13 research outputs found

    The Outcomes of Patients with Haemoglobin Disorders in Cyprus: A Joined Report of the Thalassaemia International Federation and the Nicosia and Paphos Thalassaemia Centres (State Health Services Organisation)

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    Haemoglobinopathies, including thalassaemias and sickle-cell syndromes, are demanding, lifelong conditions that pose a significant burden to patients, families, and healthcare systems. Despite the therapeutic advances and the resulting improvements in prognosis accomplished in past decades, these patients still face important challenges, including suboptimal access to quality care in areas with developing economies, changing epidemiology due to massive migration flows, an evolving clinical spectrum due to ageing in well-treated patients, and limited access to novel high-cost therapies. We herein describe the organization of healthcare services for haemoglobinopathies in Cyprus—with particular focus on beta-thalassaemia, the most prevalent condition in this region—along with selected patient outcomes. This report aims at underscoring the fact that nationally funded and well-coordinated prevention and care programmes for chronic and complex conditions, such as haemoglobinopathies, with active involvement from patient organizations lead to effective disease control and excellent outcomes in survival, quality of life, social adaptation, and public health savings, and allow timely and effective responses to emerging crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The Cyprus paradigm could therefore serve as a blueprint for the organization or adaptation of haemoglobinopathy programs in other countries since these disorders are still widely occurring

    Unravelling the Complexity of the +33 C>G [HBB:c.-18C>G] Variant in Beta Thalassemia

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    The +33 C>G variant [NM_000518.5(HBB):c.-18C>G] in the 5′ untranslated region (UTR) of the β-globin gene is described in the literature as both mild and silent, while it causes a phenotype of thalassemia intermedia in the presence of a severe β-thalassemia allele. Despite its potential clinical significance, the determination of its pathogenicity according to established standards requires a greater number of published cases and co-segregation evidence than what is currently available. The present study provides an extensive phenotypic characterization of +33 C>G using 26 heterozygous and 11 compound heterozygous novel cases detected in Cyprus and employs computational predictors (CADD, RegulomeDB) to better understand its impact on clinical severity. Genotype identification of globin gene variants, including α- and δ-thalassemia determinants, and rs7482144 (XmnI) was carried out using Sanger sequencing, gap-PCR, and restriction enzyme digestion methods. The heterozygous state of +33 C>G had a silent phenotype without apparent microcytosis or hypochromia, while compound heterozygosity with a β+ or β0 allele had a spectrum of clinical phenotypes. Awareness of the +33 C>G is required across Mediterranean populations where β-thalassemia is frequent, particularly in Cyprus, with significant relevance in population screening and fetal diagnostic applications

    Sex-specific transcriptional profiles identified in β-thalassemia patients

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    β-thalassemia comprises a group of heterogeneous autosomal recessive hereditary anemias characterized by the reduction or absence of β-globin chain synthesis, and it is a highly prevalent disease affecting 1.5% of the global population. Three different clinical conditions are recognized in patients with β-thalassemia minor (trait) being the asymptomatic form, β-thalassemia major (TM) being the most severe form of the disease and β-thalassemia intermedia (TI) presenting with variable severity. Despite extensive characterization of the genetic basis of disease pathogenesis, currently the classification of patients relies on the severity of symptoms and HbF levels regardless of the underlying genotype. Thus, the aim of the study was to develop an approach for patient stratification based on gene expression, pinpoint the targets that dictate each phenotype and provide a framework for the development of therapeutic strategies focused on these targets. To this end, we have analysed the gene expression profiles of TI, TM and healthy individuals using RNA-seq (NCBI, GSE117221) and we have studied the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) and pathways irrespective to patient genotype. Interestingly, after analysis of various confounding factors, we identified gender differences in the patients’ expression profiles suggesting that males and females are differentially affected by β-thalassemia. Thus, taking gender into account might benefit prognosis, diagnosis, stratification and therapeutic management of the disease

    A Multicenter ICET-A Study on Age at Menarche and Menstrual Cycles in Patients with Transfusion-Dependent Thalassemia (TDT) who Started Early Chelation Therapy with Different Chelating Agents

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    Introduction: To evaluate the effect of early chelation therapy (≤ 3 years) with a variety of chelating agents on age at menarche and menstrual characteristics in patients with transfusion-dependent thalassemia (TDT). Design: A retrospective multicenter study promoted by the International Network of Clinicians for Endocrinopathies in Thalassemia and Adolescent Medicine (ICET-A). Setting: Eight of 13 International Thalassemia Centers (61.5%) in the ICET-A Network participated. Patients: Fifty-seven female TDT patients, aged 11 to 26 years, and with early iron chelation therapy, were eligible for the present study. They were enrolled from one center from Iran (33 patients), 3 centers from Bulgaria (9), 1 from Greece (8), one from Oman (4), 1 from Cyprus (2), and 1 from Italy (1). Seven patients were excluded, four still prepubertal (age 12-14 years) and 3 with primary amenorrhea. Therefore 50 patients were finally enrolled. Results: All fifty TDT patients developed spontaneous menarche at a mean age of 14.2 ± 2.24 years (range 9 - 20). A significant positive correlation was observed between age at menarche and serum ferritin levels (r: 0. 41, p=0.005). Regular menstrual cycles were reported from 32 (64%) patients, of whom 28 (83.3%) get menarche at age ≤ 14 years. Complications were more frequent in patients older than 14 years at menarche and in those with secondary amenorrhea. Conclusions: Age at menarche greater than 14 years was a forerunner of menstrual irregularities and associated complications in 36% of patients despite precocious chelation therapy. The poor adherence to treatment, to be demonstrated in future studies, could explain the finding

    KLF10 gene expression is associated with high fetal hemoglobin levels and with response to hydroxyurea treatment in β-hemoglobinopathy patients

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    In humans, fetal hemoglobin (HbF) production is controlled by many intricate mechanisms that, to date, remain only partly understood. Pharmacogenomic analysis of the effects of hydroxyurea (HU) on HbF production was undertaken in a collection of Hellenic β-thalassemia and sickle cell disease (SCD) compound heterozygotes and a collection of healthy and KLF1-haploinsufficient Maltese adults, to identify genomic signatures that follow high HbF patterns. KLF10 emerged as a top candidate. Moreover, genotype analysis of β-thalassemia major and intermedia patients and an independent cohort of β-thalassemia/SCD compound heterozygous patients that do or do not respond to HU treatment showed that the homozygous mutant state of a tagSNP in the KLF10 3'UTR is not present in β-thalassemia intermedia patients and is underrepresented in β-thalassemia/SCD compound heterozygous patients that respond well to HU treatment. These data suggest that KLF10 may constitute a pharmacogenomic marker to discriminate between response and nonresponse to HU treatmen