42 research outputs found

    Cryphonectria nitschkei chrysovirus 1 with unique molecular features and a very narrow host range

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    Cryphonectria nitschkei chrysovirus 1 (CnCV1), was described earlier from an ascomycetous fungus, Cryphonectria nitschkei strain OB5/11, collected in Japan; its partial sequence was reported a decade ago. Complete sequencing of the four genomic dsRNA segments revealed molecular features similar to but distinct from previously reported members of the family Chrysoviridae. Unique features include the presence of a mini-cistron preceding the major large open reading frame in each genomic segment. Common features include the presence of CAA repeats in the 5′-untranslated regions and conserved terminal sequences. CnCV1-OB5/11 could be laterally transferred to C. nitschkei and its relatives C. radicalis and C. naterciae via coculturing, virion transfection and protoplast fusion, but not to fungal species other than the three species mentioned above, even within the genus Cryphonectria, suggesting a very narrow host range. Phenotypic comparison of a few sets of CnCV1-infected and -free isogenic strains showed symptomless infection in new hosts

    A novel quadripartite dsRNA virus isolated from a phytopathogenic filamentous fungus, Rosellinia necatrix

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    AbstractHere we report the biological and molecular attributes of a novel dsRNA virus isolated from Rosellinia necatrix, a filamentous phytopathogenic fungus. The virus, termed Rosellinia necatrix quadrivirus 1 (RnQV1), forms rigid spherical particles approximately 45nm in diameter in infected mycelia. The particles contain 4 dsRNA segments, dsRNA1 to dsRNA4, with a size range of 4.9 to 3.7kbp, each possessing a single large ORF. A comparison of the virus-infected and -cured isogenic fungal strains suggested that RnQV1 infection has no appreciable phenotypic effects. Phylogenetic analysis using the dsRNA3-encoded RdRp sequence revealed that RnQV1 is more distantly related to quadripartite chrysoviruses than to monopartite totiviruses, and is placed in a distinct group from other mycoviruses. No significant sequence similarities were evident between known proteins and RnQV1 structural proteins shown to be encoded by dsRNA2 or dsRNA4. These suggest that RnQV1 is a novel latent virus, belonging to a new family

    Pathogenetic roles of beet necrotic yellow vein virus RNA5 in the exacerbation of symptoms and yield reduction, development of scab‐like symptoms, and Rz1‐resistance breaking in sugar beet

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    Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) generally has a four‐segmented positive‐sense RNA genome (RNAs 1–4), but some European and most Asian strains have an additional segment, RNA5. This study examined the effect of RNA5 and RNA3 on different sugar beet cultivars using a Polymyxa‐mediated inoculation system under field and laboratory conditions. In field tests, the degree of sugar yield served as an index for assessing the virulence of BNYVV strains. Japanese A‐II type isolates without RNA5 caused mostly 15%–90% sugar yield reductions, depending on the susceptibility of sugar beet cultivars, whereas the isolates with RNA5 induced more than 90% yield losses in the seven susceptible cultivars, but small yield losses in one Rz1‐resistant and Rizor cultivars. However, a laboratory‐produced isolate containing RNA5 but lacking RNA3 caused higher yield losses in Rizor than in susceptible plants, and induced scab‐like symptoms on the root surface of both susceptible and resistant plants. In laboratory tests, A‐II type isolates without RNA5 had low viral RNA accumulation levels in roots of Rizor and Rz1‐resistant plants at early stages of infection, but in the presence of RNA5, viral RNA3 accumulation levels increased remarkably. This increased RNA3 accumulation was not observed in roots of the WB42 accession with the Rz2 gene. In contrast, the presence of RNA3 did not affect RNA5 accumulation levels. Collectively, this study demonstrated that RNA5 is involved in the development of scab‐like symptoms and the enhancement of RNA3 accumulation, and suggests these characteristics of RNA5 are associated with Rz1‐resistance breaking

    Two novel fungal negative-strand RNA viruses related to mymonaviruses and phenuiviruses in the shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes)

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    Abstract There is still limited information on the diversity of (−)ssRNA viruses that infect fungi. Here, we have discovered two novel (−)ssRNA mycoviruses in the shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes). The first virus has a monopartite RNA genome and relates to that of mymonaviruses (Mononegavirales), especially to Hubei rhabdo-like virus 4 from arthropods and thus designated as Lentinula edodes negative-strand RNA virus 1. The second virus has a putative bipartite RNA genome and is related to the recently discovered bipartite or tripartite phenui-like viruses (Bunyavirales) associated with plants and ticks, and designated as Lentinula edodes negative-strand RNA virus 2 (LeNSRV2). LeNSRV2 is likely the first segmented (−)ssRNA virus known to infect fungi. Its smaller RNA segment encodes a putative nucleocapsid and a plant MP-like protein using a potential ambisense coding strategy. These findings enhance our understanding of the diversity, evolution and spread of (−)ssRNA viruses in fungi

    A novel insect-infecting virga/nege-like virus group and its pervasive endogenization into insect genomes

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    Insects are the host and vector of diverse viruses including those that infect vertebrates, plants, and fungi. Recent wide-scale transcriptomic analyses have uncovered the existence of a number of novel insect viruses belonging to an alphavirus-like superfamily (virgavirus/negevirus-related lineage). In this study, through an in silico search using publicly available insect transcriptomic data, we found numerous virus-like sequences related to insect virga/nege-like viruses. Phylogenetic analysis showed that these novel viruses and related virus-like sequences fill the major phylogenetic gaps between insect and plant virga/negevirus lineages. Interestingly, one of the phylogenetic clades represents a unique insect-infecting virus group. Its members encode putative coat proteins which contained a conserved domain similar to that usually found in the coat protein of plant viruses in the family Virgaviridae. Furthermore, we discovered endogenous viral elements (EVEs) related to virga/nege-like viruses in the insect genomes, which enhances our understanding on their evolution. Database searches using the sequence of one member from this group revealed the presence of EVEs in a wide range of insect species, suggesting that there has been prevalent infection by this virus group since ancient times. Besides, we present detailed EVE integration profiles of this virus group in some species of the Bombus genus of bee families. A large variation in EVE patterns among Bombus species suggested that while some integration events occurred after the species divergence, others occurred before it. Our analyses support the view that insect and plant virga/nege-related viruses might share common virus origin(s)

    Cymbidium chlorotic mosaic virus, a new sobemovirus isolated from a spring orchid (Cymbidium goeringii) in Japan.

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    Cymbidium chlorotic mosaic virus (CyCMV), isolated from a spring orchid (Cymbidium goeringii), was characterized molecularly. CyCMV isometric virions comprise a single, positive-strand RNA genome of 4,083 nucleotides and 30-kDa coat protein. The virus genome contains five overlapping open reading frames with a genomic organization similar to that of sobemoviruses. BLAST searches and phylogenetic analysis revealed that CyCMV is most closely related to papaya lethal yellowing virus, a proposed dicot-infecting sobemovirus (58.8 % nucleotide sequence identity), but has a relatively distant relationship to monocot-infecting sobemoviruses, with only modest sequence identities. This suggests that CyCMV is a new monocot-infecting member of the floating genus Sobemovirus

    ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: \u3cem\u3ePartitiviridae\u3c/em\u3e

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    The Partitiviridae is a family of small, isometric, non-enveloped viruses with bisegmented double-stranded (ds) RNA genomes of 3–4.8 kbp. The two genome segments are individually encapsidated. The family has five genera, with characteristic hosts for members of each genus: either plants or fungi for genera Alphapartitivirus and Betapartitivirus, fungi for genus Gammapartitivirus, plants for genus Deltapartitivirus and protozoa for genus Cryspovirus. Partitiviruses are transmitted intracellularly via seeds (plants), oocysts (protozoa) or hyphal anastomosis, cell division and sporogenesis (fungi); there are no known natural vectors. This is a summary of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) Report on the taxonomy of the Partitiviridae, which is available at www.ictv.global/report/partitiviridae

    Characterization of burdock mottle virus, a novel member of the genus Benyvirus, and the identification of benyvirus-related sequences in the plant and insect genomes.

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    The complete nucleotide sequence of the burdock mottle virus (BdMoV) isolated from an edible burdock plant (Arctium lappa) in Japan has been determined. BdMoV has a bipartite genome, whose organization is similar to RNA1 and RNA2 of benyviruses, beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV), beet soil-borne mosaic virus (BSBMV), and rice stripe necrosis virus (RSNV). BdMoV RNA1 (7038 nt) contains a single open reading frame (ORF) encoding a 249-kDa polypeptide that consists of methyl-transferase, helicase, papain-like protease, AlkB-like, and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase domains. The AlkB-like domain sequence is not present in the proteins encoded by other known benyviruses, but is found in replication-associated proteins of viruses mainly belonging to the families Alfaflexiviridae and Betaflexiviridae. BdMoV RNA2 (4315 nt) contains six ORFs that are similar to those of benyviruses: these are coat protein (CP), CP readthrough, triple gene block movement and cysteine-rich proteins. Phylogenetic analyses showed that BdMoV is more closely related to BNYVV and BSBMV than to RSNV. Database searches showed that benyvirus replicase-related sequences are present in the chromosomes of a chickpea plant (Cicer arietinum) and a blood-sucking insect (Rhodnius prolixus). Some other benyvirus-related sequences are found in the transcriptome shotgun libraries of a few species of plants and a bark beetle. Our results show that BdMoV is a distinct species of the genus Benyvirus and that ancestral and extant benyviruses may have infected or currently infect a wide range of hosts, including plants and insects