPs, enhanced the initially reduced membrane expression of SRs and increased NOD2, RAGE, and MMP-9 mRNAs expression by macrophages. Simultaneously high level of mRNAs expression of factors, preventing undesirable hyperactivation of peritoneal macrophages (SOCS1 and TIMP-1), was observed in macrophages incubated in the presence of GMDP, immobilized onto AMNPs. The effect of AMNPs immobilized GMDP in some cases exceeded the effect of free GMDP. Thus, among the studied types of silica nanoparticles, AMNPs are the most suitable nanoparticles for topical delivery of GMDP to the peritoneal macrophages

    Information culture of a teacher as a factor of the development of the city human resources

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    The prerequisite for the study has been the need to develop a model for the formation of information culture for bachelors as future foreign language teachers, taking into account the requirements of the contemporary labor market of pedagogical specialties in the framework of developing the urban human resources potential. The purpose of the research is to study the problem in the context of training qualified humanitarian personnel who can meet professional challenges and be competitive candidates in the educational market of a contemporary city. The article discusses the concept of information culture and describes its functions and structural components. The research methods used include a conversation with teachers and students, a survey of teachers and students on key issues, generalization of experience in organizing work with students in the framework of contact and independent work at school and university, as well as experimental training. The authors describe the model of information culture formation in bachelors specialized in the humanities, the means of information culture formation, and identify the levels of its formedness. The formedness level of a bachelor’s information culture is proposed to be evaluated according to motivational, substantive, professional and technological, and evaluative-performative criteria. The authors cover in detail the content of the information culture forming process of future foreign language teachers. Research results and novelty are presented by the described model of information culture formation in bachelors as future teachers of a foreign language reflected in the special authorial course. The article offers sample topics and control tasks on a developed course. The article may be of interest to specialists in the field of teacher education, e-learning, and the design of information and educational environments in the humanitarian sector of a contemporary city. The proposed model can be used in the system of professional development of foreign language teachers