4 research outputs found

    Hydrokarst\u2019s role in the knowledge of the Classical Karst aquifer\u2019s hydrodynamic (NE Italy, SW Slovenia).

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    In the framework of the Italian-Slovenian transboundary cooperation program 2007-2013, the HYDROKARST Project that aims at the protection and management of the Classical Karst transboundary aquifer is being carried out. Since the second half of 1800, several studies in this research field have been realized, but Hydrokarst is an opportunity for joint work for a unique goal, enriching the knowledge of a precious resource, water. In this context, in order to better define the groundwater flow dynamics, a joint monitoring network consisting of devices for continuous recording of physical parameters as electrical conductivity, temperature and water level, was realized. For selected water points, several physico-chemical, microbiological and geochemical surveys were performed. Major ions, \u3b418O and87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratio were analyzed. Fauna samples were collected. Additionally, a water-tracing test with fluorescent dye was carried out


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    Classical Karst is a broad area located between the north-eastern Italian sector and the south-western Slovenian side. The area is about 40 km long and 15 wide (SE-NW direction) bounded by the Isonzo/So\u10da and Vipacco/Vipava rivers, by the Pivka River basin, Cicarija structure and the Gulf of Trieste. The plateau, slightly inclined towards NW, consists of limestone lithotypes deeply karstified. Rainfall and surface waters are immediately swallowed by the karst bedrock, where a network of caves is developed, transferring vertically the waters through the epikarst and vadose zone and collecting them in the aquifer characterized by large horizontal or sub-horizontal conduits quickly transporting the waters to the spring\u2019s area. Data analysis obtained from Classical Karst groundwater monitoring networks highlights the complexity of the hydrostructure. In this framework, the Hydrokarst Project (Italy-Slovenia\u2019s transboundary cooperation program 2007-2013), is focused on the joint protection and management of the transboundary aquifer through quantitative and qualitative monitoring. One of Hydrokarst\u2019s outputs is the shared GeoDatabase collecting all the available and newly obtained geological, hydrological, hydrodynamic, geochemical and biological data. Unified maps as the Integrated Vulnerability Map obtained from the collected, validated and analyzed data are the common base to prepare cooperation agreements able to promote and implement action focused on the protection areas identification and realization. This common vision implements strategies able to prevent and/or reduce risks in emergencies. In this framework, also the support to the water consumption\u2019s reduction as the efficiency of the water network management and the improvement of drinking water quality, guarantee, to the future generations, an abundance of good quality waters

    Trace element composition of iron oxides from IOCG and IOA deposits: relationship to hydrothermal alteration and deposit subtypes

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